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Collapsing toolbar with parallax effect and curved motion in Jetpack Compose Morad Azzouzi Senior Android Developer @MoradiousBig

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Agenda 1. What are we building ? 2. Foundation 3. Animation 4. Linear interpolation 5. Performance

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What are we building ? Collapsing toolbar animation 1. The header is translating on the Y axis using a parallax effect 2. The header fades out as the list is scrolling up 3. The toolbar fades in once the list reaches 56dp from the top screen 4. The title translates on X and Y axis using a quadratic Bézier curve 5. The title scales down as the list is scrolling up

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Foundation Structure

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Foundation Our first composable

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Foundation Header composable

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Foundation Body composable Header height 275 dp

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Foundation Body composable

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Foundation Toolbar composable

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Foundation Title composable

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Foundation Sum up

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Animation Header parallax effect

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Animation Header parallax effect GraphicsLayer: modifier which defines the effects to apply for the content, such as translation, scaling, opacity and even more.

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Animation Header fade out animation

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Animation Header fade out animation Collapsed: alpha value equals “0” when scroll offset reaches the top of the screen: B (headerHeight ; 0) Expanded: alpha value equals “1” when no scrolling applies: A (0 ; 1)

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Animation Header fade out animation ✐ ✐ A (0 ; 1) and B (headerHeight ; 0) ; 1)

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Animation Header fade out animation

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Animation Toolbar animation

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Animation Toolbar animation offset

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Animation Toolbar animation

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Linear interpolation Title linear translation

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Linear interpolation Definition P1 P = (1- t)p0 + t x p1

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Linear interpolation “t” value “t” value is the percentage of the animation between 0 and 1. The idea is to represent the ratio of this animation:

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Linear interpolation Title XY coordinates x y x = 16 dp y = headerHeight - titleHeight - padding x y P1 x = 72 dp y = toolbarHeight / 2 - titleHeight / 2 P0

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Linear Interpolation “lerp” P0 : (16.dp, heiderHeight - titleHeight - padding) P1 : (72.dp, toolbarHeight / 2 - titleHeight/ 2) t : scrollOffset / (headerHeight - toolbarHeight)

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Linear interpolation Title linear translation

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Linear interpolation Quadratic Bézier Curve

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Linear interpolation Quadratic Bézier Curve

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Linear interpolation Quadratic Bézier Curve

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Linear interpolation Quadratic Bézier Curve

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Linear Interpolation Quadratic Bézier Curve X axis P0P1 lerp: P1P2 lerp:

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Linear Interpolation Quadratic Bézier Curve Y axis P0P1 lerp: P1P2 lerp:

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Performance The three phases of compose 💡 You should not have to recompose just to relayout a screen “What to show” “Where to place it” “How to draw it”

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Performance Recomposition tips 1. Prefer lambda modifiers 3. Use derivedStateOf() 2. Defer read as much as possible

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Linear interpolation Examples

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We’re hiring ! Morad Azzouzi Senior Android Developer @MoradiousBig