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From Classroom to Data Team: My Journey @ LINE

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Nina Shih LINE TECH FRESH 台⼤資管 -> 台⼤電機 @ NetDB Lab 2022-2023 Carousell | Backend Intern 2023-now LINE | TECH FRESH @ Data Dev

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01 02 03 關於我 一個公司裡的 Data 團隊到底在做什麼? Self Introduction What is Data Dev? 身為實習生在做些什麼呢? Intern in Data Dev CONTENT

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⼀個公司裡的 Data 團隊到底在做什麼? 02 What is Data Dev?

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Google Trends ● Data Science ● Machine Learning ● Big Data ● Data Analysis Data Science Machine Learning Big Data Data Analysis

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Data Dev的任務有哪些 Data Dev LINE Family Services LINE SHOPPING LINE SPOT LINE MUSIC LINE Sticker LINE VOOM LINE Reward Fact Checker LINE HELP TW LINE Travel NLP CV MarTech NER Classifier Duplication Detector Auto completion Keyword Extraction Related Search Text Generation User Tagging Data Analytics Recom- mendation CLV/ RFM LINE TODAY Image Search Social Intelligen ce Uplift Modeling Sales forecasting STT

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Data Dev成員組成 Data Scientist Data Engineer Data Dev Machine Learning Engineer Data Analyst

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Data Dev成員組成 Data Scientist Data Engineer Data Dev Machine Learning Engineer Product Engineer

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TA Data preparation Performance Write Report Model build Hyper- parameter tuning Evaluation Feature Engineering ⼀個ML作業會經過…

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DS DE MLE PM Biz DS DE DS DS DE DS MLE Data preparation Scaling Performance Model decay Data drift EDA Model build Hyper- parameter tuning Evaluation Feature Engineering Error analysis ⼀個ML專案會經過… MLE MLE MLE DE DS

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Data Team 各⾓⾊技能

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先講講DevOps! 什麼是 MLOps? Source: phData Systems development 👍 Reliability 👍 Efficiency 👍 Shorten life cycle 👍 Faster updates 👍 Faster product delivery

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MLOps⼜是什麼?我需要知道嗎? 什麼是 MLOps? Source: Wikipedia & Ubuntu blog

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⾝為實習⽣在做些什麼呢? 03 Intern in Data Dev

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Internship Experience

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You might need to know... • Machine learning algorithms • SOTA models • Latest tools • Domains • Natural language processing • Computer vision • … Professional Knowledge

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滿滿的收穫 讀書會 Workshop 線上課程 ⼈際交流 Diverse Learning Skills

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Diverse Learning Skills

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Diverse Learning Skills

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Work-Life Balance 辦公空間 彈性座位 升降桌 HM⼈體⼯學椅 ⾶鏢機 按摩椅、服務 LINE Friends 吃吃喝喝 Team building 零食點數 UberEats 點數 資源分享 TECHPULSE 畢業分享會 Developer Meetup 多元活動 ⿊客松 走路⼤賽 認識同事 Family Day Employee Benefits

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