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Drone CI/CD Platform Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go 2018/11/03

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Agenda • Why I don’t choose Jenkins or GitLab CI? • What is Drone CI? • Drone Infrastructure • How to install Drone in five minutes? • Integrate your project • Create your Drone plugin • Try drone cli without drone server

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About Me appleboy @ appleboy @

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Jenkins Drone Travis Gitlab ci

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Why I leave Jenkins

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Why? • Complicated project setting • Write the plugin (Java language) • Maintenance? • Learning Curve? • Grow your team?

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Try the GitLab CI

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.gitlab-ci.yml config

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But Why I leave GitLab CI ?

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Why? 1. GitLab Only 2. Not extensible

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SSH Tunnel

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How to use SSH command

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Try drone-ssh tool

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pipeline: ssh: image: appleboy/drone-ssh host: username: root password: 1234 port: 22 script: - echo hello - echo world proxy_host: proxy_user: ubuntu proxy_port: 22 proxy_password: 1234 custom key

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What is Drone?

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Drone CI • Container native CI/CD platform • Easy to install & maintain • Isolate builds • Simple YAML Configuration • Integrates with several VCS Providers • Rich set of official plugins (any container can be a plugin) • Execute locally with simple command (drone exec) • open source (

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Everything is a Docker Container

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Project CI/CD Flow git clone testing deploy notify

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Project List and Status

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Job detail and logs

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Isolate build

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Support Git Host

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Drone CI Infrastructure Agent Server Step 1 git clone Step 2 make build Step 3 deploy app work space extra service Agent

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Support Platform

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services: drone-server: image: drone/drone:0.8 ports: - 8080:8000 volumes: - ./:/var/lib/drone/ restart: always environment: - DRONE_HOST=${HOST} - DRONE_OPEN=true - DRONE_SECRET=drone-workshop - DRONE_ADMIN=appleboy # GitHub Config - DRONE_GITHUB=true - DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT=${CLIENT} - DRONE_GITHUB_SECRET=${SECRET} SQLite DB

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drone-agent: image: drone/agent:0.8 restart: always depends_on: - drone-server volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock environment: - DRONE_SERVER=drone-server:9000 - DRONE_SECRET=drone-workshop - DRONE_MAX_PROCS=3 drone agent count

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Auto scale drone agent

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Agent Server Agent Agent Agent autoscaler

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Task - Agent drone_server=server:9000 Task - Server port: 80/9000 ECS - Fargate ECS - Service Target Group Port: 80 Route 53 Service Discovery ALB / SSL Cloud Watch

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Deploy Flow in Golang Release Test Git Docker Notify

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Pipeline in Golang • Go Testing • Verify Quality • Build Binary • Deploy Binary • Build Image • Deploy Container • Send Notification

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workspace: base: /go/src path: clone: git: image: plugins/git depth: 50 tags: true

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Testing && Verify Quality

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pipeline: backend: image: golang:1.11 pull: true commands: - cp .env.example .env - make embedmd - make fmt-check - make misspell-check

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Parallel processing

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build_linux_i386: image: golang:1.11 pull: true group: build environment: TAGS: sqlite commands: - SERVICE=ggz-server make build_linux_i386 - SERVICE=ggz-redirect make build_linux_i386 build_linux_arm64: image: golang:1.11 pull: true group: build environment: TAGS: sqlite commands: - SERVICE=ggz-server make build_linux_arm64 - SERVICE=ggz-redirect make build_linux_arm64

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Build Docker

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publish_linux_amd64: image: plugins/docker group: release pull: true repo: goggz/ggz-server dockerfile: dockerfile/server/Dockerfile secrets: [ docker_username, docker_password ] default_tags: true when: event: [ push, tag ] local: false Docker plugin for Drone CI/CD

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Secret Security

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Notification Plugin

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Write Drone Plugin Whether you prefer language PHP, Ruby, Bash, Go, Python

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Three Steps •Program with your language •Build Docker Image and Testing •Upload to Docker Hub

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Prefix PLUGIN_

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Testing in Local

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Try Drone without Server drone exec

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Any Question?