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Third Party Woes Jason Grigsby Photo by Pixabay:

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Photo by Denitsa Kireva:

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Photo by Magda Ehlers:

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Photo by zhang kaiyv: building-842654/

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Photo by Min An: ff -1134188/

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Photo by Yan Krukau: woman-looking-upset-in-front-of-silver-laptop-4458425/

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Photo by Daniel Reche:

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Images have always been di ff icult

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Images are straightforward to solve

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1. Identify the problem

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1. Identify the problem 2. Talk about solutions 3. Teach any concepts or syntax 4. Implement the fix 5. Done

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Third-party scripts are much more complex

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Third-party scripts are JS files provided by websites or services other than the main site.

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Businesses rely on third-parties for critical web site functionality

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Do you need Bolt? Yes. It powers our entire checkout experience and abandoned cart functionality. Plus, we're approaching our holiday code freeze. We can't consider this until next year.

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Do you need Bolt? We like it, but we're not wedded to it. What can we use to do the same thing that would be faster? Uh…

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The web performance community tends to hate third-party scripts.

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Photo by Hsing Wei: Tag Managers

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Photo by Andre Mouton:

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Despite our warnings, third-party scripts continue to plague websites

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0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 2019 2020 2021 2022 94% 94.4% 94.1% 88.5% Percentage of mobile websites with at least 1 third-party resource Source: HTTP Archive Web Almanac,

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Source: HTTP Archive Web Almanac,

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45% of all requests Source: HTTP Archive Web Almanac,

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34% of all scripts Source: HTTP Archive Web Almanac,

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Photo by Pixabay: brown-chess-board-game-139392/

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Our goals for today: 1. How to analyze third-party script performance 2. What you can do with this information 3. Some newer options? 4. A call to action

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Our goals for today: 1. How to analyze third-party script performance 2. What you can do with this information 3. Some newer options? 4. A call to action 1. How to analyze third-party script performance

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1. How to analyze third-party script performance

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Third-party Audit

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Which third-parties are being used?

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Request Map Generator

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Current Request Map Version

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Current Request Map Version

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Old Request Map Version

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Current Request Map Version

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Beta Request Map Version

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Third Party Audit Spreadsheet Updated for use with Request Map Beta Domain Summary CSV

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What is the overall impact of third- parties on the website?

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[A brief aside] What are we going to do about CatchPoint’s apparent neglect of WebPageTest?

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["'].*?(www\.example\.org| ads\.example\.org)[^"']*["']

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Which third-party scripts are causing the biggest problems?

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Our goals for today: 1. How to analyze third-party script performance 2. What you can do with this information 3. Some newer options? 4. A call to action 2. What you can do with this information

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: photo/a-man-in-red-shirt-covering-his-face-3760043/

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Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán: photo/two-white-message-balloons-1111368/

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Is it necessary? Is it duplicative of another script?

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Is it necessary? Is it duplicative of another script? Is it needed on every page?

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Source: HTTP Archive Web Almanac,

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Is it necessary? Is it duplicative of another script? Is it needed on every page? Can the script provider improve performance? Can we self-host it? Can we execute the script on the server or edge? Can we use defer or async for loading?

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Source: HTTP Archive Web Almanac,

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Is it necessary? Is it duplicative of another script? Is it needed on every page? Can the script provider improve performance? Can we self-host it? Can we execute the script on the server or edge? Can we use defer or async for loading? Can we use facade to only load when necessary?

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Source: HTTP Archive Web Almanac,

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Is it necessary? Is it duplicative of another script? Is it needed on every page? Can the script provider improve performance? Can we self-host it? Can we execute the script on the server or edge? Can we use defer or async for loading? Can we use facade to only load when necessary?

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Photo by Gratisography:

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“In the last 10 years, there has been an increasing pressure for brands that already had relationships with bigger retailers like Home Depot and Costco to start syndicating additional review content to their sites. And since most of those bigger retailers already had relationships with BazaarVoice, there was a little to no choice for brands.”

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Our goals for today: 1. How to analyze third-party script performance 2. What you can do with this information 3. Some newer options? 4. A call to action

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Photo by Pixabay: measuring-on-clear-glass-square-weighing-scale-53404/

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Photo by Markus Winkler:

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Photo by cottonbro studio: sleeve-shirt-lying-on-bed-4690701/

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Running scripts on the edge would also increase privacy and reduce impact of content blockers.

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Some other options to consider

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There are no miracle diets for web performance

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Most website owners have no idea that adding a third-party script will impact their site performance, their customer experience, and their revenue.

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Photo by Andres Ayrton: woman-showing-apple-and-bitten-doughnut-6551415/

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Most of the time, you don’t know the performance impact until a ft er…

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You’ve signed a contract…

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Spent time and money on implementation…

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If you’re not monitoring performance, you may not even know a ft er it goes live…

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By the time you figure it out, you may be too reliant on the third-party to change.

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And that’s assuming you had a choice in the first place.

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I have a little confession to make…

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What’s this?

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A new report?

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Our goals for today: 1. How to analyze third-party script performance 2. What you can do with this information 3. Some newer options? 4. A call to action

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Photo by Je ff Stapleton: https:// banner-with-question-4220084/

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Encourage third-parties to prioritize performance

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Praise third-parties that are fast (and shame the ones that aren't?)

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How can browsers help?

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Require timing-allow-origin headers for any third-party scripts

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Make it easier for site owners to compare the performance of third-party scripts

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Coordinate on solutions to get more third-parties o ff the main thread or onto the server and the edge

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Share tips on how to make third-parties more performant

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Photo by Pixabay: photo/question-mark-on-chalk-board-356079/

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Photo by Pixabay: photo/question-mark-on-chalk-board-356079/

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Thank You!

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Thank You!

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Thank You!

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