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Node.js, toy or power tool? Jacksonville Code Camp, 2012 Ovidiu Dimulescu @odimulescu

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• What problem? • How’s Node.js helping? • Use cases • Industry support • Coding in Node.js • Ecosystem • Questions ? Agenda

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About @odimulescu • Working on the Web since 1997 • • Organizer for • Co-Organizer for Jax Big Data meetup

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Node.js - What’s the problem? Fast CPUs Spinning wheels How do we saturate the CPU doing useful work?

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Node.js - How’s it helping? • Uses event-driven, non-blocking IO • Enforces async throughout*

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Multi-Threaded Servers *Credit:

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Node.js - Single Thread, Event-ed *Credit:

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Node.js - Concurrency Node.js Event Loop Rq1 Rq2 Rq1 Rq2 Green - Request Executing Red - IO wait

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Node.js - Concurrency Higher Concurrency Same Latency Thread Node.js

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Node.js - Been there, done that Event Machines • - Twisted • - EventMachine • - Mina, Netty, Atmosphere, • - POE Others • Erlang • Scala / Akka

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Node.js - But ... They mix async with sync and the mentality is towards sync in libraries, drivers etc.

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• Proxy between different data layers • Soft real-time apps • Crawlers • CLI tools • Quick prototyping • Lower HW and Operational cost* Node.js - Use Cases

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• Culture mismatch • Uses Javascript • Requests are CPU intensive • Apps relies on specific libraries / functionality • Transactional systems Node.js - Not best fit

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Node.js - Industry Support

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Node.js - Industry Usage

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1. Go to 2. Download and run installer Node.js - Installation

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1. Go to 2. Download and run installer What’s included? node - binary npm - cli package manager built-in support for http, net, dns Node.js - Installation

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1. Regular Installation 2. Make it a service Windows - NSSM, srvany, etc. Unix - Distro dependent 3. Front-end WS Integration IIS 7+ Integration - iisnode Apache - mod_proxy or mod_rewrite Nginx - rewrite or proxy HAProxy, stunnel Node.js - Server Installation

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Lowest privileges Unix: drop to non-root via setuid / setguid Front with a secure Proxy Enable safeguards “use strict” Node.js - Considerations

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CLI Version - helloworld.js console.log(“Hello world”); $ node helloworld.js Hello World Web Version Node.js - Hello World

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Web - Router Version Node.js - Hello World

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Node.js - I will call you back

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Node.js - When, then

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Serial independent Runs a series of functions one after the previous function completed Serial dependent Runs a series of functions passing previous results into next function Parallel fashion Runs a series of function in parallel Queue Runs a series of function in parallel up to desired concurrency Library Choices Async, Groupie, Step, Q, etc. Node.js - Flow libraries

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Module - mymodule.js Node.js - Modules Client mymodule_client.js

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Node.js - Modules require(‘mylib’) - Lookup order 1. package.json -> ./lib/mylib.js 2. index.js 3. index.node package.json

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• console • log4js • Winston • GELF - Graylog Extended Log Format • Windows Event Log ... Node.js - Logging

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$ npm install node-inspector $ node --debug-brk myapp.js $ node --debug myapp.js debugger listening on port 5858 $ node-inspector visit to start debugging Debuggers WebKit based: Chrome Eclipse V8 Debugger Plugin, JetBrains WebStorm Other Tools v8-profiler, node-profiler Node.js - Debugging

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Node.js - Inspector

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Node.js - Debugging

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Database Drivers MS SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, Redis, CouchDB, Hive, Riak, Cassandra ORMs sequelize, persist, LazyBoy, Model, jugglingdb, node-orm Transactions, Connection Pooling node-mysql-queues Node.js - DB / ORM

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• Derby • Express • Flatiron • Meteor • Mojito • Tower ... Browserify - Node to Browser conversion Node.js - Web frameworks

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• assert - built in • API Easy • Cucumber • httpmock, nock, mockery • NodeUnit • Soda ... Node.js - Testing frameworks

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Node.js - Scaling out

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Node.js - Scaling out *Credit:

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• Reuse existing JavaScript skill and code • Low resource usage • Performant VM (Google’s V8) • Active Community, Lots of resources • Package Manager • Enforces Async across • Quick Prototyping • Growing Industry support Node.js - Wrapping up

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Questions ? Ovidiu Dimulescu @odimulescu