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Universal Design @laurakalbag

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Hello, I’m Laura Kalbag and this writing is quite small. And light.

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what is accessibility?

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accessibility is more than just wheelchairs and screen readers

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accessibility is the degree to which a product is available to as many people as possible.

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accessible design universal design inclusive design

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who here is a designer?

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designer strategist speaker developer writer programmer manager

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it’s not an exciting tool or technique

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is it because we don’t understand who we’re trying to help?

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is it because we just don’t know what to do?

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is it because it’s too hard, and there’s too much to think about?

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I’ve not got the answers

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it’s not fair if a product isn’t accessible

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63 million in the UK 11 million with long term illness, impairment or disability* *Department of Work and Pensions, Office for Disability Issues: Disability facts and figures, January 2014

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temporary impairments also benefit from universal design

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environmental impairments also benefit from universal design

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design decisions made in the name of accessibility will largely benefit everyone

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there are four areas of disability that affect our use of the web and digital devices

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simple usability goals

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visual make it easy to read

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hearing make it easy to hear

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motor make it easy to interact

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cognitive make it easy to understand and focus

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consider accessibility at every point of planning

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accessibility is functionality, content hierarchy, copy, visual design, code, and how you speak to your audience

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accessibility as default, as part of universal design

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accessibility is easy to consider once you start caring about it

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thank you @laurakalbag