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LLVM Backend Development for EFI Byte Code July 20, 2019 kernelvm15@Tokyo @retrage

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TL;DR • LLVM backend development for EBC is hard. • Source code: • yabits/llvm:retrage/ebc • yabits/clang:retrage/ebc • yabits/lld:retrage/ebc • Blog post: • LLVMのEFI Byte Codeバックエンドを作る (ja) 1

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UEFI has device drivers 2

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Device Driver in Option ROM • Some PCIe devices have device drivers for UEFI in its Option ROM. 3

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How to support multiple arch? • The device must have multiple device drivers for each supported architecture. 4

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EBC solves the problem • ”platform- and processor-independent mechanisms for loading and executing EFI device drivers” 5

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Available EBC Tools • EDK2[1] EBC VM reference implementation. • Intel C Compiler for EFI Byte Code[2] • fasmg-ebc: flat assembler based EBC assembler[3] • EbcDebugger: A standalone EBC Debugger[4] 6

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Available EBC Tools • EDK2[1] EBC VM reference implementation. • EBC VM reference implementation[5]. • EBC assembly level debugger[6]. • You can run with QEMU+OVMF. • But UEFI does not provide memory protection. • Intel C Compiler for EFI Byte Code[2] • fasmg-ebc: flat assembler based EBC assembler[3] • EbcDebugger: A standalone EBC Debugger[4] 7

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Available EBC Tools • EDK2[1] EBC VM reference implementation. • Intel C Compiler for EFI Byte Code[2] • Closed source, non-free ($955) • Please someone donate it to me. • fasmg-ebc: flat assembler based EBC assembler[3] • EbcDebugger: A standalone EBC Debugger[4] 8

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Available EBC Tools • EDK2[1] EBC VM reference implementation. • Intel C Compiler for EFI Byte Code[2] • fasmg-ebc: flat assembler based EBC assembler[3] • It has a bug in encoding natural indexing. • EbcDebugger: A standalone EBC Debugger[4] • Not tried yet, but it seems re-packaging EDK2 EBC VM. 9

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Available EBC Tools • EDK2[1] EBC VM reference implementation. • Intel C Compiler for EFI Byte Code[2] • fasmg-ebc: flat assembler based EBC assembler[3] • EbcDebugger: A standalone EBC Debugger[4] • => No easy-to-use VM or free compiler • What we need to create: • User space EBC VM to make debugging easy • ELVM backend for EBC 10

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ebcvm: user space EBC VM 11 • Motivation: • Can I implement an EBC VM with only UEFI spec.? • For more details: • yabits/ebcvm • ebcvm: A Usermode EFI Byte Code Virtual Machine (ja) Registers Memory Decoder Executor Loader EFI Native Code Simple Debugger

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ELVM backend for EBC • ELVM: EsoLangVM Compiler Infrastructure • It can emit little endian binaries. • EBC backend: • Add COFF binary format support. • Add EBC backend that generates raw binaries. • Test with ebcvm and passed all tests. • For more details: • retrage/elvm:retrage/ebc-v2 • ELVMのEFI Byte Codeバックエンドを作る (ja) 12

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Demo ELVM EBC Backend test with ebcvm fizzbuzz_fast.c.eir.ebc on QEMU+OVMF 13

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ELVM is great, but... • Generated code is not optimized. • The binaries tend to be fat. • ELVM does not have linking stage. • Build means compiling and linking. • Only one file can be built at once. • => Using ELVM backend is not practical. • => Develop LLVM backend for EBC: • LLVM Core, Clang, LLD 14

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Goal: Compile and Link this code 15 #include "efi.h" EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable) { CHAR16 *String = L"Hello, EBC!\n"; asm("movnw %0, @%0 (5,24)\n" // SystemTable->ConOut "pushn %1\n" // String "pushn %0\n" // SystemTable "call32exa @%0 (1,0)\n" // ConOut->OutputString "movqw r0, r0 (2,0)\n" ::"r"(SystemTable), "r"(String):); return EFI_SUCCESS; }

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MCLayer and CodeGen • MCLayer: • .s -> MCInst -> .o • CodeGen: • LLVM IR -> SelectionDAG -> MachineInstr -> MCInst ->.o 16

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MCLayer and CodeGen • MCLayer: • .s -> MCInst -> .o • CodeGen: • LLVM IR -> SelectionDAG -> MachineInstr -> MCInst ->.o • Approach: start with MCLayer • Same approach with RISC-V backend. • development-by-example-risc-v?slide=4 17

