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Proactive, Data-driven SEO: A Roadmap to Insights and Automation @RyanJones

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2 @RyanJones Ryan Jones SVP @WeAreRazorfish Stable Genius – @RyanJones Also the guy behind: &

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3 @RyanJones

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4 @RyanJones

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5 @RyanJones Forget About Predicting The Future Let’s Build The Future

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6 @RyanJones SEARCH IS PULL MARKETING Customers are LAZY.

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8 @RyanJones Our Old Keyword Research Methods Aren’t Enough

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9 @RyanJones SEO Keyword Tools Are Based On Historical Data

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10 @RyanJones There Has to be a Better Way

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11 @RyanJones We can’t (yet) just ask AI

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12 @RyanJones 3 Key Principles: 1. Blend old and new data for a “now, forward” approach. 2. Pareto Principle: Easily Surface the actionable insights. 3. Clients hate spreadsheets.

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A purpose-driven forward SEO approach is informed by: Business goals and results User Intent Historical and real time data AI and natural language processing

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14 @RyanJones This stuff looks more up to date… A Now, Forward approach needs more real time data Historical and real time data

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15 @RyanJones You can get all this data with python – even if you don’t know python

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16 @RyanJones YOU Can Scrape Related Keywords Source Target austin bbq austin bbq austin bbq austin bbq places austin bbq austin bbq franklin austin bbq austin bbq salt lick austin bbq austin bbq tour austin bbq austin bbq sauce austin bbq austin bbq downtown austin bbq austin bbq black austin bbq austin bbq festival austin bbq austin bbq catering austin bbq places austin bbq places austin bbq places austin bbq place salt lick austin bbq places austin bbq locations austin bbq places whats the best bbq in austin austin bbq places who has the best bbq in austin texas austin bbq places number 1 bbq in austin austin bbq franklin austin bbq franklin austin bbq franklin austin airport to franklin's bbq austin bbq franklin franklin bbq austin brisket recipe austin bbq salt lick austin bbq salt lick austin bbq salt lick austin airport salt lick bbq austin bbq salt lick salt lick bbq austin menu austin bbq salt lick salt lick bbq austin airport menu austin bbq salt lick best bbq in austin salt lick austin bbq salt lick salt lick bbq austin round rock austin bbq salt lick salt lick bbq austin reservations austin bbq salt lick salt lick bbq austin reviews austin bbq salt lick salt lick bbq austin yelp austin bbq salt lick salt lick bbq austin catering austin bbq tour austin bbq tour austin bbq tour whats the best bbq in austin austin bbq tour what episode does austin go on tour austin bbq tour number 1 bbq in austin austin bbq tour who has the best bbq in austin texas austin bbq sauce austin bbq sauce austin bbq sauce austin bbq sauce recipe austin bbq sauce austin bbq sauce company

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Share of search is going to to reddit, quora, tik tok. Is your KW research going there? Ecommerce change in search market share. Data from BrightEdge

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18 @RyanJones Trends start on TikTok Historical and real time data

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We Have A Partnership Too!

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We Have A Partnership Too!

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But you can scrape this stuff

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What About The App Store? This is all you need to scrape the reviews from the apple app store.

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But what do we do with that data?

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26 @RyanJones Use N-grams to Compare Page Content to KW Research LEFT: an n-gram topical analysis of the content on the homepage RIGHT: The same analysis of the terms people use in their searches. AI and natural language processing

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27 @RyanJones Oh, and Layer in Some NLP to Move From Keywords to Concepts Because Everybody’s Doing It These Days Completely unhelpful definition of n-gram: “an n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sample of text or speech.” AI and natural language processing

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28 @RyanJones But I Did it for You (Don’t tell Google) will do this for you and provide several different outputs

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Grouping and Bucketing Keywords….

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You don’t need to know how to code… use

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31 @RyanJones My favorite tool: Infranodus After pulling out N-grams from our PAA and related search data, we can graph the words. Words with links mean one question or search containing that word led to a search or question also containing that word. Words of the same color appeared in the same n- grams together. (e.g. ”meal kit”)

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32 @RyanJones And Find The Insights

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33 @RyanJones Automated SEO Change Detection Automated cloud based crawler that highlights any changes to important SEO fields between crawls. Version1.0 was just screaming frog in the cloud and a MongoDB database. You can set this up easily.

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34 @RyanJones AI Content Outlines AI tool does the following: 1. Looks at the sites who rank 2. Grabs their content 3. Uses NLP to extract the most relevant keywords. 4. Uses AI to create an outline based on all that data. 5. Creates FAQ questions 6. Tells me the keywords it “found”

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36 @RyanJones Or Train a machine learning model to classify the intent of a SERP .

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37 @RyanJones We can use BERT to extract keywords from competitors

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38 @RyanJones Check relevance like a search engine would AI and natural language processing This is a prototype of – a new tool I’m launching soon

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39 @RyanJones Launching later this month Visit now to sign up for early access

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40 @RyanJones Ryan Jones SVP @WeAreRazorfish Stable Genius – @RyanJones Also the guy behind: & THANK YOU