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Data Science and Predictive Healthcare Corey Chivers, PhD Senior Data Scientist @CjBayesian

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2 Outline wWhat is Data Science? wBecoming a data scientist wTools of a data scientist wPredictive Healthcare at Penn Medicine

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3 wWhat is Data Science?

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4 wWhat is Data Science? wWhat do you need to study to become a Data Scientist?

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5 Data Science Venn Diagram

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6 Popular Expectations

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8 Using data and computation to give people superpowers

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9 One Data Scientist’s Story w Undergraduate Chemistry McGill University

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10 One Data Scientist’s Story w Undergraduate Chemistry Atmospheric Physics McGill University

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11 One Data Scientist’s Story w Undergraduate Chemistry Atmospheric Physics Environmental Science McGill University

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12 One Data Scientist’s Story w Undergraduate Chemistry Atmospheric Physics Environmental Science w Non-Profit research & activism around public space use in Toronto McGill University

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13 One Data Scientist’s Story w Undergraduate Chemistry Atmospheric Physics Environmental Science w Non-Profit research & activism around public space use in Toronto w PhD Computational Biology McGill University

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14 One Data Scientist’s Story w Undergraduate Chemistry Atmospheric Physics Environmental Science w Non-Profit research & activism around public space use in Toronto w PhD Computational Biology Modeling population dynamics for conservation McGill University

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19 The medical record is full of data* *There’s a whole bunch that is not in the EHR, too! There are all kinds of patterns in there! Provides predictions to aid in clinical decision making

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20 “Predictive Health Care” is the development and integration of Data Science* into clinical and operational processes and workflows to deliver better outcomes at lower cost. * Machine Learning, data visualization, computational simulation, AI, etc.

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21 Cat Cat Cat Dog Dog Doge Machine Learning Generalizing from many examples

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22 0.7 Dog 0.25 Cat 0.05 … Cat Dog Machine Learning Generalizing from many examples

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23 Time Encounter with First Diagnosis of Valve Disease (‘ground truth’ ICD code) Patient Encounters Diagnoses (non-valve disease) Labs Etc. Input data Time Input data Positive Case Negative Case No encounters with diagnosis of Valve Disease (‘ground truth’ ICD code) Clinical Example

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24 Penn Medicine Data Data Type 2011-Present estimated Total Vital (Manual) 20GB Vital (Telemetry) 1.5TB/year Labs 36 GB Meds and Orders 42 GB Radiology Raw 250TB Radiology Meta 200 GB Clinical Notes 250 GB/year Twitter 100TB Other social media (est.) 1TB Wearables (est.) 5GB/year Genomics 800TB Lots of examples to generalize!!

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25 Data Visualization

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26 Data Visualization

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27 Data Visualization

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28 Computational Simulation Using randomization to predict trajectories of complex dynamic systems Allows you to experiment with ‘what if’ scenarios and to select from alternative actions. ‘Writing down’ the hypothesized system dynamics also sharpens understanding and assumptions. (Chivers, 2014)

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29 w Creating ‘Digital Twins’ that allow a team to explore efficiency gains • Build optimized scheduling templates • Test process changes to drive clinical workflow redesign • Identify bottlenecks w We’ve created digital twins to support Emergency Department and OB/GYN clinic operations Patient Volume Minute Census Wait Times OB/GYN Simulated Output Computational Simulation

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30 Tools

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31 Skills Successful Data Science is highly collaborative

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32 As a ____________ ROLE when I’m ____________ CONTEXT if I knew ____________ INFORMATION I would do _____________ INTERVENTION to improve __________ OUTCOME Data Science “MadLibs” Solving the right problem

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33 Mechanical Ventilation

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34 If I knew when mechanical ventilator patients were ready for a Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) Mechanical Ventilation

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35 I would reduce sedation and initiate an SBT trial earlier to decrease how much time patients spend in the ICU Mechanical Ventilation

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36 Time on Ventilation Mechanical Ventilation Time in ICU

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37 Lung Connect

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38 If I knew which lung cancer patients will go to the ED Lung Connect

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39 I would address their symptoms in the outpatient setting to lower ED usage Lung Connect

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40 E Lower ED Usage Lung Connect

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41 Palliative Connect

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42 If I knew which patients have serious, life-limiting illnesses Palliative Connect

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43 I would make sure they receive a palliative care consultation to ensure the care team understands their goals and desires Palliative Connect

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44 Earlier access to palliative care More documented advanced care plans Palliative Connect

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45 Some Challenges w Data != Reality • Healthcare data is particularly challenging – Non-random missingness – Largely unstructured – Clinical concepts and their representations change over time w How good does the model need to be? • We use meta decision theory to decide whether the model makes better decisions than some alternative w How do we know it’s working? • When you’re trying to prevent the thing you’re predicting, is your prediction bad or your intervention good?

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46 Changing Clinical Concepts Weekly Count

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47 How good does the model need to be? Data Scientist: Finally, I built a model from the data! Doc: Awesome, is it good? Data Scientist: I used tensorflow, so, ya. Doc: Lets deploy this thing!* *Any resemblance between these fictional characters and any persons, living or dead, is a purely coincidental

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48 How good does the model need to be? Data Scientist: Finally, I built a model from the data! Doc: Awesome, is it good? Data Scientist: I used tensorflow, so, ya. Doc: Lets deploy this thing!* *Any resemblance between these fictional characters and any persons, living or dead, is a purely coincidental

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49 All models are wrong, but some are useful. - George Box

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51 How good tho? How good tho? How bad tho? How bad tho? FP FN TP TN

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52 Goodness can be measured in any units More adorbs Less adorbs

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53 When outcomes are uncertain, the best decision is the one that has the highest expected goodness.

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54 When outcomes are uncertain, the best decision is the one that has the highest expected goodness. Machine Learning can only help you with this part!

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55 When outcomes are uncertain, the best decision is the one that has the highest expected goodness. Machine Learning can only help you with this part!

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56 Healthcare Example Predicted Sepsis Treated a true case (Potential to avoid bad outcome) Predicted Sepsis Treated a false case (unnecessary) Predicted No Sepsis Didn’t treat (all good) Predicted No Sepsis Failed to treat (Bad outcome)

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57 Healthcare Example

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58 Treat none Cost of Intervention ($) Cost of event ($) Treat all Pregnancy Related Hypertension (PRH) is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the U.S. High-risk patients à remote blood pressure monitoring

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59 Takeaways w Predictive Healthcare is the integration of Data Science into clinical and operational workflows to improve healthcare quality w Data Science is a collaborative, multidisciplinary endeavor • Using data to make better decisions • There are many paths to becoming a data scientist! w Taking time to ensure you’re solving the right problem is essential

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60 Thanks!!