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The hitchhiker’s guide to Java class reloading @antonarhipov

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whoami Anton Arhipov @antonarhipov

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whoami Anton Arhipov @antonarhipov

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HotSwap Class loaders

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HotSwap Class loaders Java agents & instrumentation

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HotSwap Class loaders Java agents & instrumentation

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hotswap EST. 2001

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HOW ABOUT… refactoring?

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instanceKlass constantPoolOop constants() pool_holder() klassVTable Embedded klassITable Embedded Embedded statics M. Dmitriev. Safe class and data evolution in large and long-lived Java (тм) applications. Technical report, Mountain View. 2001

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instanceKlass constantPoolOop constants() constantPoolCacheOop cache() pool_holder() klassVTable Embedded klassITable Embedded Embedded statics M. Dmitriev. Safe class and data evolution in large and long-lived Java (тм) applications. Technical report, Mountain View. 2001

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instanceKlass constantPoolOop constants() constantPoolCacheOop cache() pool_holder() klassVTable Embedded klassITable Embedded Embedded statics objArrayOop methodOop methods() M. Dmitriev. Safe class and data evolution in large and long-lived Java (тм) applications. Technical report, Mountain View. 2001

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instanceKlass constantPoolOop constants() constantPoolCacheOop cache() pool_holder() klassVTable Embedded klassITable Embedded Embedded statics nmethod code() method() constants() objArrayOop methodOop methods() M. Dmitriev. Safe class and data evolution in large and long-lived Java (тм) applications. Technical report, Mountain View. 2001

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What if… hotswap++

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Dynamic Code Evolution for Java T. Würthinger, C. Wimmer, L. Stadler. 2010

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Dynamic Code Evolution for Java T. Würthinger, C. Wimmer, L. Stadler. 2010 Statements

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Dynamic Code Evolution for Java T. Würthinger, C. Wimmer, L. Stadler. 2010 Statements Methods

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Dynamic Code Evolution for Java T. Würthinger, C. Wimmer, L. Stadler. 2010 Statements Methods Fields

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Dynamic Code Evolution for Java T. Würthinger, C. Wimmer, L. Stadler. 2010 Statements Methods Fields Hierarchy

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Dynamic Code Evolution for Java T. Würthinger, C. Wimmer, L. Stadler. 2010 Statements Methods Fields Hierarchy

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Dynamic Code Evolution for Java T. Würthinger, C. Wimmer, L. Stadler. 2010 Statements Methods Fields Hierarchy + + + Binary-compatible

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Dynamic Code Evolution for Java T. Würthinger, C. Wimmer, L. Stadler. 2010 Statements Methods Fields Hierarchy + + + x x x Binary-compatible Binary-incompatible

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Class> uc1 = User.class; Class> uc2 = new DynamicClassLoader().load("com.zt.User"); out.println(uc1.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc2.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc1.getClassLoader()); // sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@18b4aac2 out.println(uc2.getClassLoader()); // com.zt.DynamicClassLoader@22b4bba7 User.age = 11; out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc1)); // 11 out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc2)); // 10 public class User { public static int age = 10; }

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Class> uc1 = User.class; Class> uc2 = new DynamicClassLoader().load("com.zt.User"); out.println(uc1.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc2.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc1.getClassLoader()); // sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@18b4aac2 out.println(uc2.getClassLoader()); // com.zt.DynamicClassLoader@22b4bba7 User.age = 11; out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc1)); // 11 out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc2)); // 10 public class User { public static int age = 10; }

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Class> uc1 = User.class; Class> uc2 = new DynamicClassLoader().load("com.zt.User"); out.println(uc1.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc2.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc1.getClassLoader()); // sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@18b4aac2 out.println(uc2.getClassLoader()); // com.zt.DynamicClassLoader@22b4bba7 User.age = 11; out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc1)); // 11 out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc2)); // 10 public class User { public static int age = 10; }

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Class> uc1 = User.class; Class> uc2 = new DynamicClassLoader().load("com.zt.User"); out.println(uc1.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc2.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc1.getClassLoader()); // sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@18b4aac2 out.println(uc2.getClassLoader()); // com.zt.DynamicClassLoader@22b4bba7 User.age = 11; out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc1)); // 11 out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc2)); // 10 public class User { public static int age = 10; }

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Class> uc1 = User.class; Class> uc2 = new DynamicClassLoader().load("com.zt.User"); out.println(uc1.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc2.getName()); // com.zt.User out.println(uc1.getClassLoader()); // sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@18b4aac2 out.println(uc2.getClassLoader()); // com.zt.DynamicClassLoader@22b4bba7 User.age = 11; out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc1)); // 11 out.println((int) ReflectUtil.getStaticFieldValue("age", uc2)); // 10 public class User { public static int age = 10; }

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while(true) { Class> uc = new DynamicClassLoader().load("com.zt.User"); ReflectUtil.invokeStatic("getHobby", uc); } public class User { public Hobby getHobby() { return Basketball(); } }

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while(true) { Class> uc = new DynamicClassLoader().load("com.zt.User"); ReflectUtil.invokeStatic("getHobby", uc); } public class User { public Hobby getHobby() { return Basketball(); } }

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public static class Context { public HobbyService hobbyService = new HobbyService(); public void init() { hobbyService.user = new User(); anyService.initialize() } }

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public static class Context { public HobbyService hobbyService = new HobbyService(); public AnyService anyService = new AnyService(); public void init() { hobbyService.user = new User(); anyService.initialize() } }

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public static class Context { public HobbyService hobbyService = new HobbyService(); public AnyService anyService = new AnyService(); public void init() { hobbyService.user = new User(); anyService.initialize() } } while(true) { Class> c = new DynamicClassLoader().load("com.zt.Context"); Object context = c.newInstance(); ReflectUtil.invokeMethod("init", context); invokeService(context); }

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DynamicClassLoader Context class HobbyService class User class Context object HobbyService object User object Reloadable “region” Live thread

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org.springframework.boot spring-boot-devtools runtime DEMO

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Java agents

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import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; public class Agent { public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception { inst.addTransformer(new ClassFileTransformer { // here be dragons }); } }

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import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; public class Agent { public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception { inst.addTransformer(new ClassFileTransformer { // here be dragons }); } } META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Premain-Class: Agent

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import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; public class Agent { public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception { inst.addTransformer(new ClassFileTransformer { // here be dragons }); } } $> java –javaagent:agent.jar application.Main META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Premain-Class: Agent

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ClassFileTransformer ClassA ClassA ClassA0 +field1 +field2 +field3 +method1 +method2 +method3 +method1 +method2 +method3 +field1 +field2 +field3 +proxy_methods A thousand years of productivity: the JRebel story E. Kabanov, V. Vene, 2012

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ClassFileTransformer ClassA ClassA ClassA0 +field1 +field2 +field3 +method1 +method2 +method3 +method1 +method2 +method3 +field1 +field2 +field3 +proxy_methods A thousand years of productivity: the JRebel story E. Kabanov, V. Vene, 2012

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HotSwap Class loaders

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HotSwap Class loaders Java agents & instrumentation

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