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PareshMayani.apk Founder/Organizer, GDG Ahmedabad Technical Lead @ Lets Nurture Application Architect

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Good/Clean code base? What is that? Why should we have good/clean code base?

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Scalable | Stable

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Scalable | Stable | Testable

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Scalable | Stable | Testable | Modular

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Application Architecture? And why do I care?

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MV* Patterns? And why do I care?

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MV (C | P | VM) Model Business logic Data source of the application Network layer, database operations

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MV (C | P | VM) View Business logic Data source of the application Network layer, database operations Responsible for displaying data Model

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MVC Model View Controller

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View Model Controller Controller manipulates, edit, uses data model and show it to users via View.

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View Model Controller In Android, Activity/Fragments can act as both View and Controller

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MVP Model View Presenter

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Presenter Model View 1 .. 1

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Presenter Model View 1 .. 1 Presenter is a simple java class that do not contain any UI components, it just manipulates data from model and display in on View.

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MVVM Model View ViewModel

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ViewModel Model View 1 .. * Many View can be mapped to one View-Model

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MVC vs MVP vs MVVM Show me flow how it actually works

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Passes call to Fire events Manipulates Model-View-Controller Controller Model View User Interaction

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Passes call to Fire events Manipulates Model-View-Controller Controller Model View User Interaction Passes call to Manipulates Model-View-Presenter Presenter Model View Updates User Interaction Fire events

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Passes call to Fire events Manipulates Model-View-Controller Controller Model View User Interaction Passes call to Manipulates Model-View-Presenter Presenter Model View Bi-directional Data Binding Manipulates Model-View-ViewModel ViewModel Model View Updates User Interaction User Interaction Fire events Fire events

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MVC vs MVP vs MVVM Which one to follow?

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Activity/Fragment/View should be Business logic free

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Can you unit test everything?

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Unit Testing Why to test?

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Local unit tests Instrumented tests Test Types

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Located at module-name/src/test/java/. These tests run on the local JVM and do not have access to functional Android framework APIs. Local unit tests

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Located at module-name/src/androidTest/java/. These are all tests that must run on an Android hardware device or an Android emulator. Instrumented (end-to-end) tests

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1) Instrumented test 2) Local JVM Test

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Why Unit Testing? Why should we write unit test?

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“Unit Testing is a level of software testing where individual units/ components of a software are tested. “ The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software performs as designed.” All possible scenarios

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Unit tests are for the software developers Unit tests are written by software developers

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Options: JUnit, Robolectric Frameworks: Mockito, PowerMock Unit Testing

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Mocking => @mock @spy Stubbing => when().thenreturn(true/false) Verifying => verify() Mockito

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// You can mock concrete classes and interfaces TrainSeats seats = mock(TrainSeats.class); // stubbing appears before the actual execution when(; // the following prints "BOOKED" System.out.println(; // the following prints "null" because .book(Seat.near(AISLE).in(FIRST_CLASS))) was not stubbed System.out.println(; // the following verification passes because .book(Seat.near(WINDOW).in(FIRST_CLASS)) has been invoked verify(seats).book(Seat.near(WINDOW).in(FIRST_CLASS)) // the following verification fails because .book( has not been invoked verify(seats).book( Example

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Options: Robotium, Espresso Firebase Test lab support Android Studio test recorder Instrumentation tests

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Continuous Integration Can I perform unit testing automatically whenever software builds?

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Jenkins (Open source) Travis / Circle CI / Atlanssian Bamboo Performs testing on triggering actions like PR merge Automated reporting: Send email if build fails Auto publishing to play store Continuous Integration

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Demo Time MVP Pattern & Unit Testing

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No Questions!

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Thank you! Paresh Mayani @pareshmayani Grab This Presentation