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From Library to Tool power-assert as a General Purpose Assertion Enhancement Tool Takuto Wada Nov 13, 2016 @nodefest 2016

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Takuto Wada Twitter: @t_wada github: @twada

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Do you write tests?

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Testing framework should… Evolve slowly. This gives all the people confidence that their investment won't go to waste. ,FOU#FDLTBJE IUUQTIPQPSFJMMZDPNQSPEVDUEP

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There is a clash between constraints. Easy to write vs. Easy to Learn to write ,FOU#FDLBMTPTBJE IUUQTIPQPSFJMMZDPNQSPEVDUEP

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So I (re)invented power-assert Evolve Slowly + Easy to Learn to Write = power-assert IUUQTHJUIVCDPNQPXFSBTTFSUKTQPXFSBTTFSU

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const assert = require('power-assert'); describe('Pokemon', () => { it('name', () => { const pokemon = new Pokemon('Pidgey'); assert( === 'Poppo'); }); }); power-assert E FN P

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assert( === 'Poppo') | | | | | false | "Pidgey" Pokemon{name:"Pidgey"} --- [string] 'Poppo' +++ [string] @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ P -oppo +idgey power-assert output

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Stop memorizing tons of assertion APIs. Just create expressions that return a truthy value or not. And power-assert will show it to your right on the screen as part of your failure message without you having to type in a message at all. No API is the best API IUUQTHJUIVCDPNQPXFSBTTFSUKTQPXFSBTTFSU

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const assert = require('power-assert'); describe('Pokemon', () => { it('name', () => { const pokemon = new Pokemon('Pidgey'); assert( === 'Poppo'); }); }); The last piece

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const assert = require('assert'); describe('Pokemon', () => { it('name', () => { const pokemon = new Pokemon('Pidgey'); assert( === 'Poppo'); }); }); The last piece E FN P

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const assert = require('assert'); describe('Pokemon', () => { it('name', () => { const pokemon = new Pokemon('Pidgey'); assert( === 'Poppo'); }); }); We eliminated the last dependency. Now your code does not depend on power-assert

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From Library To Tool Your code does not depend on tools explicitly. Means that you can enhance your code outside from your code. Just like code coverage tools.

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What does this mean for you?

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1. Now you can empower any existing assertions without modifying code.

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2. Now your code live longer than power-assert. Long live assertions!

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One More Thing…

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assertion is not only a technique of testing, but of writing reliable code. …even if you cannot write tests for existing code. →assertive programming

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'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); function add (a, b) { assert(!isNaN(a)); assert.equal(typeof b, 'number'); assert.ok(!isNaN(b)); return a + b; } assert in production code

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{ "env": { "development": { "presets": [ "babel-preset-power-assert" ] }, "production": { "plugins": [ "babel-plugin-unassert" ] } } } .babelrc

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# calc.js:5 assert(!(isNaN(a) || isNaN(b))) | | | | | | | | | | true NaN | false 3 true false FOBCMFQPXFSBTTFSUJOEFWFMPQNFOU

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'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); function add (a, b) { assert(!isNaN(a)); assert.equal(typeof b, 'number'); assert.ok(!isNaN(b)); return a + b; } unassert in production

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power-assert unassert require('assert') code in production code under development Thank you!