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+mna|> N (.4 .3 L if 8 www.ipsi| 1 888 IPSILON IP Switching Technology and Applications Tom Lyon 4:) C.T.O. lpsilon Networks, Inc.

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IP Switching I Technology Overview I Application for Corporate Backbones I Application for Internet Service Providers I Application for Carriers ‘:|)PSll0N

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IP Switching - Technology The greatest difficulty in the world is not for people to accept new ideas but to make them forget about their old ideas. ~ - John Maynard Keynes

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Old Ideas about ATM... u Switching is always at layer 2 I Routing and switching are fundamentally different I ATM requires a connection oriented architecture n One ATM standard solves all problems isnou 4

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IP Switching Goals I Use standard switch hardware to accelerate IP I No clouds - no duplication of IP functions I Must work with all IP routing & management protocols I Preserve hop-by-hop semantics I Preserve ability of IP to cross boundaries I Same protocol for many purposes - no UNI/NNI/ICI distinction I Fully supported IP multicast W0"

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Old Ideas about IP... I IP requires routers with custom hardware I IP requires Ethernet or LAN at layer 2 I Switching can’t be used to help IP routing *>s|Lou N+\| 5

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IP Switching IP Applications with ATM Performance and Quality of Service IP Router ATM Switch IP Switch IP Switching functionality ofIP with the hardware switching speed of ATM combines the proven I 4|)Ps|Lou N+| 7

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Flow Classication I Flows consist of multiple packets that share, for example, the same source/destination addresses, type of sen/ice, protocol I Long-lived flows are ideal for cut-through switching n Short-lived transactions are ideal for datagram forwarding Flow-Oriented Traffic Short-Lived Traffic ' File transfer (FTP) ' Name look-upl(DNS) ' File sharing (NFS) ' Network Time Protocol Webservice (HTTP) M ' Email(SMTP) ' Webimagedownloads ° POP ' Multimedia audiolvideo ' SNMP ‘=|)PSll.0N 4

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Packets per Flow vs. Flow Duration 1000 __,~1 .1 .01 , " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ , _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'.1i§_.1‘.-‘e-.. . . .- . .-.. . . . . . . . .. 1 10 100 1000 *=?>S"_0N Average FlowDuration \

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Protocol Analysis Packet Tracefrom Internet Backbone Fl Protocol Pktsls Flows/s Duragrm PktsIFlow Mbone (IP in IP) TCP 456 0.1 173 2307 Ftp-data TCP 201 8 12.2 1 1 18 1 525 Telnet TCP 803 4.2 114 114 Mail (SMTP) TCP - 802 49.5 18 .15 Name Server (DNS) UDP 929 216.6 15 4 Web (HTTP) 1'cP e111 13.0 57 14 ‘ Mail (POP) TCP 9 0.4 21 21 1 Nevvs(NNTP) TCP 1096 0.1 111 621 Management (SNMP) UDP 43 6.1 18 6 X-windows TCP 111 0.2 161 276 Total 16,700 420 ._:|)PS"_0N Duration: 5 minutes Average number active flows: 42,000

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Packets vs. Flows 400 350 50 W -¢-_ 0 A " . . ..._ A . j ‘ , V1 203040506070 8090100 {,S"_0N O 10 Packets Reeeived Before Switching Flow ' F N+l15

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IP Switching Simplifies Address Mapping ATM Forum IP Switching MPOR ii 0"’ f * .~ LAN Q.293 \ IFMP > Removing steps saves igmou bandwidth, delay, and complexity N4-I16

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The IP Switching Multicast Advantage Today’s Multicast Routers Software replication is inefficient and slow ATM Cloud BUS server is inefficient and . g P t speedand efficiency V IP Switches support IP multicast, just as IP S Switches support all other aspects of IP. V’ IP Switches use ATM hardware for high- performance multicast replication, avoiding inefficient software replication used by routers. s/ ATM cloud topologies cannot support IP multicast efficiently. IP Switching Packets are replicated in is a sin le oint of failure A TM hammm increasing

