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Kotlin Features The Lesser-Known @antonarhipov

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Why Kotlin?

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Null-safety Coroutines Multiplatform Syntax Why Kotlin?

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Null-safety Coroutines Multiplatform Syntax Why Kotlin?

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Null-safety Coroutines Multiplatform Syntax Why Kotlin?

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Null-safety Coroutines Multiplatform Syntax Why Kotlin?

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Null-safety Coroutines Multiplatform Syntax Why Kotlin?

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Default values and named arguments

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class Figure( val width: Int, val height: Int, val depth: Int, val color: Color, val description: String, )

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class Figure( val width: Int, val height: Int, val depth: Int, val color: Color, val description: String, ) Figure(1, 2, 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.GREEN, "Green cube")

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class Figure( val width: Int, val height: Int, val depth: Int, val color: Color, val description: String, ) Figure(1, 2, 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.GREEN, "Green cube") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.BLUE, "Blue cube")

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class Figure( val width: Int, val height: Int, val depth: Int, val color: Color, val description: String, ) Figure(1, 2, 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.GREEN, "Green cube") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.BLUE, "Blue cube") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.BLACK, "Black cube")

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class Figure( val width: Int, val height: Int, val depth: Int, val color: Color, val description: String, ) Figure(1, 2, 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.GREEN, "Green cube") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.BLUE, "Blue cube") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.BLACK, "Black cube")

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class Figure( val width: Int = 1, val height: Int = 1, val depth: Int = 1, val color: Color = Color.BLACK, val description: String = "This is ${color} figure", ) Figure(1, 2, 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.GREEN, "Green cube") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.BLUE, "Blue cube") Figure(1, 1, 1, Color.BLACK, "Black cube")

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class Figure( val width: Int = 1, val height: Int = 1, val depth: Int = 1, val color: Color = Color.BLACK, val description: String = "This is ${color} figure", ) Figure(1, 2, 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(Color.GREEN) Figure(Color.BLUE) Figure(Color.BLACK)

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class Figure( val width: Int = 1, val height: Int = 1, val depth: Int = 1, val color: Color = Color.BLACK, val description: String = "This is ${color} figure", ) Figure(1, 2, 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(Color.GREEN) Figure(Color.BLUE) Figure(Color.BLACK) Would not compile!

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class Figure( val width: Int = 1, val height: Int = 1, val depth: Int = 1, val color: Color = Color.BLACK, val description: String = "This is ${color} figure", ) Figure(1, 2, 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(color = Color.GREEN) Figure(color = Color.BLUE) Figure(color = Color.BLACK)

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class Figure( val width: Int = 1, val height: Int = 1, val depth: Int = 1, val color: Color = Color.BLACK, val description: String = "This is ${color} figure", ) Figure(width = 1, height = 2, depth = 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(color = Color.GREEN) Figure(color = Color.BLUE) Figure(color = Color.BLACK)

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class Figure( val width: Int = 1, val height: Int = 1, val depth: Int = 1, val color: Color = Color.BLACK, val description: String = "This is ${color} figure", ) Figure(width = 1, height = 2, depth = 3, Color.RED, "Red brick") Figure(color = Color.GREEN) Figure(color = Color.BLUE) Figure(color = Color.BLACK)

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Type-safe builders

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foo { bar { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = "Blah" } } }

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foo { bar { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = "Blah" } } }

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foo { bar { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = "Blah" } } }

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foo { bar { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = "Blah" } } }

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = "Blah" } } }

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } }

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } }

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } } Named arguments

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } } Higher-order functions

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } } Trailing lambda

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } } Extension function it: Foo fun () -> Unit){ ... } it.

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } } SAM-conversion fun quux(r: Runnable){ ... }

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } } Lambda with receiver this: Foo fun foo(c: Foo.() -> Unit){ ... }

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } } Lambda with receiver this: Foo fun foo(c: Foo.() -> Unit){ ... }

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foo { bar(grault = 1) { baz = "Hello!" qux = quux { corge = Blah() } } } Lambda with receiver this: Foo fun foo(c: Foo.() -> Unit){ ... } DEMO TIME?

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Kotlin DSL in TeamCity project { vcsRoot(ApplicationVcs) buildType { id("Application") name = "Application" vcs { root(ApplicationVcs) } artifactRules = "target/*jar" steps { maven { goals = "clean package" } } triggers { vcs {} } dependencies { snapshot(Library) {}

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) }

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) } inline fun runApplication(vararg args: String): ConfigurableApplicationContext = ::, *args)

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) } inline fun runApplication(vararg args: String): ConfigurableApplicationContext = ::, *args) inline fun runApplication(vararg args: String, init: SpringApplication.() -> Unit): ConfigurableApplicationContext = ::*args)

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) } inline fun runApplication(vararg args: String): ConfigurableApplicationContext = ::, *args) inline fun runApplication(vararg args: String, init: SpringApplication.() -> Unit): ConfigurableApplicationContext = ::*args)

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) { } } this: SpringApplication

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) { addInitializers(beans) } } this: SpringApplication

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) { addInitializers(beans) } } val beans = beans { bean { CommandLineRunner { println("start data initialization ... ") val repository = ref() = "this is the first message!")) = "this is the second message!")) } } } this: SpringApplication

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) { addInitializers(beans) } } val beans = beans { bean { CommandLineRunner { println("start data initialization ... ") val repository = ref() = "this is the first message!")) = "this is the second message!")) } } } this: SpringApplication this: BeanDefinitionDsl this: BeanDefinitionDsl.BeanSupplierContext it: Array

