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!!!! Exception Handling The Do’s and Do Not’s

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The Global Exception Handler

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You can catch unhandled exceptions thrown in Spring REST handlers in a HandlerExceptionResolver.

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This documentation for this interface is at: x/api/org/springframework/web/servlet/Hand lerExceptionResolver.html

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When an exception is caught, you could add code to check for another class that could this exception by returning a more specific message, defaulting to a standard message if one could not be found.

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For example, the HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedExceptionHand ler could handle requests to an endpoint with a non-supported HTTP verb.

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The GlobalExceptionHandler would simply proxy onwards to this class.

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These classes would effectively catch the exception and return a pretty message to the client. They have full access to the exception.

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A log should be made when an exception wasn’t handled by a specific class: I wasn't able to find a custom ExceptionHandler for the exception '{}' are you sure you want to handle this with the GlobalExceptionHandler? exception: {}

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They are Exceptional

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Do not use Exceptions for flow control. They are for exceptional circumstances, it’s all in the name.

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public ModelAndView successfulLoginCallback(...) throws ... { try { SocialOAuthResult loginResult = login(…); } catch (RegistrationDetailsRequiredException e) { … } catch (AccountRestrictedException e) { … } }

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Instead, use a class to encapsulate the return state (or something more appropriate).

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public ModelAndView successfulLoginCallback(…) throws … { UserLoginResult regResult = login(…); if (regResult.isPartiallyRegistered()) { … } else if (regResult.isRestrictedAccount()) { … } }

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If you have to use an exception, add it to the GlobalExceptionHandler - even if you don’t think it will ever go uncaught.

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Handling Exceptions

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Do not catch Throwable. If you find yourself needing to do this, please ask the team to weigh in - chances are, you’re doing it wrong.

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No content

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Just catch the most relevant exceptions that you know might get thrown.

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If you don’t preempt every possible exception, and everybody follows the rules, you’ll have only missed something truly exceptional anyway!

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Catch exceptions just to log and then rethrow them if iffy. Try to come up with a cleaner solution.

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Throwing Exceptions

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Unchecked vs. checked exceptions.

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“Use checked exceptions for conditions for which the caller can reasonably be expected to recover.”

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“Use runtime exceptions to indicate programming errors.”

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“Favour the use of standard exceptions.”

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This is the end. Now go and be unexceptional. ;-)