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MCLayer: TODO list • Add Triple and EBC COFF defines. • Describe register and instruction formats. • Define instructions and operand types. • Add MCTargetDesc/* and InstPrinter/*. • Add AsmParser. • Add Disassembler. • Add fixups support. • Write tests. 18

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MCLayer: TODO list • Add Triple and EBC COFF defines. • Describe register and instruction formats. • Define instructions and operand types. • Add MCTargetDesc/* and InstPrinter/*. • Add AsmParser. • Add Disassembler. • Add fixups support. • Write tests. 19

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Natural Indexing: Example • Following arguments are passed at the entry point: • ImageHandle • SystemTable 20 typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT) ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable );

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Natural Indexing: Example • In EBC Calling Convention, arguments are passed via stack in reverse order. 21 typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT) ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ); ImageHandle SystemTable Low High Stack top Stack pointer

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Natural Indexing: Example • If you want to get SystemTable, you have to know the size of ImageHandle. • However, the size of ImageHandle is host- dependent (as the type is void * in host) • On 32-bit host: 4-byte • On 64-bit host: 8-byte 22 ImageHandle SystemTable SP On 32-bit host 0 31 ImageHandle SystemTable SP 0 63 On 64-bit host

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Natural Indexing • Natural Indexing: (, ) • A set of natural unit and constant unit • = ∗ ∗ + • Note: ( ∗) is host-dependent • For the previous case: (+1,0) • On 32-bit host: (1 ∗ 4 + 0) = 4 • On 64-bit host: (1 ∗ 8 + 0) = 8 • On LLVM EBC backend: • Both units are represented as immediate. • Implement custom natural index encoder/decoder. 23

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Instruction defines: Easy mode • LLVM has TableGen domain specific language. • TableGen has C++ like class. • Instructions are described by instantiating class. • Take a look at the simple example: STORESP 24

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Instruction defines: STORESP 25 def STORESP : Instruction { field bits<16> Inst; dag OutOperandList = (outs GPR:$op1); dag InOperandList = (ins DR:$op2); let Namespace = "EBC"; let AsmString = "storesp\t$op1, $op2"; let Size = 2; let Inst{14-12} = op2; let Inst{10-8} = op1; let Inst{5-0} = 0b101010; }

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Instruction defines: STORESP 26 def STORESP : Instruction { field bits<16> Inst; dag OutOperandList = (outs GPR:$op1); dag InOperandList = (ins DR:$op2); let Namespace = "EBC"; let AsmString = "storesp\t$op1, $op2"; let Size = 2; let Inst{14-12} = op2; let Inst{10-8} = op1; let Inst{5-0} = 0b101010; } • Input/Output in DAG

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Instruction defines: STORESP 27 def STORESP : Instruction { field bits<16> Inst; dag OutOperandList = (outs GPR:$op1); dag InOperandList = (ins DR:$op2); let Namespace = "EBC"; let AsmString = "storesp\t$op1, $op2"; let Size = 2; let Inst{14-12} = op2; let Inst{10-8} = op1; let Inst{5-0} = 0b101010; } • Assembly format

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Instruction defines: STORESP 28 def STORESP : Instruction { field bits<16> Inst; dag OutOperandList = (outs GPR:$op1); dag InOperandList = (ins DR:$op2); let Namespace = "EBC"; let AsmString = "storesp\t$op1, $op2"; let Size = 2; let Inst{14-12} = op2; let Inst{10-8} = op1; let Inst{5-0} = 0b101010; } • Instruction Encoding

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Instruction defines: Hard mode • Most of EBC instructions have optional operands. • Example: ALU operations • 32 64 @ @ , @ A {16|16} • 32-bit/64-bit operation • Operand 1 Direct/Indirect • Operand 2 Direct/Indirect • Operand 2 Optional Index/Immediate • 16 ways of combinations per instruction. • => Implement all using multiclass. 29

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EBCALU multiclass 30 multiclass EBCALU opcode, string opcodestr> { foreach hasImmIdx = [0b0, 0b1] in { foreach is64Bit = [0b0, 0b1] in { foreach Op1Indirect = [0b0, 0b1] in { foreach Op2Indirect = [0b0, 0b1] in def !if(is64Bit, "64", "32") # !if(Op1Indirect, "Op1I", "Op1D") # !if(Op2Indirect, "Op2I", "Op2D") # !cond(!eq(hasImmIdx, 0) : "", !eq(!and(hasImmIdx, Op2Indirect), 0) : "Imm", !eq(!and(hasImmIdx, Op2Indirect), 1) : "Idx") : EBCALUBase; } } } }

