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Network Virtualization Platform for Hybrid Cloud Dharmesh Kakadia and Vasudeva Varma International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India 1 / 12

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Hybrid Cloud is the need of the hour 2 / 12

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Hybrid Cloud RoadBlocks Performance Application Migration and Addressing issues Control of Network-boxes 3 / 12

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Current Amazon Options Network Functionality Poposed Solution EC2 EC2 + VLAN EC2 + VPC VPN Cubed Flexibility Y N N N N Layer-2 Broadcast Y N Y N Y QoS Y N N N N ACL Y Y Y Y Y Static Ad- dressing Y N N Y Y 4 / 12

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Network-as-a-Service Network access service Virtual connectivity service Virtual topology service Virtual node service 5 / 12

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Hybrid Cloud Environment 6 / 12

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Virtual Router 7 / 12

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Architecture 8 / 12

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Results 9 / 12

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Conclusion Hybrid Cloud needs a Network Virtualization solution that, Portable Requires Minimal changes Incrementally Deployable Scalable Quality of Service NaaS can also benefit, Network Policy Enforcement across multiple clouds Better scheduling and resource utilization Differentiated Network Service by cloud providers 10 / 12

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Thank you Send your queries to @DharmeshKakadia [email protected]

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References 1. G. Wang and T. S. E. Ng. The impact of virtualization on network performance of amazon ec2 data center. (INFOCOM’10) 2. M. Hajjat, X. Sun, Y.-W. E. Sung, D. Maltz, S. Rao, K. Sripanidkulchai, and M. Tawarmalani. Cloudward bound: planning for beneficial migration of enterprise applications to the cloud. (SIGCOMM ’10) 3. N. McKeown, T. Anderson, H. Balakrishnan, G. Parulkar, L. Peterson, J. Rexford, S. Shenker, and J. Turner. Openflow: enabling innovation in campus networks. (SIGCOMM CCR) 12 / 12