Slide 17
Slide 17 text
60 Accelerate: State of DevOps 2019 | How Do We Improve Productivity?
As Martin Fowler outlines,33 companies
should be thoughtful about which so ware
is strategic and which is merely utility. By
addressing their utility needs with COTS
solutions and minimizing customization,
high performers save their resources for
strategic so ware development e orts.
We also see that elite performers automate and
integrate tools more frequently into their toolchains
on almost all dimensions. Although automation
may be seen as too expensive to implement (we
o en hear, “I don’t have time or budget to automate—
it’s not a feature!”), automation is truly a sound
investment.34 It allows engineers to spend less
time on manual work, thereby freeing up time
to spend on other important activities such as
new development, refactoring, design work, and
documentation. It also gives engineers more
confidence in the toolchain, reducing stress
in pushing changes.
33 Martin Fowler,, UtilityVsStrategicDichotomy.
34 This is a site reliability engineering (SRE) best practice: reduce toil, which is work without productivity.
Low Medium High Elite
Automated build 64% 81% 91% 92%
Automated unit tests 57% 66% 84% 87%
Automated acceptance tests 28% 38% 48% 58%
Automated performance tests 18% 23% 18% 28%
Automated security tests 15% 28% 25% 31%
Automated provisioning
and deployment to
testing environments
39% 54% 68% 72%
Automated deployment
to production
17% 38% 60% 69%
Integration with
chatbots / Slack
29% 33% 24% 69%
Integration with production
monitoring and observability
13% 23% 41% 57%
None of the above 9% 14% 5% 4%
Source: 2019 State Of DevOps report