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Modeling should be an independent scientific discipline @JordiCabot / / Jordi Cabot, Antonio Vallecillo Cabot, J., Vallecillo, A. Modeling should be an independent scientific discipline. Softw Syst Model (2022). 022-01035-8 (Open access)

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My background (as it affects my perspecitve)

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SOM research lab - Our mission Interested in the broad area of systems and software engineering, especially promoting the rigorous use of software models and engineering principles in all software engineering tasks. Flickr/clement127

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Why this reflection?

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Need to reclaim the key role of modeling and bring it into the limelight

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• Grady Booch – history of softwre engineering The entire history of software engineering is that of the rise in levels of abstraction - Grady Booch

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• Everything is a model • The key role of modeling and abstraction in software engineering • Their key role also beyond software itself I think we all agree

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Low-code application platforms accelerate app delivery by dramatically reducing the amount of hand-coding required – Forrester Report BUT we have a marketing problem…

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Low-code is trending

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Low-code is trending because •Much clearer message: Everybody understands that low-code means “less coding”. MDD is much more confusing •Sounds familiar, as the marketing msg is still focus on the code •Simpler pipeline, no transformation chains, one- shot modeling. •Low-code tools are better <- Usability issues!!!

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"Given the final model, the complete computerized information system can be automatically generated“ "we arrive at a specification from which executable code can be automatically generated" Already topics at CAiSE’91

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We have a scientific (recognition) problem…

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Even more important thanks to new opportunities

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Modeling can be helpful in other domains

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“Formalizing” and automatic analysis in some domains

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No content

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Cheaper solutions for others

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• But we can still help with our particular modeling perspective and expertise – By building a useful set of abstractions and precise notations to use them – “Machinery” to automatically reason on, process and exchange models build with these abstractions There is plenty of modeling in other domains

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Our proposal

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To unleash the full potential of modeling we need to break free of our traditional positioning within software engineering and cooperate with scientists and engineers from other domains. The best way to achieve this is for modeling to become an independent discipline that serves all the rest. WIN-WIN proposition -> we help others and learn from them

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Modeling as a transdisciplinary dicipline

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Why a discipline • A way to give modeling the recognition it deserves, increase its visibility, and attract the talent and resources it needs

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Object of research Body of knowledge Theories and concepts Terminology Reserach methods Teaching Can it be a discipline?

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First steps

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Be inclusive • Understand (and collect) how different communities model • Build bridges among different models and study the benefits of different combinations of such models • Develop the proper tooling for this

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Community • Identify key players in other fields • Invite them to join the initiative

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Teaching modeling • MBEBOK could be a starting point • Combine a set of core concepts with specializations for specific domains – Specialization goes beyond tech concepts, e.g. effective use of modeling in the domain X based on the profile of user there • Different education paths for “modeling users” and “modeling devs”

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User driven DSLs • New DSLs are needed for many domains where use of modeling is informal • But these domains are far from our knowledge • We need to involve the end-users • Lack of prof modelers -> non-tech people creating DSLs

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Usability • Modeling tools are not that usable, especially for non experts • Can we bring modeling to the tools they already use? • How to facilitate the modeling process? – AI to the rescue – Generation of models from data / docs

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Economies of modeling • Methods to compute the ROI of modeling • Needed to discuss the benefits of adopting modeling in different scenarios

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Publishing • To involve researchers, they must be able to get something out of their time • Interdisciplinary publishing is really tough

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Cleary, there is interest

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[email protected] @JordiCabot Let’s keep discussing and refining the new discipline of modeling