#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
● Software engineer at Decodable
● Former project lead of Debezium
● kcctl 🧸, JfrUnit, ModiTect,
● Java Champion
● 1⃣ 🐝 🏎
Gunnar Morling
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
The Goals
Learn something
Have some fun
along the way
Inspire others to
do the same
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
The Rules
● Java-only; Version of your choice
● No dependencies
● No caching
● 10K stations, -99.9°C - +99.9°C
● Copying allowed
#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
JEP 454
Foreign Function & Memory API
Introduce an API by which Java programs can
interoperate with code and data outside of the Java
runtime. By efficiently invoking foreign functions
(i.e., code outside the JVM), and by safely accessing
foreign memory (i.e., memory not managed by the
JVM), the API enables Java programs to call native
libraries and process native data without the
brittleness and danger of JNI.
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Parallelization–Chunking the File
We have many cores,
let’s put them to use!
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Parallelization–Chunking the File
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jjmusgrove https://flic.kr/p/2mJbA8S (CC BY 2.0 DEED)
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Parsing – Byte by Byte
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Parsing – Byte by Byte
⌛ 20 sec.
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Parsing – SWAR
SIMD Within a Register
#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Should You Do Any of This?
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
The Hardest Earned Coffee Mug…
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Lessons Learned
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Lessons Learned
● Precise rules, covering corner cases
● Automate, automate, automate
● Build a community
● Use dedicated hardware
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Lessons Learned
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
The 1BRC Community
● Environment
● Evaluation Scripts
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
1BRC Mythbusters
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
What’s Next?
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
● Repository
● Show & Tell
● The Billion Row Challenge–Step-by-step from 71s to 1.7s
Learn More
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#1BRC | @gunnarmorling
Relevant JEPs and more
● Vector API (Incubator): https://openjdk.org/jeps/469
● Foreign Function and Memory API:
● CRaC: https://openjdk.org/projects/crac/