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Alexa Warming Up My Live Stream! AAJUG/JAWS-UG KOBE

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Who Am I?
 Tomoharu Ito ( 
 Twitter: @haruharuharuby 
 Alexa Champion 2017 
 Living in Netherlands 

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Today’s Theme GA-YA

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What is GA-YA?
 The term "gaya-geinin" refers to people who work around the main performers in variety shows to warm up the scene. Comedians often play this role, and are sometimes referred to as "Gaya-Geinin”. It's also called GAYA that is performed by backyard effector, composer, or similar kind of machines.

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Problem in my experience in LiveStream - It is difficult to warm up audience, isn’t it? - It is hard to control situation in the online meetup by alone, isn’t it? I’d like to be free from one of these concerns.

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- It is difficult to warm up audience, isn’t it? 
 ==> Can I this problem make it automated?

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AGS (Alexa GAYA Service)
 GAYA d/16frMhPS6AHClfpDd9uObmuLq- ZXIMmncUGUnIHBlQus/edit

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Create Channel
 When you try to build the channel on Ireland region (eu-west-1). TimedMetadata can not use on this region. So You need to specify AWS Region Virginia(us-east-1) or Oregon(us-west-2).

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Amplify init (Frontend)
 It will be completed in 10 minutes to make CI/CD pipeline with Amplify. Superb!

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Make Effect with p5js
 It placed this js file on S3 and deliver through cloudfront.

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Alexa Warming Up My Live Stream! Thank you for watching!