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About Me Developer Community Manager 
 Alumni Developer Outreach Manager • Love Obsessed with Dogs • Shoot Archery • Passionate about teaching others @tessak22 all over the internet

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What is ACF? • Stands for Advanced Custom Fields • Makes content editing easier • Easy to learn and use • Allows you to add custom meta fields to content • Free & Pro Versions

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What can it do? • Add custom data to your pages, posts & custom posts. • Collect theme setting values that you can use globally in your theme. • Create a custom page builder-esque layout editor • Capture entries through a frontend form • Extend your theme capabilities and features • Data is stored in the postmeta table

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Wait, what is Gutenberg?

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No content

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I just needed one more block to complete my homepage 90% there

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ACF 5.8 acf_register_block( $settings ); *ACF 5.8 is only available to Pro members

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$settings ● Name
 Unique name that identifies the block ● Title
 The display title for the block ● Description
 Short description explaining what the block can do ● Category
 Category it appears under [ common | formatting | layout | widgets | embed ]

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$settings ● Icon
 This can be chosen from a WordPress Dashicon or custom SVG ● Keywords
 Search terms to help users looking for a block ● Post Types
 Post type to restrict the block to ● Mode
 Edit or Preview

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$settings ● Align
 Default block alignment: “left”, “center”, “right”, “wide” and “full”

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$settings ● render_template
 The path to a template file used to render the block HTML. This can either be a relative path to a file within the active theme or a full path to any file. ● render_callback
 Instead of providing a render_template, a callback function name may be specified to output the block’s HTML.

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$settings ● render_callback
 Instead of providing a render_template, a callback function name may be specified to output the block’s HTML. ● render_template
 The path to a template file used to render the block HTML. This can either be a relative path to a file within the active theme or a full path to any file. in functions.php (or functions include) in a template file outside of functions

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Preview vs Edit

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Hero Block a81398621b32c23358cae5f3a 1d31379

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Dog Block Featured Rescue Dog Block

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CPT Dog Block Featured Rescue Dog Block

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Event Code: #wcorl Slides Q&A