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) { addInitializers(beans) } } val beans = beans { bean { CommandLineRunner { println("start data initialization ... ") val repository = ref() = "this is the first message!")) = "this is the second message!")) } } }

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T.() -> Unit

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Builder inference

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val list = buildList { }

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val list = buildList { }

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val list = buildList { }

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val list = buildList { } @SinceKotlin("1.6") @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi :: class) @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly @Suppress("DEPRECATION") public inline fun buildList(@BuilderInference builderAction: MutableList.() - > Unit): List contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) } return buildListInternal(builderAction) }

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val list = buildList { }

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val list = buildList { val x = get(0) }

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val list = buildList { val x = get(0) } Not enough type information

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val list = buildList { val x: Int = get(0) } this: MutableList

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val list = buildList { add("hello!") val x = get(0) } this: MutableList

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val list = buildList { add("hello!") val x: Int = get(0) } this: MutableList

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val list = buildList { add("hello!") val x: Int = get(0) } this: MutableList Type mismatch

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val list = buildList { val x = get(0) doSomething(x) } this: MutableList fun doSomething(x: Int){…}

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { println(it) } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } } Inlines everything!

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { if (i % 2 == 0) { println(element) } } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { if(it == 3) return println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } } Non-local return Returns from main

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther l@{ if(it == 3) return@l println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } } Local return Returns from lambda

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther l@{ if(it == 3) return@l println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther l@{ if(it == 3) return@l println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(crossinline block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { if(it == 3) return println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(crossinline block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther { if(it == 3) return println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(crossinline block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther l@{ if(it == 3) return@l println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(crossinline block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } }

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) ints.forEveryOther l@{ if(it == 3) return@l println(it) } } inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(crossinline block: (Int) -> Unit) { for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task = Runnable { if (i % 2 == 0) { block(element) } } } Inlines the loop Lambda is compiled to a separate class

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fun main() { val ints = listOf(1,2,3,4) for ((i, element) in withIndex()) { val task: Runnable = (Runnable)Kt$inlined$forEveryOther(i, element) } } class Kt$inlined$forEveryOther implements Runnable { . .. public final run(){ if (i % 2 == 0) { if(element ! = 3) System.out.println(element) } } }

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inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(blockA: (Int) -> Unit, blockB: (Int) -> Unit, ) { ... doSomething(blockB) }

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inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(blockA: (Int) -> Unit, blockB: (Int) -> Unit, ) { ... doSomething(blockB) } fun doSomething(block: (Int) -> Unit) { ... }

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inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(blockA: (Int) -> Unit, blockB: (Int) -> Unit, ) { ... doSomething(blockB) } fun doSomething(block: (Int) -> Unit) { ... }

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inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(blockA: (Int) -> Unit, noinline blockB: (Int) -> Unit, ) { ... doSomething(blockB) } fun doSomething(block: (Int) -> Unit) { ... }

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inline fun Collection.forEveryOther(blockA: (Int) -> Unit, noinline blockB: (Int) -> Unit, ) { ... doSomething(blockB) } fun doSomething(block: (Int) -> Unit) { ... }

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(Rei fi ed) Generics

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) } inline fun runApplication(vararg args: String): ConfigurableApplicationContext = ::, *args)

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@SpringBootApplication class DemoApplication fun main(args: Array) { runApplication(*args) } inline fun runApplication(vararg args: String): ConfigurableApplicationContext = ::, *args)

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fun printType() { println(T : : }

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fun printType(c: Class) { println(c : : }

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inline fun printType() { println(T : : }

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inline fun printType() { println(T : : } fun printStringType(){ printType() }

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inline fun printType() { println(T :: } fun printStringType(){ printType() } public static final void printType() { int $i$f$printType = 0; Intrinsics.reifiedOperationMarker(4, "T"); Class var1 = Object.class; System.out.println(var1); } public static final void printStringType() { int $i$f$printType = false; Class var1 = String.class; System.out.println(var1); }

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inline fun printType() { println(T :: } fun printStringType(){ printType() } public static final void printType() { int $i$f$printType = 0; Intrinsics.reifiedOperationMarker(4, "T"); Class var1 = Object.class; System.out.println(var1); } public static final void printStringType() { int $i$f$printType = false; Class var1 = String.class; System.out.println(var1); }

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inline fun printType() { println(T :: } fun printStringType(){ printType() } public static final void printType() { int $i$f$printType = 0; Intrinsics.reifiedOperationMarker(4, "T"); Class var1 = Object.class; System.out.println(var1); } public static final void printStringType() { int $i$f$printType = false; Class var1 = String.class; System.out.println(var1); }

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inline fun calculate(value: Float): T { return when (T :: class) { Int :: class -> value.toInt() as T Float :: class -> value as T else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("$value is neither Float or Int") } } val intValue: Int = calculate(123f) val floatValue: Float = calculate(123f)

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val list: List = listOf(1, "Hello", Color.RED) val strings: List = list.filterIsInstance()

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val list: List = listOf(1, "Hello", Color.RED) val strings: List = list.filterIsInstance() public inline fun Iterable < *> .filterIsInstance(): List { return filterIsInstanceTo(ArrayList()) }

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Type-safe builders Functional literal (aka lambda) with receiver Builder inference Inline, crossinline, noinline (Rei fi ed) generics Some stdlib examples

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Type-safe builders Functional literal (aka lambda) with receiver Builder inference Inline, crossinline, noinline (Rei fi ed) generics Some stdlib examples

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Kotlin { YouTube = "" Slack = "" } me { name = "Anton Arhipov" twitter = "@antonarhipov" slides = } this: Person this: Project