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Oliver Mensah Thinking in Modules in JavaScript

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Code Dependencies

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Global Pollution Overridden in some instances Inferenc e from our Code

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Rewriting our JS Code

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Hoisting Why? All Declarations become undefned at the top level Eg. var list // undefned Later each declaration gets assign to its value Eg. list = ['Brendan Eich', 'Douglas Crockford', 'Kent C. Dodds'] Oh! There is another declaration called list Eg. list = ['Passion to Learn’, 'Reading of Source Code as Hobby', 'Computing Concerns' ]

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Modularizing Our Code

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Organize Code Visibility Reasons

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Object Literal IIFE Module Patterns Basic Module Common.js AMD ES6 Modules Revealing Module

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Object Literal

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Immediat ely Invoked Function Expressio n (IIFE)

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Basic Module

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Revealing Module

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Common.j s

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Asynchrono us Module Defnition (AMD)

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ES6 Modules (Native JS Feature)

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ES6 Module Backward Compatibility There Come Bundling and Transpiling Tools

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Webpack Babel Toolings For ES6 Module System

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Demos Link to Resources: FTwJyQ

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“Writing Good JavaScript Code is not too much harder, but Writing Bad code is very easier”

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Thank You

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