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All in with 1 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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What is NeoVim? 2 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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NeoVim → Hard fork of Vim focused on extensibility and usability → Aggressive (yet careful) refactor of the original Vim code → Neovim is literally the future of Vim! 3 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Dorian Karter ! " @dorian_escplan Hashrocket ! 4 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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NeoVim Refactoring Goals → Simplify maintenance and encourage contributions → Split the work between multiple developers → Enable advanced UIs without modifications to the core → Maximize extensibility 5 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Simplify maintenance 6 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Vim Hall of WTF 7 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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libuv 8 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Compatible Mode :h compatible 9 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Sensible Defaults 10 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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:h vim-diff 11 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Encourage contributions Split the work between multiple developers 12 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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BDFL 13 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) is a title given to a small number of open-source software development leaders, typically project founders who retain the final say in disputes or arguments within the community. → Wikipedia 14 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Background Where did it all start? → Matt Kaniaris & Geoff Greer [Floobits] → Thiago de Arruda - Creator of NeoVim 15 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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16 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Which is which? 17 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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18 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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19 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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CI && Tests 20 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Enable advanced UIs [without modifications to the core] 22 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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23 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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vim-mode powered plugins → Atom → VSCode 24 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Maximize Extensibility 25 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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msgpack-rpc (Vim API) → Execute Vim commands → Evaluate Vimscript expressions → Manipulate buffers, windows and tabs → Receive/handle editor events 26 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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NeoVim Features 27 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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NeoVim Features → Modern GUIs (using msgpack API) → Write Plugins in Any Language → New Plugin Architecture based on CoProcesses → Embedded Scriptable Terminal Emulator → Shared Data between editor instances → XDG Spec Implementation 28 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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⚙ Job Control 29 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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! Support 30 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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True Support 31 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Biggest weakness of Legacy Vim™ 32 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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™ux 33 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Biggest strength of NeoVim (IMO) Terminal! 34 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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My history with NeoVim 35 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Going All In Setup an alias echo alias vim='nvim' >> ~/.zshrc Backup command vim 36 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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NVim from Vim :help nvim-from-vim Can be as simple as brew install neovim ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim 37 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Essential Plugins 38 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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NeoTerm 39 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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vim-test 40 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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deoplete.nvim 41 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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nvim-completion-manager 42 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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asyncomplete 43 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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WebComplete (w/ Deoplete) 44 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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LanguageClie nt-neovim 45 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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ALE 46 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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NVimux [Neovim as a TMUX replacement] 47 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Writing Your OWN Plugin 49 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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50 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Betraying your editor? 51 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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Community 52 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan

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→ → → → → → → On IRC freenode: #neovim 53 — Going All in With NeoVim - Dorian Karter @dorian_escplan