Slide 7
Slide 7 text
Framework for Intergenerational
Environmental Engagement
Solarpunk Generation proposes a framework for climate communication and environmental education grounded in
eco-psychology, community psychology, positive psychology, social-emotional learning, and storytelling, which can
spark inspiration, reduce climate change helplessness, and increase agency, resilience, and environmental engagement
in people of all ages and backgrounds:
Solution-focused stories are more effective than catastrophic stories in motivating pro-environmental intentions
(Baden, 2019).
Participants who read articles on climate change that framed individual actions as either effective or impactful,
indeed believed their individual actions made more impact, whereas the opposite led to climate helplessness
(Salomon, Preston, and Tannenbaum 2017).
Studies suggest that some activism is effective in building hope and in reducing anxiety and despair (Feldman and
Hart, 2015).
Hope has been associated with cognitive flexibility and creativity (Rey, 2020).
Research shows that children can foster climate change concern among their parents (Lawson Et al., 2019).
Research shows that both adolescents and their parents influence each other’s pro-environmental intentions and
behaviors, suggesting that not only parents but also adolescents, may be important agents of positive changes in
families and society (Zukauskiene, et al., 2020).