Speaker Bio
❖ Software Developer
❖ Consultant at Auth0
❖ Open Sourcerer
❖ Self-Acclaimed Developer Evangelist
❖ Community Builder
❖ Jollof Rice Ambassador
❖ Homeless Man
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Community Evangelist
❖ forLoop Africa
❖ Laravel Nigeria
❖ Angular Nigeria
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Google Developer Expert
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Technical/ Technical?
1. How to be a great developer?
2. How to be a 6-figure developer?
3. How to be a Celebrity developer?
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Woot! Woot! Yaaaaaasss, let’s do it!
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Developing is a lot
like cooking!
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Technical/ Technical?
There’s more to career advancement than
solving tough programming challenges.
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From Donkey To Unicorn - Ordinary To World Class
Great code is fine, yet commanding better
work and a higher salary depends on
ensuring more people know who you are.
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Technical/ Technical?
Technical Skills are overrated. Are they?
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1. Excellent Technical Skills
Business Domain Knowledge is Critical….
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From Donkey To Unicorn - Ordinary To World Class
Think of your skills as a feature and make
yourself an API through which you expose
this feature to your team mates, client &
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2. Run a Blog
Thought Leadership….
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Coding & Writing? Where’s the time?
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3. Contribute to
Open Source
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Contribute To Open Source? Man, Ina bukatar yin kudi!!!
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4. Eye on the Shiny new stuff,
hands on the practical.
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Fura.js? Seems cool but I’m deep with React, Ka Wayi!
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5. Be flexible in your hold on
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Be Flexible? LOOOOL..I know this sh*t, Don’t tell me nonsense
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6. Soft skills are underrated
amongst developers. Change
the status quo!
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Soft Skills? Why? Coding is hard enough!
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6. Know thy tools as a
Simple tools for complex problems put a shine on the developer.
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Know thy tools like a Boss? Sublime? Master it!
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7. Become an authority on a
subject or domain area.
Thought Leadership….
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An Authority? How? What should I do?
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8. Follow great developers &
soak yourself in Engineering
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Follow those who have created greatness before you!
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From Donkey To Unicorn - Resources
❖ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
❖ Responding to change over following a plan
❖ Working Software over comprehensive documentation
Work Hard, But Be Smart!
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Big Boy Pants: World Class Developer - Resources
❖ Software Architecture for Developers - Technical Leadership and
the balance with agility by Simon Brown
❖ The Software Developer’s Manual by John Sonmez
❖ The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
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Thank you, guys!
Now, go forth & be World