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Android Notifications What's new in Android Lollipop?

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How users experience notifications

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Where we come from

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New Style

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New Style

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Where we come from

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New way

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New way Public notifications Private notifications

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Heads Up Notifications ● Are less intrusive than old way ● Yet still annoying enough to not go unnoticed ● For the most pressing notifications

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Android Wear ● Mirrors notifications of device ● Well, kind of – it's actually more flexible than that ● For stuff that is important now

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User is in Control ● User can disable all notifications for specific apps ● User can define periods of „Downtime“ – Only priority notifications will go through – Only users can elevate apps to priority apps ● Users can opt out of Lockscreen Notifications

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User is in Control

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User is in Control ● User can go there either from the settings ● Or when long-clicking your notification:

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How devs create this stuff

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The minimum

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Always set the content intent ● That's the intent that gets fired when the user clicks your Notification ● Users expect notifications to be clickable ● Not required, but necessary :-)

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Always set the content intent

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PendingIntents ● Independent of app lifecycle ● Allows other apps to use your permissions ● Key is combined of: – Intent (without Extras!) – Requestcode ● Use correct flags – Most often FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT

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More actions possible

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Updating notifications ● Android updates when ID is the same ● Important for – Actions – Persistent notifications ● To avoid flicker: builder.setWhen(naturalTimestamp) ● Consider adding this line: builder.setOnlyAlertOnce(true);

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Priority ● HIGH or MAX -> Heads up notification ● MIN -> no small icon will be displayed – Don't use sound, light or vibration! ● LOW -> small icon will be displayed – Don't use sound, light or vibration! ● DEFAULT – Documentation recommends to use light and sound ● Ranking in Lollipop more complex than before

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Big Styles ● BigPictureStyle ● BigTextStyle ● InboxStyle – Doesn't work great on Wear – Use stacked notifications on Wear instead ● MediaStyle – New in Lollipop

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Big Styles

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Visibility ● Important for lockscreen notifications – VISIBILITY_PUBLIC ● Android displays everything – VISIBILITY_PRIVATE ● Is the default level ● Android displays the icon and the ticker text – VISIBILITY_SECRET ● Android shows nothing on the lockscreen ● builder.setVisibility(VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) ● Consider setPublicVersion()

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Link to the Settings Activity

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How to not spoil the user experience

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PITA ● Always consider the „Pain in the A**“ level ● Notifications are attracting the user's attention ● Thus they are always distracting ● MIN do not show an icon – The only one without any PITA attached – Use them whenever possible and appropriate Her

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Ticker text ● Is very distracting ● Only use it if the user cares about it now – The user's favorite club scored: Yes – Some other club scored: No

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LED colors ● Just leave them white ● The user doesn't know your color anyway ● If at all, let the user select a color

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Icon colors ● Leave them white! ● I mean it: Leave them white!

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Icon colors ● Leave them white! ● I mean it: Leave them white! ● This is a horrible mess:

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User notifications ● For cloud based notifications: Use user notifications ● See once, delete everywhere!

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Priority ● Do not use a higher priority to improve ranking ● Consider the importance for the user only

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Give the user control ● Provide settings for notifications ● Let them disable them completely ● Let them control the PITA level – Color, sound, vibration, priority, frequency

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Make them a benefit „Notifications embody your app's voice, and contribute to your app's personality“

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