Slide 14
Slide 14 text
Proof of convergence of mean shift for general kernels
Our proof will require an alternate characterization of positive
definite kernel matrices, so we state some definitions below:
Definition 5
(Completely monotone functions) A function k : [0, ∞) → R is
called completely monotone if:
k ∈ C0([0, ∞)) ∩ C∞((0, ∞))
(2)(−1)l k(l) ≥ 0
Examples: k(r) = rs, s ≤ 0, e−sr , s ≥ 0, ln(1 + 1
), e1/r . If f , g are
completely monotone, c, d > 0, then cf + dg, fg are also
completely monotone!
Susovan PAL Convergence of Mean Shift Algorithm with radially symmetric ker