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Building LLM Apps with Vertex AI & PaLM 2 Google IO Extended Meetup 2023 • Tintash Inc, Lahore

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Technology advisor & consultant for startups, and Manager at Google Developers Group Find me anywhere @sheharyarn Sheharyar Naseer

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Background ‣ Indie Nomad Software Architect ‣ 13+ years of polyglot experience, focus on Web & Cloud ‣ StackOverflow: 70,000+ score (Top 5 in Pakistan) ‣ Author / Contributor of multiple famous libraries & tools ‣ Featured on popular developer communities

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Intro to Vertex AI Generative AI and PaLM Parameters and Tuning API and SDK Live Demo Learning Resources and Q/A Outline

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Vertex AI ‣ Set of ML/AI tools on Google Cloud Platform ‣ Build, manage & deploy models ‣ Quickstart library of foundational models ‣ Low-code and No-code tooling ‣ Native integrations with BigQuery, DataProc, etc.

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Vertex AI Model Garden Generative AI Studio AutoML Deep Learning VM Images AI Workbench Matching Engine Data Labeling Deep Learning Containers Explainable AI AI Feature Store ML Metadata Model Monitoring AI Vizier AI Pipelines AI Prediction AI Tensorboard

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Generative AI Studio ‣ Low-Code Generative AI platform ‣ Easily access, tune & deploy ‣ Uses Google's foundation models ‣ PaLM: Text & Chat ‣ Imagen: Text-to-Image ‣ Chirp: Speech ‣ Codey: Code generation, completion and chat

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PaLM 2 ‣ Google's transformer-based LLM ‣ 340B parameters, trained on 3.9T tokens ‣ Used by Google's Bard AI & other services ‣ Models: ‣ Bison ‣ Gecko

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PaLM 2 ‣ Capabilities ‣ Multilingual: Trained on 100+ languages ‣ Reasoning: Improved Logic & common sense ‣ Coding: Popular & specialized languages

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Parameters & Tuning Prompt: ‣ Text Input to generate model response Token Limit: ‣ Maximum length of response, measured in tokens ‣ 1 Token ≈ 4 Characters ‣ 100 Tokens ≈ 60-80 words

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Parameters & Tuning Temperature: ‣ "Creativity" of the response ‣ Value between [0.0, 1.0] ‣ Value of 0: Deterministic ‣ Value of 1: Fully random

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Parameters & Tuning Top-K: ‣ Modify token selection at each step ‣ Integer value between [1, 40] ‣ Value of K means the next token is selected from the K most probable tokens ‣ Higher K = More random

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Parameters & Tuning Top-P: ‣ Modify token selection at each step ‣ Probability value between [0.0, 1.0] ‣ Sets a threshold for token probability sum ‣ Shortlists samples returned by Top-K ‣ Higher P = More random

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The park near my house has... S TAT E M E N T

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[flowers, trees, grass, . . . , lake, bugs] 0.35 0.22 0.17 0.02 0.01 . The park near my house has... S TAT E M E N T N E X T P R O B A B L E TO K E N S

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[flowers, trees, grass, . . . , lake, bugs] 0.35 0.22 0.17 0.02 0.01 . The park near my house has... S TAT E M E N T N E X T P R O B A B L E TO K E N S Top-K = 3 Top-P = 0.6 TO K E N S A M P L I N G → [flowers, trees, grass] → [flowers, trees]

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API & SDKs ‣ Use PaLM2 in your own apps ‣ All LLM capabilities available and more ‣ Easy integrations with a simple API ‣ Python SDK also available ‣ Elixir SDK is in the works

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API Usage curl "https: / / ${API_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/locations/us- central1/publishers/google/models/text-bison@001:predict" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer auth-token" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d $'{ "instances": [{"content": " Explain what is going on in this horror story below: There was a picture on my phone of me sleeping. I live alone." }], "parameters": { "temperature": 0.5, "maxOutputTokens": 256, "topP": 0.8, "topK": 40 } }' Story Credit: /u/guztaluz

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Python SDK Usage import vertexai from vertexai.language_models import TextGenerationModel vertexai.init(project=project_id, location="us-central1") model = TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained("text-bison@001") prompt = """ Explain what is going on in this horror story below: There was a picture on my phone of me sleeping. I live alone. """ response = model.predict(prompt, temperature=0.5, max_output_tokens=256, top_p=0.8, top_k=40 }) print(f"Response from Model: {response.text}") Story Credit: /u/guztaluz

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Questions? These Slides More Talks Official Docs PaLM 2 Code Lab → → → → → 🌎 @  @sheharyarn