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A Story About OSINT and Bugbounty By PJBorah

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A Story About OSINT and Bugbounty By PJBorah

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Why OSINT Open-source intelligence is a multi-factor methodology for collecting, analyzing and making decisions about data accessible in publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context. I Love Because discovering unknown assets I Love most

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I do Part time Bugbounty Hunting And mostly i do recon using search engine Eg: shodan, censys which Gives lot's of info And My $$$$$ Lets Start Bugbounty and censys And $$$$ censys

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Navigate to As we see we have option lookup Host info or Certificates info by IP, Domain Name , CIDR etc. This discover, monitor, and analyze Our target info But How it work? How this help us to find your Critical Bug

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How to Lookup Host Info Lookup Host details using domain name Lookup Certificate Details Belongs to target eg:

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Look for Specific Services/port Finding for `8880' PORT Use Keyword: ( and services.port=`8880`

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Look for ftp Finding for 'ftp' Use Keyword: ( and services.service_name=`FTP

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How I found Some cool bug Using

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Navigate to I was Testing on Private Program And where i found All 500+ employee data From Misconfigure This discover, monitor, and analyze Our target info But How it work? How this help us to find your Critical Bug

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Always Look for unique port in my case i found 5001 come to know through One IP Which is AWS and deploying TableAir.AdminFlow And What They replied to me And Issue is resolved within 2 days .

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Thanks Youtube: R8q7TObhymuftzvvkw Twitter :