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 Cambridge, Wednesday 18 March 2015 MODERN HUMAN

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MODERN HUMAN MODERN HUMAN Imagine what’s next… We’re a boutique design practice and innovation consultancy that specialises in imagining disruptive new products, services and experiences then making them a reality. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN How might we increases awareness and use of library resources and services?

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MODERN HUMAN Identify clichés in library services The first step is understanding the status quo: _ What are you and all of your competitors doing the same? _ What beliefs or assumptions do you have about how people become aware, choose, use and recommend your services (whether true or not)? _ What are the cliché steps a customer experiences when using your services? _ What pricing clichés exist?

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MODERN HUMAN Over to you… In your groups take 20 minutes _ Use the sticky notes, markers and a fresh piece of brown paper _ Write one cliché per sticky note _ Discuss as you go

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MODERN HUMAN Subvert the clichés This is where we start to imagine disrupting the status quo… _ Which of your clichés can you invert? _ Which of your clichés can you scale? _ Which of your clichés can deny?

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MODERN HUMAN Over to you… In your groups take 15 minutes. For every cliché… _ Imagine how you could subvert that cliché _ Try inverting, scaling and denying each of them _ Write the result that works best on a different coloured sticky note and stick it next to each cliché

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MODERN HUMAN Turn the subversions into provocations _ Your cliché+subversion pairs are perfect starting points to think about new ways to use digital to create new experiences _ We’re going to walk through the process of turning subversions into provocations…

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MODERN HUMAN Over to you… In your groups take 15 minutes _ Winnow your clichés down to the 3 best _ This stage is very, very important so think carefully _ Choose the ones that you want to try and overcome or the ones that most hold your library back or the ones that offer the best opportunity to improve services or increase awareness _ Turn each of your cliché+subversion pairs into a question that starts with the phrase: “How might we…”

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MODERN HUMAN MODERN HUMAN Brainstorming is not the only ideation technique @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Quantity of ideas people come up with in a brainstorm Quantity of ideas people come up when working alone x2 Source: Does Group Participation When Using Brainstorming Facilitate or Inhibit Creative Thinking? Administrative Science Quarterly. Taylor, Berry & Block, 1958. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Using traditional brainstorming When encouraged to discuss and critique each others ideas +20% Source: The "Rules" of Brainstorming: An Impediment to Creativity? IRLE Working Paper No. 167-08. Feinberg, Nemeth, 2008. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato: Greek philosopher, mathematician & student of Socrates @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Six Eight Five Rapid ideation @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN What? _ Give everyone 8 sticky notes _ Participants have 5-minutes to list 6-8 ideas _ After each round everyone presents their ideas to the group very briefly _ In the following round each participant can either introduce more new ideas, build on someone else’s idea or merge other people’s ideas together. @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN Your turn _ Take 45 minutes to generate ideas that answer your How Might We questions. _ Play 3-rounds of 6-8-5 to rapidly generate ideas for that experience @modhuman #uxlibs

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MODERN HUMAN How? Now. Wow! Idea prioritisation matrix MODERN HUMAN

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MODERN HUMAN In summary… _ Brainstorming is rubbish, don’t bother _ Serious play games and structured idea sessions help groups generate ideas collaboratively and constructively _ Generate ideas, then identify the best ones

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MODERN HUMAN Paul-Jervis Heath +44 79 7456 7823 @pauljervisheath