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EBCALUBase class 31 class EBCALUBase opcode, bit hasImmIdx, bit is64Bit, bit Op1Indirect, bit Op2Indirect, dag outs, dag ins, dag immins, dag idxins, string opcodestr, string op1str, string op2str, string immstr, string idxstr> : EBCInst2Op { bits<3> dst; let CodeSize = !if(hasImmIdx, 4, 2); let mayLoad = !if(Op2Indirect, 1, 0); let mayStore = !if(Op1Indirect, 1, 0); }

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MCLayer and CodeGen • MCLayer: • .s -> MCInst -> .o • CodeGen: • LLVM IR -> SelectionDAG -> MachineInstr -> MCInst ->.o 32

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MCLayer and CodeGen • MCLayer: • .s -> MCInst -> .o • CodeGen: • LLVM IR -> SelectionDAG -> MachineInstr -> MCInst ->.o • Just do it. 33

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CodeGen: TODO list • ALU operations • Materializing constants • Memory operation • Global address operation • Conditional branches • Function calls • SELECT/SELECT_CC • FrameIndex lowering • Prologue/Epilogue insertion • dynamic_stackalloc, stacksave, stackrestore • Inline assembly • And more! 34

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EBC binary must be relocatable • This means that all addresses must be relative. • MOVREL Operation: • 1 <= [ + ℎ + ] 35 MOVREL Instr Instruction Pointer Data0 .text section Data1 .data section Op1 Register= Data1 Offset

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Missing instruction in EBC • What about just calculate the address from offset? • Something like: • 1 < = + ℎ + 36 ?? Instr Instruction Pointer Data0 .text section Data1 .data section Op1 Register = Absolute Address of Data 1 Offset

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Missing instruction in EBC • 1 < = + ℎ + • EBC does not have such an instruction. • We can use STORESP+MOVI+ADD set to achieve it. 37 STORESP MOVI .text section Data1 .data section ADD = 0 RST Offset

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Missing instruction in EBC • 1 < = + ℎ + • EBC does not have such an instruction. • We can use STORESP+MOVI+ADD set to achieve it. 38 STORESP MOVI .text section Data1 .data section ADD = 1 RS@ U = RS@ Offset

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Missing instruction in EBC • 1 < = + ℎ + • EBC does not have such an instruction. • We can use STORESP+MOVI+ADD set to achieve it. 39 STORESP MOVI .text section Data1 .data section ADD = 2 RSA U = RS@ V = Offset

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Missing instruction in EBC • 1 < = + ℎ + • EBC does not have such an instruction. • We can use STORESP+MOVI+ADD set to achieve it. 40 STORESP MOVI .text section Data1 .data section ADD = 3 U = RS@ + V = Offset

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Clang and LLD • Clang: • Add Triple, target specific driver, and TargetInfo • Most of the code borrowed from MSVC driver. • LLD: • Add SectionChunk::applyRelEBC() • No DLL support • No PDB support 41

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Demo Compile and Link the goal source code Execute the generated EBC binary in QEMU+OVMF 42

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Sad news: EBC is now optional 43 • 2.8: Remove the EBC support requirement

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Conclusion • EFI Byte Code (EBC) is an architecture-independent mechanism to execute UEFI device driver. • There is only a few tools for EBC. • I developed ebcvm and ELVM EBC backend. • For more practical use, I am developing LLVM backend for EBC. • EBC design is insane. • Complicated Instruction with Optional Operand. • Lack of necessary instruction. 44

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References • [1] • [2] compiler-for-efi-byte-code-purchase • [3] • [4] • [5] ModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcExecute.c • [6] ModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger • [7] 45

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Appendix 46

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Decoding hell 47

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Decoding hell II 48 • Why optional index come before mandatory immediate?

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Unclear spec. • @ @ , Immed • Restriction: • “Specifying an index value with Operand 1 direct results in an instruction encoding exception”. • @ @ , @ A {} • Spec does not explicitly imply that index value with Operand 2 direct is allowed. • It is actually allowed according to EDK2 VM. 49

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Fixup kinds • fixups in EBC is {16,32,64}-bit IP-relative • However, the offset is vary: • Most of EBC instruction: +2 • CALL32: -4 • JMP64: -8 • Is there any smart way to specify the offset? 50