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Managing GitHub with Terraform

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• built to codify infrastructure resources • wide support for different providers • flow based on HashiCorp Configura

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HashiCorp Configura/on Language

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service { key = "value" }

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service { acl = "private" ... env = "development" }

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Terraform flow

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• terraform init • terraform get • terraform plan • terraform apply • terraform destroy • terraform graph

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# provider "github" { organization = "my-organization" token = "${var.github_token}" version = "~> 0.1" }

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# terraform.tfvars github_token = "6a2...2f7"

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# resource "github_team" "frontend" { name = "frontend" description = "Team: frontend" privacy = "closed" }

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# resource "github_membership" "jane" { username = "jane" role = "member" }

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# resource "github_team_membership" "jane" { team_id = "${}" username = "jane" role = "member" }

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# module "infra" { source = "" name = "infra" description = "Infrastructure" req_status_checks_context = ["continuous-integration/travis-ci"] auto_init = false gitignore_template = "" team_repository_team = "${}" enable_branch_protection = 0 req_pr_reviews_dismissal_teams = ["${}"] restrictions_teams = ["${}"] }

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# module "infra" { source = "" name = "infra" description = "Infrastructure" req_status_checks_context = ["continuous-integration/travis-ci"] auto_init = false gitignore_template = "" team_repository_team = "${}" enable_branch_protection = 1 req_pr_reviews_dismissal_teams = ["${}"] restrictions_teams = ["${}"] }

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# module "infra" { source = "" name = "infra" description = "Infrastructure" req_status_checks_context = ["continuous-integration/travis-ci"] auto_init = false gitignore_template = "" team_repository_team = "${}" enable_branch_protection = 1 req_pr_reviews_dismissal_teams = ["${}"] restrictions_teams = ["${}"] }

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# module "infra" { source = "" name = "infra" description = "Infrastructure" req_status_checks_context = ["continuous-integration/travis-ci"] auto_init = false gitignore_template = "" team_repository_team = "${}" enable_branch_protection = 1 req_pr_reviews_dismissal_teams = ["${}"] restrictions_teams = ["${}"] }

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