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Powering a build pipeline with Docker and Jenkins Benjamin Muschko

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AUTOMATED ASCENT bmuschko bmuschko About the speaker

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As a Java developer, I want to use Docker but…

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Find your Docker Zen

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Agenda Typical Continuous Delivery uses cases How can Docker help? Show me some code! The glue as code in Jenkins

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Typical workflows

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Dockerizing a Java application

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Pushing an image to a registry

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Image as fixture for testing

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Running application stacks

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Docker as part of the pipeline

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Docker’s CLI is great but do I need to operate it by hand?

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Pick the right tool for the job

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Docker CLI Other options

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Show me something beyond Hello World!

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Sample architecture whiteboard Client Web application Spring Boot Web service Spring Boot Database PostgreSQL

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Demo Time

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Pick a small base image

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Copy app archive or files?

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Controlling runtime behavior

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Is application healthy?

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Version appropriately 4.2.6

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Dockerfile for Spring Boot app FROM openjdk:jre-alpine COPY todo-webservice-1.0.jar↵ /app/todo-webservice-1.0.jar
 ENTRYPOINT ["java"]
 CMD ["-jar", "/app/todo-webservice-1.0.jar"]
 HEALTHCHECK CMD wget --quiet --tries=1 --spider↵ http://localhost:8080/actuator/health || exit 1
 EXPOSE 8080

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Dockerfile with layers for app files FROM openjdk:jre-alpine WORKDIR /app COPY libs libs/ COPY resources resources/ COPY classes classes/ ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-cp",↵ "/app/resources:/app/classes:/app/libs/*",↵ "com.bmuschko.MyApplication"]
 HEALTHCHECK CMD wget --quiet --tries=1 --spider↵ http://localhost:8080/actuator/health || exit 1
 EXPOSE 8080

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Building and running image # Build image from Dockerfile
 docker build -t my-todo-web-service:1.0.0 .
 # Run built image in container
 docker run -d -p 8080:8080 my-todo-web-service:1.0.0

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Containerization with Google Jib Build images without the need for Docker Engine

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No need for Docker Engine

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FROM … COPY … EXPOSE … ENTRYPOINT … Dockerfile is optional

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Layers for cacheability

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Integration with build tools

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Google Jib in Maven build 
 $ ./mvnw compile jib:dockerBuild

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Google Jib in Gradle build plugins { id 'java' id '' version ‘1.6.0' } = 'bmuschko/my-web-service:1.0.0' $ ./gradlew jibDockerBuild

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Demo Time

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Pushing image # Log into Docker registry
 docker login --username=bmuschko↵ —
 # Tag the image
 docker tag bb38976d03cf bmuschko/todo-web-service:1.0.0
 # Push image to Docker registry
 docker push bmuschko/todo-web-service

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Using Google Jib $ ./gradlew jib $ ./mvnw compile jib:build

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Demo Time

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Integrated Testing

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2 unit tests, 0 integration tests

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Reproducible environment

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Slow startup times

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Isolated & cross-platform

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The obvious choice

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Pull image and start/stop container # Pull image from registry (or build locally)
 docker pull bmuschko/todo-web-service:1.0.0
 # Start container
 docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -name todo-web-service↵ my-todo-web-service:1.0.0
 # Stop container
 docker container stop todo-web-service
 # Remove container
 docker container rm todo-web-service

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Testing with TestContainers Managing lightweight, throwaway Docker containers for testing

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Docker Engine Communication

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Docker Environment Discovery

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Automatic container cleanup

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Multi-container coordination

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Testcontainers in Maven build 

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Testcontainers in Gradle build repositories {
 dependencies {
 testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:junit-jupiter:1.12.0'
 testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:postgresql:1.12.0'
 testRuntime 'org.postgresql:postgresql'

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Integration test with JUnit 5 @DataJpaTest
 public class ToDoRepositoryIntegrationTest {
 private ToDoRepository repository;
 public void testCanSaveNewToDoItem() {
 ToDoItem toDoItem = createToDoItem("Buy milk");
 private ToDoItem createToDoItem(String name) {
 ToDoItem toDoItem = new ToDoItem();
 return toDoItem;
 } Class under test

