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Embarking on a Machine Learning Internship

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01 02 03 04 Work at LINE Data Dev Build Deep Expertise Self Introduction 05 CONTENT Life as a LINER How to Prepare

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01 Self Introduction

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Wayner Kao B.S. in Computer Science @ NYCU (NCTU) LINE TECH FRESH Work Experience • 2023 LINE Taiwan | TECH FRESH @ Data Dev • 2022 CloudMile | ML Intern Research Experience • HCIS Lab, Advisor: Prof. Yi-Ting Chen • NLP Lab, Advisor: Prof. An-Zi Yen

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I was one of the audience! 2021.11.19

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Motivation for Internship Generated by DALL·E 3, Microsoft Bing • Accumulate experience • Develop technical, soft skills • Build up connections • Make income • Experience unique life

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02 Work at LINE Data Dev

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Data Dev Responsibility

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Internal Study Group Knowledge Graphs Application

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Question Answering & LLMs Lewis, Patrick, et al. "Retrieval-augmented generation for knowledge-intensive nlp tasks." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (2020): 9459-9474. Large Language Models Llama Alpaca Vicuna Usage SFT RLHF Prompt Learning GPT …

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Tools we use

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03 Build Deep Expertise Icon Source:

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You might need to know… • Machine Learning Algorithms • SOTA Models • Latest Tools • Domains • Natural Language Processing • Computer Vision • Game • Robotics • ... Source:

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Follow learning-on-demand policy Evaluation Metrics What is BLEU? Methodology What is Residual Dropout? Related Works What is RNN? Natural Language Processing Vaswani, Ashish, et al. "Attention is all you need." Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017).

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04 How to Prepare Icon Source:

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Job Description: TECH FRESH

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經驗無法複製,掌握⼤原則 投有競爭⼒的職位 • 相關經驗 STAR Do the homework • 寫下可能被問的 問題、回答 • What, Why and How Study CV • 其他求職者 • 官⽅資料 What did I do • Situation • Task • Action • Result

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05 Life as a LINER

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(TECH FRESH的) Aka ⼩確幸 辦公空間 • 彈性座位 • 升降桌 • HM人體工學椅 • 飛鏢機 • 按摩椅、服務 • LINE Friends Employee Welfare 吃吃喝喝 • Team building • UberEATS 點數 • 零食點數 • TECH FRESH Monthly 心得分享 • TECHPULSE • 畢業分享會 • Developer Meetup • 企業參訪 其他 • 16寸 MacBook Pro • GPT-4 • 線上課程

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