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Google Software Tech in Open Digital Ecosystems Andres L Martinez @davilagrau Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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Who is almo? Andrés L., Martínez a.k.a almo Developers Ecosystem Research, 2004/10 ● Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain) ● Telefonica R&D, Madrid (Spain) O2 Innovation Lab DevRel, London (UK), 2010/13 Google Developer Relations, London (UK), Madrid (Spain), 2013 - Google Cloud Community Ecosystem Europe, Zürich (Switzerland), 2018 - @davilagrau

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Developer Ecosystem… What is that?

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Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash Innovation

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Technology Disruptive Photo by Michael Prewett on Unsplash

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Intellectual property Creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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Freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software 1983 Open Source Licenses

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And then, there were many...

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People Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

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WWW - 1990 Photo by Andres Urena on Unsplash

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By The Opte Project - Originally from the English Wikipedia; description page is/was here., CC BY 2.5, By -, Public Domain, Launched in 1999

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Digital Open Ecosystems are innovation networks of people and software. Learning & Product Development Networks Photo by Jingyi Wang on Unsplash

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What are communities? What are communities?

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But what does collaboration mean? share collaborate cooperate

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1 to Many…. or so! (Share) ● Contents ○ Blogger ○ Flickr ○ YouTube ○ Jamendo ● Social ○ Google + ○ Twitter ○ Linkedin ○ Facebook ● Comms ○ GMail ○ Hangouts ○ WhatsApp ○ IRC Important: license! See Creative Commons

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● Chrome Music Jam ● GitHub ● KickStarter ● Crowd Crafting Many to Many (one)! (Collaborating)

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Many to many (many)! (Cooperating) ● Software ○ Apache ○ GNU/Linux ● Knowledge ○ Wikipedia ○ StackOverflow ● Technology ○ GDGs ○ MIT FabLab

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How big are these networks? Impact? Photo by Jordan McDonald on Unsplash

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2017 World ● 16M dev ● 1.2M Mobile Canada ● 0.55M dev ● ~30K Mobile USA ● 4M dev ● 0.2M Mobile

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● Developers communities, open source and Internet have proved critical to approach the inherent complexity of developing software technology. ● Free access to innovative technologies in areas as varied as Linux, Android, Chrome, Kubernetes or TensorFlow have broken down the traditional barriers that restrict learning, enabling the development of open innovation ecosystems ● 36% of mobile application developers are single users not seeking economic gain, whose main motivation is to learn and explore these new technologies. ● Google Developers runs a number of coordinated programs that promote the creation of networks of developer communities, the creation and publication of expert content, as well as diversity and inclusion., Open Technological Ecosystems: fuel economic growth

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Proprietary + Confidential Android Open Source Project (AOSP) Building a platform that’s open to everyone Custom Safe Compatible

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Proprietary + Confidential

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Proprietary + Confidential Kubernetes has great momentum

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Truly Open Source Under half the code is now written by Google Stewarded by the Cloud Native Compute Foundation™ A Linux Foundation Collaborative Project™ Contribution by companies Proprietary + Confidential

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A healthy ecosystem Cloud providers: Azure, VMware, Openstack, Rackspace, CenturyLink Distros: CoreOS Tectonic, Mirantis Murano (OpenStack), RedHat Atomic,, VMTurbo PaaS: RedHat OpenShift, Deis, Rancher, WSO2, Gondor/Kel, Apcera CD: Fabric8, Shippable, CloudBees, Solano Deployment: Kumoru, Redspread, Spinnaker Package managers: Helm, KPM Monitoring: Prometheus, Sysdig, Datadog Networking: Weaveworks, Tigera, OpenContrail Storage: NetApp, ClusterHQ Appliances: Redapt, Diamante

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CNCF Cloud Native Landscape Market cap of $20.33T and funding of $65.3B.

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Google Developers Groups GDGs are local groups of developers who are interested in Google products and APIs. Each local group can host a variety of technical activities and events. 138 Countries ~1000 groups 600K members Community Programs

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Google Developers Experts Google Developers Experts are a global network of experienced designers and developers actively supporting developers & startups that are changing the world. 760 experts worldwide Community Programs

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Community Programs Women Techmakers Women Techmakers supports the global ecosystem of women in technology ensures that the people making technology reflect the diversity of the users, and addresses a diversity of people’s needs. 2K+ groups worldwide

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Developer Student Clubs Developer Student Clubs are local groups of student developers who are interested in Google products and APIs. Each local group can host a variety of technical learning activities and educational events. Trainer over 80K students Community Programs

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Photo by Gerome Viavant on Unsplash … And the future?

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Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash Technical Education: "It takes a village to raise a child." Compartir Aprendiendo Aprender Enseñando Enseñar Aprendiendo

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Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash Compartir Aprendiendo Aprender Enseñando Enseñar Aprendiendo

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Thank you! Andres L Martinez @davilagrau Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash