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The new syntax highlighter for Vim 4 Nov. VimConf 2017

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:help pocke

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:help pocke ● Masataka Kuwabara ● Vimmer / Rubyist ● Actcat, inc. / SideCI ● RuboCop's core developer ○ RuboCop is a static analyzer for Ruby.

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My most starred Vim plug-in is ...

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No content

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Back to the topic

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Agenda ● Talk about syntax highlighters ○ Introduce the current syntax highlighter. ○ Introduce the new syntax highlighter. ■ I implement it

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The current syntax highlighter for Vim

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What's the current syntax highlighter?

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:help syntax

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:help syntax Syntax highlighting enables Vim to show parts of the text in another font or color. Those parts can be specific keywords or text matching a pattern. Vim doesn't parse the whole file (to keep it fast), so the highlighting has its limitations.

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For example:

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hello.vim function! Hello(name) abort echom 'Hello, ' . a:name . '-san!' endfunction Only two colors... Understanding syntax of the code is difficult.

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:syntax on

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hello.vim function! Hello(name) abort echom 'Hello, ' . a:name . '-san!' endfunction Colorful

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But… The current highlighter has problems

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:help syntax Syntax highlighting enables Vim to show parts of the text in another font or color. Those parts can be specific keywords or text matching a pattern. Vim doesn't parse the whole file (to keep it fast), so the highlighting has its limitations.

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For example: synmaxcol ● Vim gives up parsing very long line. ○ The limitation is configurable by `synmaxcol`. ● DEMO ○ er/synmaxcol.json

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And… the highlighter has another problem

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:help syntax Syntax highlighting enables Vim to show parts of the text in another font or color. Those parts can be specific keywords or text matching a pattern. Vim doesn't parse the whole file (to keep it fast), so the highlighting has its limitations.

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Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems. Jamie Zawinski

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Regular expression is too difficult for humans.

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For example: $ vim vim-ruby/syntax/ruby.vim ● vim-ruby defines syntax with many regular expressions. ● DEMO

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Regexp has another problem

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For example: complex code p(????::?:) How should the code be highlight?(DEMO)

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Conclusion of the Current Syntax Highlighter ● The syntax highlighter has limitations for performance. ○ e.g.) On long long line, on large . ● The syntax highlighter uses keywords and regexp to highlight text. ○ The regexp is very difficult, and does not perfect.

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Commercial: SideCI

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No content

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SideCI ● Automated Code Review Platform. ● Please access ! ● Sorry, we doesn't support Vim script…

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Back to the topic

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The new syntax highlighter for Vim

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Features of iro.vim ● The new syntax highlight plugin for Vim. ● Highlight perfectly with high performance ● Understandable code ● DEMO

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Design of Iro.vim

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Design ● Use `matchaddpos()` instead of `:syntax`. ● Use a parser that is implemented in the target language to parse perfectly.

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How iro.vim to work: In Ruby case

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Example: "Hello world" in Ruby def foo puts "Hello world!" end First, Iro.vim receives the code, and passes the code to `iro#ruby#tokens()`.

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iro#ruby#tokens() code to tokens def foo puts "Hello world!" end [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def"], [[1, 3], :on_sp, " "], [[1, 4], :on_ident, "foo"], [[1, 7], :on_nl, "\n"], [[2, 0], :on_sp, " "], [[2, 2], :on_ident, "puts"], [[2, 6], :on_sp, " "], [[2, 7], :on_tstring_beg, "\""], [[2, 8], :on_tstring_content, "Hello world!"], Ripper.lex(code)

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iro#ruby#tokens() tokens to highlights data [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def"], [[1, 3], :on_sp, " "], [[1, 4], :on_ident, "foo"], [[1, 7], :on_nl, "\n"], [[2, 0], :on_sp, " "], [[2, 2], :on_ident, "puts"], [[2, 6], :on_sp, " "], [[2, 7], :on_tstring_beg, "\""], [[2, 8], :on_tstring_content, "Hello world!"], { "Keyword":[[1,1,3],[3,1,3]], "String":[[2,9,12]], "Delimiter":[[2,8,1], [2,21,1]] }

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Iro.vim highlights with the data { "Keyword":[[1,1,3],[3,1,3]], "String":[[2,9,12]], "Delimiter":[[2,8,1], [2,21,1]] } def foo puts "Hello world!" end

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Understandable code

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A tour of iro.vim source code

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autoload/iro.vim ● Define iro#redraw() ● load autoload/iro.vim.rb ● er/autoload/iro.vim

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autoload/iro.vim.rb ● call matchaddpos() each highlights. ● er/autoload/iro.vim.rb

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autoload/iro/ruby.vim.rb ● parse a ruby file, and generate highlight data ● er/autoload/iro/ruby.vim.rb

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High Performance?

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I have good news and bad news.

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Performance ● Bad news: A performance issue exists ○ Iro.vim is very slow on a ruby file that has 10,000+ lines(DEMO). ● Good news: Parsing is not a bottleneck ○ Vim is very slow when maybe many highlight is registered by `matchaddpos()`.

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Current status of iro.vim

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Current status ● Still developing, but it works ● Support few languages. ○ Ruby, YAML and Python(experimental). ● Welcome Pull-Requests

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:endslide ● Iro.vim is a new syntax highlighter. ○ It highlights perfectly Thank you for listening