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Quality ofService Alternatives Quality of Service ATM Forum Internet Agproach / /\ Q2931 (ISDN-style) RSVP Flow Classification I Assumes ATM to the I Modify O/S I Leverages lP Switching deskto p I Modify Applications I No rnodifications to \ I Mod/fy O/S Deployment applications required * I Modify Applications ':l)PSll.0N i

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Quality ofService Conguration Z’? Application IP Sourc Destination Address Z. Switchin P Y olic Interface Assigned Priority G; ‘:|)PSlLON

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Quality ofService Application Examples up s u n . . . V _“""w C ii" ‘ Financial Trading Floor Quallg of Service based on ‘P Address |p swam ‘P switch V. . TCP/UDP Port °°""°"°' Contrallér ¢ RSVP Messages * “‘°“°' L mnmom Q“"my°f and Transactions we ~r/a‘»v~<1=»*,»v>.m,W",» . Lower [Lana Quality Ofslla ll lpsmch llih comma L , it - ~ ;;i IP Switch ' ' 7 ""“""’y L"""" <=-M» [‘i”‘??T‘?‘YeC?’”??‘*‘ NW i ‘, it 4 Peiy Lovoivi V’ I I V V " ‘ 7 7 Priority Laval 4 z % i ' . \ ATM : 4» [ Internet Service Provider “Wm . it “MM”? First Class J) V ~ ~ V guslnou 2:0: ~‘ 5“, _ V_ V ~»»w.-w»<- ganomy ‘Q - ' — ’ Shnd-by Class

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The IP Switch Controller I 5 to 15% of traffic not appropriate for switching I Fast processor required for forwarding this traffic I “Embedded” processors in ATM switches not fast enough I Intel Pentium family has best price/performance I Controls ATM switch via GSMP (RFC1987) I Scales in performance with new Intel processors '=>s|Lou 4

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IP Switching Technology Platform and Vendor Independent Combine lpsilon Software + Best-of-Breed” Hardware IP Switch IP Switch IP Switch IP Switch IP Switch ‘ I P Switch" Controller Controiier - Platform and vendor %|)PS|L0N mdependent chotces N+l 25

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IP Switching Application in the Corporate Backbone: 4|)Ps|Lou N4-I 26

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The Corporate Backbone ls,-La N. 10 Mbps I-ANS 100 Mbps LANs - Limited network applications - Increasing need for Mbps ANs high-performance routing ‘:’SlLON N4-I 27

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lpsilon Products ATM Backbone Solution 'P5"°" lpsilon Voyager IP Switch IP Switch Controlle> ATM 1600 16 port OC-3 ,1 ?"¢--—'lIi'l1II§< 3 £:§_|vMun\wwp' ii i i 1 3 Int“-viva ‘ .- lune v-~@<.1.~,m< M t " K». .1,-; Mt won/a,\ ~21-m , . 1 2'»=.::§Ec,.iif».».+‘ £9 1». ~. W-..»=.-.. .,. as . ‘P0 "'-1‘ ' i E i 1-‘QM ; ' V eb net management Native Connection Gateway IP Switching Driverll I lpsilon IP Switch aw I Optimized direct attachment High-performance a-ttachmenf=*§||_()N for sen/ers and hosts for existing LANs and WANs N4-I 28

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Ipsilon Products Fast Ethernet Backbone Solution i V »“»E 'j'-W~|ii»'Ii<~ii= v ma ~ Ii lei _~ H1»-i milivyjv bu,‘i*~.j~»“~.j i “~‘~‘» -—.i—»mi|*i=I|-i»~“=“vi/ibvievila ~=' ~ giiii“i it .. -/-aw‘Ii-ll‘I-. -7- ii ii-ii1] ii i Iii > i% ~ -»|'i_an (“iii in ~ iia~_- iié'~i|~.— V "Iii.-l»H'|." - ‘I -tiélriiiii‘I//it ii “ail lps|lon IP Switch IP Switch Controlle> ATM 1600 ATM Switch Fabric FAS 1200 Fast Ethernet Flow Acces Ill l|||||||'l||||l||& ‘:I)PS|LON Fastest, densest, lowest cost Fast Ethernet backbone N4-I 29

