Java Releases
J2SE 1.4 February 2002
J2SE 5.0 September 2004
Java SE 6 December 2006
Java SE 7 July 2011
Java SE 8 (LTS) March 2014
Java SE 9 September 2017
Java SE 10 March 2018
Java SE 11 (LTS) September 2018
Java SE 12 March 2019
Java SE 13 September 2019
Fast Evolution of Kotlin
●Decoupled From Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
●Compiler Plugin + Standard Libraries -> Java Bytecode
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It’s The Little Things
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Why I Left Java for Kotlin - Live Coding
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My Favorite Features
●Java Interop
●Extension Functions
●Ability to Convert Java -> Kotlin
●Null Safety
●Data Classes
●Immutability (val)
●Named Parameters
●No “new” or “;”
●Higher Order Functions & Lambdas
●Sealed Classes
●Coroutines - Reactive Programming
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Kotlin Coroutines
Explained in one slide
• A function with a suspend keyword signifies it must run in a Coroutine
suspend fun doNetworkRequest() : Result {
// Network Request Occurs
• suspend functions must be executed within a CoroutineContext and Once
inside a coroutine, code executes sequentially
val result = doNetworkRequest()
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“Essentially, coroutines are light-weight
threads. They are launched in a context
of some CoroutineScope.”
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“Essentially, coroutines are light-weight
threads. They are launched in a context
of some CoroutineScope.”
Not All Roses
●Non-Ideal Interop For Some Java Frameworks and
●Pick the right tool for the job
●Not everyone knows Kotlin yet
●Your team may not want to do Kotlin because it’s too
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I Love Kotlin
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Dear Java,
You taught me about NullPointerExceptions, verbose
code and mutable data. I will always love you, but
I’ve met a language named Kotlin, and I’m moving on.
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Why I Left Java
For Kotlin
Sam Edwards - @HandstandSam
Thank You!
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Kotlin to Java Bytecode
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Kotlin Compilation to Java Bytecode
Code.kt Code.class
Kotlin Compiler