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Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model [1] Neil Lawrence. Gaussian process latent variable models for visualization of high dimensional data. [2] Neil Lawrence. Probabilistic Non-linear Principal Component Analysis with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models.

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Theory ・What Gaussian Process Regression is ・Gaussian Process Latent Variable Examples ・Easy experiment in Oil flow dataset with source code ・GPLVM as a generation model ・Phase transition related to hyper parameters of GP Related Models ・Infinite Warped Mixture Model, ・Gaussian Process Dynamical Model, GPDM Contents

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What Gaussian Process Regression is. Dataset = , | = 1 ⋯ = = ෍ =1 ( ) Estimated by using MSE Φ, = ( ) : design matrix = ΦΦ −1Φ Linear Regression ( basis function (⋅) have to be given) Gaussian Process Regression ( Kernel function have to be given) We introduce prior distribution ~N , λ2 = follows gaussian distribution ~ , λ2 ≡ , (∗|∗, )~ ∗ T−1, ∗∗ − ∗ T−1∗ ∗ ~N , ∗ ∗ T k∗∗ ∗ = ∗, 1 , ⋯ , (∗, ) k∗∗ = ∗, ∗ ,′ = λ ′ = 1 exp − 1 2 − ′ 2 Example: RBF Kernel

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We use the idea of gaussian process regression as a unsupervised learning.

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Introduction of GPLVM = , | = 1 ⋯ unknown given 1 = 1 (1) 1 (2) ⋮ 1 () 2 = 2 (1) 2 (2) ⋮ 2 () = (1) (2) ⋮ () = 1 (1) 1 (2) 2 (1) 2 (2) ⋯ 1 () ⋯ 2 () ⋮ ⋮ (1) (2) ⋱ ⋮ ⋯ () ∈ ℝ× () = 1 () 2 () ⋮ () is generated by common unknown N inputs = , ⋯ , by gaussian process regression. ()~(, + 2) = 1, ⋯ ,

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Introduction of GPLVM ()~(0, + 2) How should know ? Let us call latent variable. , = () = ෑ =1 () () = ෑ =1 () , + 2 () = ෑ =1 () , + 2 ෑ =1 ( ) = ෑ =1 () , + 2 ෑ =1 ( |0, ) Let us find X which maximize it No reason. cf. manifold hypothesis

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Introduction of GPLVM , = ෑ =1 () , + 2 ෑ =1 ( |0, ) = ෑ =1 1 2 /2 1/2 exp − 1 2 T −1() ෑ =1 ( |0, ) = 1 2 /2 /2 exp − 1 2 ෍ =1 T −1() ෑ =1 ( |0, ) = 1 2 /2 /2 exp − 1 2 tr −1T ෑ =1 ( |0, ) Inner product of matrix and is tr T tr T is larger as = When , is large, −1 is similar to Correlation matrix of observed data T

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Example of GPLVM Let us experiment in oil flow dataset Tst = Test Vdn = Valid Trn = Train [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [1 0 0] 2 energy γ-ray 2 energy × 6 direction = 12 dimensional data

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Example of GPLVM Easy to run by GPy! Compare to PCA You can know confidence!! or GPythorch, TF Probability… (∗|∗, )~ ∗ T−, ∗∗ − ∗ T−∗

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Example of application of GPLVM 2 dimensional embedded latent space Scaled GPLVM From Style-Based Inverse Kinematics 2004

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GPLVM as a generation model

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What is the difference between GPLVM and VAE? feature space Decoded Data Decoded Data = Decoder() Trained VAE GPLVM Each point correspond to a decode sample. Each point correspond to gaussian distribution. We can extract data by sampling the distribution. sampling unique unique not unique 1 2 … You cannot know confidence in feature space. It might be overfitted. You can know confidence in latent space. It will not be overfitted. latent space (0, I) (0, I) (∗|∗, )~ ∗ T−, ∗∗ − ∗ T−∗

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Infinite Warped Mixture Model, iWMM , = ()= ෑ =1 () , + 2 ෑ =1 ( |0, ) We assume explicitly the number of clusters in the latent space. , = ()= ෑ =1 () , + 2 ෑ =1 ෍ =1 λ ( | , −1) GMM Warped Mixtures for Nonparametric Cluster Shapes(2013) Tomoharu Iwata, David Duvenaud, Zoubin Ghahramani It is not easy to run. We can find MATLAB code in GitHub.

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Gaussian Process Dynamical Model, GPDM = =1 , =2 , ⋯ , = = =1 , =2 , ⋯ , = Observed variable Latent variable time developing time developing , = () = ෑ =1 () ෑ =2 ( |−1 ) −1 −1 +1 +1 GPVLM GPDM From Gaussian Process Dynamical Models 2008

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Conclusion and Discussion We can use gaussian process in unsupervised learning as GPLVM - Dimensional reduction - Clustering - Actually, GPLVM is generalized method of probabilistic PCA and Kernel PCA - Actually, Bayesian GPLVM is popular (link) We can use GPLVM as generation model - I will not be overfitted. - We can see confidence of latent space . There are some advanced model - Infinite Warped Mixture Model, iWMM - Gaussian Process Dynamical Model, GPDM - Discriminative Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model, discriminative GPLVM (link) - Supervised Latent Linear Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model, SLLGPLVM (link) Research Topics - Computational complexity is 3 . We have to calculate inverse matrix −1 - Analytical discussion of Generalization Gap of Gaussian Process (link) Data Augment from GPLVM?