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High-performance Network Applications .. _ . 775,1, . V, ‘ , . . ~--,1, M . , , . , ,, ~ ‘ ., , » U . V” Vi. ., ,, . ,, .. ., ., . . >v"'ii!\4>‘ ~ ., , "i-Hit». ‘I'M-Vi -i ‘Ti-iii‘ ii ii’-mi“ > -I i ii P)lT|B( IO I H l l The Information Bus Company ""'="'.°.........m ’,,,:§"' 5? ' Staré (21; i‘>$\ n j wt.»\'rm 4|%s|Lou N44 30

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IP Switching ApplicationforInternet Service Providers Hardest Network Problems’: Going Fast Getting Big Crossing Boundaries IP Solves these problems in the Internet * Van Jacobson i994

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Going Fast? ilinmira»“'|-'~i»-it/i-'~I ~ » ii-| It-ag‘-i -at "M ii‘ /Ia . - V -i-'~'-'~»i'i.||i=|/a -it-I-i|»&'~“j~ '~“~&iI ii» . t ' .> ‘ ~ ‘ _»=i&~a ii» W“:-3'~-'<"-Q“-. /iii|i"~|-an-‘ii-i-'~"<;|‘-la-~15 i~i~i-'-Iil-iilii I ATM switches available today @ 622 Mbps, 1.4Mpps I Fastest router port @ 155 Mbps, < 200Kpps I Routers d0n’t get fast as easily as switches do I Software/Bus centric vs. Hardware/Fabric centric ‘:l)PS|LON N1-I 32

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Getting Big? Routers Interconnected by “Cloud” of Switches Site 1 PVCs \ I ATM/ Frame Relay etwork Site 2 F

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Clouds don ’t Scale Complete mesh requires n*(n-1)/2 logical connections Each connection requires administration Excess routing protocol traffic “chokes” l'OUt€I‘S Extremely inefficient mu/ticast Q08 requires even more connections i‘=l)PS|l.0N

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IP Switching - Cloudless Scaling I Interior IP switches reduce configuration and routing overhead, maintain performance, allow Qos & ideal multicast Site 2 Sit 1 P /\ saw 3 Site 4 %?H|l0N N4-I 36 I c_

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Crossing Boundaries I Crossing administrative boundaries is the hardest problem I IP, with BGP, allows this in the Internet I IP Switching, With IFMP, IS insensitive I0 I/76 IP routing protocol I IP Switching can be used wherever a point- to-point link is used I Most competing proposals break this extremely important property of IP *>s|Lou Na-I 37

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U Em____W_a M M WWWWWWWWWWO _ M m S u a MW QM W S W MM um _ _____3E _2°_w 5 8 __88E___U miagioz nu ‘ R WWWWWWWW

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IP Switching Applicationfor Carriers Commercial Internet access $1,400 _ .._. —._.<.< ., ~=__-=__,:,_; ,:“‘I&IIIIf-4 ._ ptllllblvll w _ ;A=,,.» V;=>;;~.---.~~==.5 ' ‘ ' Commercial Internet access $800 4 ‘f3=~\\~»a/*; > , . - . , .1‘ ~~ _, :¢i>:=~; - . , .. u»_:a’::r\q11: 7-:'~=l\:r='»» ' ' 1 _- 2(X)% m market is growing faster than all + other data services segments, i l # market IS almost twice the size ofATM and frame relay sen/ices market combined 25()% 4__,_,V__ _ K “em, K *0 ‘~41 vw¢f_i;~* ’, 5 <~ ..a»;;.;., . , . . » , . » - rl,;,_--‘in;-‘ . , __ , . 1-. . - .1 - !\<;":_'{:,: ~ ' 1 -'~:>’:1 .- _ Y i 0% 1 a s 1 : 1 'ncl d'ng frame rela and A 7M 4) IPSILON

