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Rails: Still the Best Framework for Bootstrapping Anthony Eden Founder of DNSimple Sunday, October 6, 13

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2001 Sunday, October 6, 13 Built a framework. Quite extensible And it grew to be over-architected

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2005 Sunday, October 6, 13 Java frameworks became unwieldy Came full circle with Servlets and JSP Simplify

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2006 Sunday, October 6, 13 First RailsConf Feels all brand new Rails development cuts time to market significantly Testing is baked in This framework is opinionated Antidote to the complexity of Java

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2013 Sunday, October 6, 13 Time to market is even better thanks to gems and established techniques This framework is still opinionated Antidote to the problem of too many choices and over engineering

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Why Isn’t It Stale? Sunday, October 6, 13

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Libraries Sunday, October 6, 13

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Documentation Sunday, October 6, 13

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Community Sunday, October 6, 13

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It’s still MVC Sunday, October 6, 13

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Model your problem Sunday, October 6, 13

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Control the flow Sunday, October 6, 13

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View the outcome Sunday, October 6, 13

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Keys to Success Sunday, October 6, 13 How do you bootstrap successfully with Rails

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Have Problem. Solve Problem. Sunday, October 6, 13

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Cut the cruft Sunday, October 6, 13

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Don’t cut the tests Sunday, October 6, 13

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Feature flags Sunday, October 6, 13

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Launch Sunday, October 6, 13

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SaaS = speed to launch Sunday, October 6, 13

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Billing Sunday, October 6, 13 Stripe or Chargify

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Error Notification Sunday, October 6, 13 BugSnag HoneyBadger

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Logging Sunday, October 6, 13 Papertrail

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Customer Support Sunday, October 6, 13

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So you’re sold... Sunday, October 6, 13

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...but Sunday, October 6, 13

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When should you not use Rails? Sunday, October 6, 13 And why

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When resource usage matters Sunday, October 6, 13 Golang

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When you want low- latency soft-realtime systems Sunday, October 6, 13 Erlang

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Go Sunday, October 6, 13

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API-first Web Service Sunday, October 6, 13 Sinatra or Rack Golang

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package main import ( "net/http" "" ) Sunday, October 6, 13

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/* Zone and record representations */ type ZoneNotification struct { Name string `json:"name"` " Sha string `json:"sha"` " Url string `json:"url"` " Action string `json:"action"` } Sunday, October 6, 13

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type hub struct { broadcast chan string " connections map[*connection]bool " register chan *connection " unregister chan *connection } Sunday, October 6, 13

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var h = hub{ " broadcast: make(chan string), " connections: make(map[*connection]bool), " register: make(chan *connection), " unregister: make(chan *connection), } Sunday, October 6, 13

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func (h *hub) run() { for { select { case c := <-h.register: h.connections[c] = true case c := <-h.unregister: delete(h.connections, c) close(c.send) case m := <-h.broadcast: for c := range h.connections { select { case c.send <- m: default: delete(h.connections, c) close(c.send) go } } } } } Sunday, October 6, 13

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Erlang Sunday, October 6, 13

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Authoritative DNS Sunday, October 6, 13

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-module(erldns_packet_cache). -behavior(gen_server). % API -export([start_link/0, get/1, put/2, sweep/0, clear/0]). % Gen server hooks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, " handle_cast/2, " handle_info/2, " terminate/2, " code_change/3 ]). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -define(SWEEP_INTERVAL, 1000 * 60 * 10). % Every 10 minutes -record(state, {ttl, tref}). Sunday, October 6, 13

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%% Public API start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []). get(Question) -> gen_server:call(?SERVER, {get_packet, Question}). put(Question, Response) -> gen_server:call(?SERVER, {set_packet, [Question, Response]}). sweep() -> gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {sweep, []}). clear() -> gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {clear}). Sunday, October 6, 13

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init([]) -> init([20]); init([TTL]) -> ets:new(packet_cache, [set, named_table]), {ok, Tref} = timer:apply_interval(?SWEEP_INTERVAL, ?MODULE, sweep, []), {ok, #state{ttl = TTL, tref = Tref}}. Sunday, October 6, 13

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handle_call({get_packet, Question}, _From, State) -> case ets:lookup(packet_cache, Question) of [{Question, {Response, ExpiresAt}}] -> {_,T,_} = erlang:now(), case T > ExpiresAt of true -> lager:debug("Cache hit but expired"), {reply, {error, cache_expired}, State}; false -> lager:debug("Time is ~p. Packet hit expires at ~p.", [T, ExpiresAt]), {reply, {ok, Response}, State} end; _ -> {reply, {error, cache_miss}, State} end; Sunday, October 6, 13

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handle_call({set_packet, [Question, Response]}, _From, State) -> {_,T,_} = erlang:now(), ets:insert(packet_cache, {Question, {Response, T + State#state.ttl}}), {reply, ok, State}. Sunday, October 6, 13

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handle_cast({sweep, []}, State) -> lager:debug("Sweeping packet cache"), {_, T, _} = erlang:now(), Keys = ets:select(packet_cache, [ {{'$1', {'_', '$2'}}, [{'<', '$2', T - 10}], ['$1']} ]), lager:debug("Found keys: ~p", [Keys]), lists:foreach(fun(K) -> ets:delete(packet_cache, K) end, Keys), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({clear}, State) -> ets:delete_all_objects(packet_cache), {noreply, State}. Sunday, October 6, 13

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Clojure Sunday, October 6, 13

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(ns cbe.functions (:use [clojure.test])) ;Anonymous function (let [f (fn [x] (+ x 1))] (is (= 3 (f 2)))) ;Define a function (def add-fn (fn [a b] (+ a b))) (is (= 3 (add-fn 1 2))) ;Define a function with defn macro (defn add-defn [a b] (+ a b)) (is (= 3 (add-defn 1 2))) Sunday, October 6, 13

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(ns cbe.functions (:use [clojure.test])) ;Anonymous function (let [f (fn [x] (+ x 1))] (is (= 3 (f 2)))) ;Define a function (def add-fn (fn [a b] (+ a b))) (is (= 3 (add-fn 1 2))) ;Define a function with defn macro (defn add-defn [a b] (+ a b)) (is (= 3 (add-defn 1 2))) JUST KIDDING! Sunday, October 6, 13

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Conclusion Sunday, October 6, 13

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Rails is good Sunday, October 6, 13

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Go and Erlang are good Sunday, October 6, 13

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Even Clojure is good Sunday, October 6, 13

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Go forth and learn Sunday, October 6, 13

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Go forth and build Sunday, October 6, 13

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Launch! Sunday, October 6, 13

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And above all... Sunday, October 6, 13

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Have fun! Sunday, October 6, 13

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Rails: Still the Best Framework for Bootstrapping Anthony Eden Founder of DNSimple Sunday, October 6, 13