Slide 56
Slide 56 text
Modal VS Forward
Modal VS Forward
Share Icon
Share Icon
Modal top navigation
Modal top navigation
Use respective share icons for iOS and Android. Design to the characteristics of the platform as
much as possible so that the user can quickly recognize the feature.
Modal is a floating state accessible from the the main flow of the service.
If ‘Modal’ is used well, it can perform major tasks whilst maintaining context without interrupting the
original flow. In this guide, you will learn about the differences between general ‘Forward navigation’
and ‘Modal’, what type of ‘Modal’ is used, and how to use it.
The Modal’s top navigation is often an area of confusion because it is used
extensively in LINE. There are many inquiries about the location of the X button,
especially for the full-screen modals. Therefore the following guide may be helpful:
The priority of a modal is the completion of an action. The primary action intended
for progression of task must be on the right. The close button therefore located on
the left. This is also consistent with the back button in forward navigation located
on the left. This is the basic configuration.
Some cases are not recommended, but depending on the modal, there may be no
primary action. In this case, closing the modal can be assigned as the primary
action, thus the X button can come to the right.
Unlike the sub-pages in LINE,the Webapp services in LINE have a long enough flow
to be identified as an independent service. The button to return to the previous
page must be provided on the left, so the X button is always on the right.
If confirmation and exit are possible at the same time, you can omit the X button
via the task button.
Modal UX Guideline