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Containerized database as fixture @Testcontainers
 @AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = NONE)
 @ContextConfiguration(initializers = { ToDoRepositoryIntegrationTest.Initializer.class })
 public class ToDoRepositoryIntegrationTest {
 public static PostgreSQLContainer postgreSQLContainer = createDbContainer();
 private static PostgreSQLContainer createDbContainer() {
 return new PostgreSQLContainer("postgres:9.6.10-alpine")
 static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer {
 public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
 "spring.datasource.url=" + postgreSQLContainer.getJdbcUrl(),
 "spring.datasource.username=" + postgreSQLContainer.getUsername(),
 "spring.datasource.password=" + postgreSQLContainer.getPassword(),
 } Create database container Inject database Configuration

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Functional test with JUnit 5 public class ToDoWebServiceFunctionalTest {
 @DisplayName("can retrieve all items before and after inserting new ones")
 void retrieveAllItems() {
 String allItems = getAllItems();
 assertEquals("[]", allItems);
 ToDoItem toDoItem = new ToDoItem();
 toDoItem.setName("Buy milk");
 allItems = getAllItems();
 assertEquals("[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Buy milk\",\"completed\":false}]", allItems);
 } } Calls to HTTP endpoints

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Containerized application as fixture @Testcontainers
 public class ToDoWebServiceFunctionalTest {
 private static GenericContainer appContainer = createContainer();
 private static GenericContainer createContainer() {
 return new GenericContainer(buildImageDockerfile())
 private static ImageFromDockerfile buildImageDockerfile() {
 return new ImageFromDockerfile()
 .withDockerfileFromBuilder(builder -> builder
 .copy(ARCHIVE_NAME, "/app/" + ARCHIVE_NAME)
 .entryPoint("java", "-jar", "/app/" + ARCHIVE_NAME)
 } Build container on-the-fly

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Demo Time

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Running a multi-container app # Start composed apps
 docker-compose up
 # Stop composed apps
 docker-compose down

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Compose test with JUnit 5 @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) @SpringBootTest
 public class ToDoAppIntegrationTest {
 private ToDoService service;
 public void canCreateNewItemAndRetrieveIt() {
 ToDoItem newItem = newItem("Buy milk");
 ToDoItem retrievedItem = service.findOne(newItem.getId());
 assertEquals(newItem, retrievedItem);
 } } Class under test

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Compose fixture @Testcontainers
 public class ToDoAppImplIntegrationTest {
 private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToDoAppImplIntegrationTest.class);
 private final static String WEB_SERVICE_NAME = "webservice_1";
 private final static int WEB_SERVICE_PORT = 8080;
 private final static String DATABASE_NAME = "database_1";
 private final static int DATABASE_PORT = 5432;
 public static DockerComposeContainer environment = createComposeContainer();
 private static DockerComposeContainer createComposeContainer() {
 return new DockerComposeContainer(new File("src/integrationTest/resources/compose-test.yml"))
 .withLogConsumer(WEB_SERVICE_NAME, new Slf4jLogConsumer(logger))
 Wait.forLogMessage(".*database system is ready to accept connections.*\\s", 2));
 } } Create Compose container

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Compose test file version: "2.0"
 image: "postgres:9.6.10-alpine"
 - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
 image: "bmuschko/todo-web-service:1.0.0"
 - database

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Demo Time

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Glueing together the pipeline

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Jenkins plugins Optional: Blue Ocean Pipeline Suite

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Standard Pipeline Blue Ocean Pipeline

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Pipeline as code Jenkinsfile Jenkins Pipeline

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Invoke build with Wrapper pipeline { stages { stage('Compile & Unit Tests') { steps { gradlew('clean', 'test') } } } ... } def gradlew(String... args) { sh "./gradlew ${args.join(' ')} -s" }

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Credentials Environment variables

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Injecting credentials & env vars stage('Push Image') { environment { DOCKER_USERNAME = "${env.DOCKER_USERNAME}" DOCKER_PASSWORD = credentials('DOCKER_PASSWORD') DOCKER_EMAIL = "${env.DOCKER_EMAIL}" } steps { gradlew('dockerPushImage') } }

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Scaling job execution

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Configuration Execution

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Containerized pipeline stages pipeline {
 agent {
 kubernetes {
 defaultContainer 'jnlp'
 yaml """
 apiVersion: v1
 kind: Pod
 some-label: some-label-value
 - name: maven
 image: maven:alpine
 - cat
 tty: true
 - name: busybox
 image: busybox
 - cat
 tty: true
 } stages {
 stage('Run in Maven container') {
 steps {
 container('maven') {
 sh 'mvn -version'
 stage('Run in Busybox container') {
 steps {
 container('busybox') {
 sh '/bin/busybox'
 stage('Run in default container') {
 steps {
 sh "echo 'Running in default container'"

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Demo Time

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Thank you! Please ask questions…