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Site 1 , lPSwltch I » a lvswmn A. IP Switching across the WAN IP Switching with PVPS V Utilize virtual path setvice frem carriers to connect multiple IP Switch V sites V V V V {§,§;',§',§°,f, i \/ - Extends IP Switchingacross the Sm Am widwea Switch Vlpsilon uses virtual channels . wlthinthe carrier-provided V virtual path ~ A" V 7 ._ —_ A V Multiple virtualfpaths per port V A Qr used to connectitoi multiple WAN ‘ r IP Swltch < ma TM Wide Area site 3 , ATM Service > W “II” P ‘:l)PSlLON

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I I I ," Carrier ATM Switch 1 ,1 \ I \ IP Switching on existing infrastructure Enabling IP Services ATM V Segment an existing |P $°FVi¢@$ Services larg:-scale wide area ¢u-etemer ustgm > AT SWHICI1 "I10 T - " ‘‘~ /' " “\ multiple IP Switches ' ‘ i, I’ ' V Use aromeexistlngr ’ ______ ~""~’_ ATM ports for Ca’-"er classical ATM ll'fC 1' M IP ATM ‘ V Enable an ATM wide~ $e|-vices Services .:l_ area infrestructilre to ‘ provide IP services Custemer T I I IP S IP T , ATM ATM /‘~ ~ _ _ Services 56fVi¢9$ " i garviws Services _ ,1 I’ . , , ii | , - ’I’ '\‘ 337"" ATM switch 2 Carrier ATM Switch 3 ~_ ,’ ' Services ~.____‘, A /1' usto ~ IP SQIVIOQS \\~ xx‘ ’/’ ‘‘ ~ - - — '" V v 4 ~ _ _ _ - — — ' _ \ - - — "

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Enabling IP Switching on Carrier Switches GSMP Initialization Vi,-tua] GSMP Initialization ‘ ' lp Switgh ATM Services IP Switching ~ Ports 1,3,4,5,8 ~ Port 9 VP 5 \ itc @:><:@ ATM 5w ®@ @ ' Ports 2,6,7 ' Port 9 VP 9 ”:|)PS||.0N

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IP Switching: Servicesfor ISPs Customer Cllswmef External IP Switching |P SW|tChil'\g of "asp 2 Provider 1 ‘P IP V 1/ Segment an existing mt, ‘:i%l°;‘§aL*ht;?§“'” l A T ' multiple IP Switch networks of IPSP 1 WAA |/ Allow ISPs to operate IP switch controllers Diallzone » via GSMP V for IPSP1 for lPSP2e l i Carrie ATM Sich Relay ports 0/ Connect customers ATM - ATM i A?}%Ia‘g it SP conrolle Switch Ports Switch Ports Frame V ' ‘ ‘ ' ” ($1-'l="$°-' u> V ' 4>§||_0N . Dtntliono ‘Pb IP Switching I¢¢f|[;|g||g|- Provider 2

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IP Services: Cascaded Switches |P $Wil0|'\i9 IP Switching Cascaded Switches Provider 2 Provider 3 V Switchports on V IP Switching _dmP'°"‘ ATM A . V» switches can be Provuder 1 t controlled bya » sin lelPS itch" Y S 9 V W 1§.,f,}':§:, A Controller S ATM V Allows cost Ports J C ' effectlve i V I "’$" 1 0 WAN deployment even in Carrier ATM Switch 1 early sparse stages ATM - 4‘ Z V V Ports ‘ " IPSP1 Carrier ATM Switch 3 riTM Sitch ‘ . ‘ ' LI" _ E» ‘ "ex IPSP IPSP Customers Customers ”:I)PSlLON

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IFMP Interface IP Switching and xDSL IP Switching ./ xDSL om highs-speed WAN transport over existing infrastructure l l » 1/ IP routing still ‘required in . QC- network or delivery of IP Data Tram n GSMP servicesllntern-est access "’ise""°" ~ ' °"°°° 0/ Efficient llimulticasti °°'W"' 4) ‘support is essential for gent;-a| Am i consumer Infzernet access Office “fa” DSLAM ‘ Volce T i ,0,/,9, I IP Dialtone Customers ‘W4’ ~ §[j| I£|| Ell ':l)PSlLON