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Distributed Tracing at UBER Scale Crea7ng a treasure map for your monitoring data Yuri Shkuro, UBER Technologies

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ABOUT ME •  SoAware Engineer on the Observability team in NYC •  Working on the open source distributed tracing system Jaeger •  Co-founded the OpenTracing project •  Banking industry survivor •  Github: yurishkuro •  TwiLer: @yurishkuro

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Would You Like Some Tracing with Your Monitoring? What does it take to roll it out?

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Why Distributed Tracing •  Distributed transac7on monitoring •  Performance / latency op7miza7on •  Root cause analysis •  Service dependency analysis •  Distributed context propaga7on (“baggage”)

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JAEGER, Distributed Tracing •  Open Source •  OpenTracing inside •  In ac7ve development •  PRs are welcome •  Zipkin compa7ble •

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Who Thinks Tracing is Awesome?

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Why Doesn’t Everyone Do Tracing?

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Tracing Instrumenta7on is HARD EXPENSIVE BORING

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Instrumenta7on •  Metrics and logging are not new •  Tracing is both new and harder

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Context Propaga7on A B C D E {context} {context} {context} {context} Unique ID → {context} Edge service

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Headers: . . . Trace ID . . . Instrumentation APPLICATION / MICROSERVICE Handler Context [Span] Client Context [Span] Inbound HTTP Request Instrumentation Headers: . . . Trace ID . . . Outbound HTTP Request Context Propaga7on

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In-Process Context Propaga7on Implicit, via Thread-Locals but: thread pools, futures Explicit

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It’s Also the Frameworks •  Go: stdlib, gorilla, … •  Java: jaxrs2, okhLp, ApacheHLpClient, … •  Python: Flask, Django, Tornado, urllib2, … •  Node.js – who knows…

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OpenTracing to the Rescue

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No Help With In-Process Propaga7on •  Must be done manually •  UBER has 2000-3000 microservices •  Resources of the tracing team are limited •  Developers must instrument their code!

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BITE MAKE ME! How do we mobilize the org?

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Traveling Salesman Problem 2017 edi7on

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They Must Want Your Product or S7cks and Carrots

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Recap: Why Distributed Tracing •  Distributed transac7on monitoring •  Performance / latency op7miza7on •  Root cause analysis •  Service dependency analysis •  Distributed context propaga7on (“baggage”)

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Service Dependency Analysis •  Explain to us what we just built •  Who are my dependencies •  Workflow analysis •  Where is all this traffic coming from? •  Service 7ers

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Baggage •  Tenancy, test or produc7on – Set at the top – Used at the storage layer, prod or test DB •  Authen7ca7on tokens – Signed user or service iden7ty – Checked at mul7ple levels

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S7cks and Carrots •  Get other teams build features on top – Performance team – Capacity & cost accoun7ng – Baggage •  More carrots •  Eventually they become s7cks (peer pressure)

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Each Organiza7on is Different Find what works best

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How to Measure Adop7on? Measure everything

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Does Service X Report Traces? •  Daily aggrega7on job •  Auto-book 7ckets •  Build a dashboard •  Pass/Fail: too easy to pass

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Trace Quality Score •  Inspect traces – See a caller, but no spans •  Join with other data – Rou7ng logs •  Auto-book 7ckets (carefully, not for everyone) – With detailed report

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Trace Quality Metrics by Service

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Thank You •  Jaeger –  hLps:// –  Blog: Evolving Distributed Tracing at UBER –  Blog: Take OpenTracing for a HotROD Ride •  OpenTracing: hLp:// •  We are hiring •  @yurishkuro