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An Entrepreneurial Identity: Developing Skills for Your Future © Matthew C. Rogers-Draycott 2017

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Who Am I...

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Who Am I... Entrepreneur

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Who Am I... Entrepreneur Educator

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Who Am I... Entrepreneur Educator Researcher

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What is Entrepreneurship?

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‘Entrepreneurship is the finding and development of opportunities for value creation’

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Being Entrepreneurial =

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Being Entrepreneurial = A Fluid Identity 1

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Being Entrepreneurial = A Fluid Identity Context Specific 1 2

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Being Entrepreneurial = A Fluid Identity Broad Base of Skills & Capabilities Context Specific 1 3 2

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Entrepreneurial Skills?

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Entrepreneurial Skills... Venture Building Being Entrepreneurial

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Entrepreneurial Skills... Entrepreneurial Skills Opportunity Recognition Venture Building Value Creation Being Entrepreneurial

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Entrepreneurial Skills... Entrepreneurial Skills Opportunity Recognition Venture Building Value Creation Being Entrepreneurial Building Networks Risk Assessment Strategic Thinking Action Orientation Negotiating & Selling Task Focus Self - Confidence Practical Creativity

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What’s the Importance?

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The World Economic Forum (2016) indicated that more than 1/3 of the skills considered important in today’s workforce will have changed considerably by 2020 and may even have been made non-existent by technology

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Graduates entering the highest-skilled tiers of employment fell by 2.2% (2015 BIS) 1

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Graduates entering the highest-skilled tiers of employment fell by 2.2% (2015 BIS) Graduate wages have fallen by around 10% in real terms since 2010 (2015 HESA) 1 2

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Graduates entering the highest-skilled tiers of employment fell by 2.2% (2015 BIS) Graduate wages have fallen by around 10% in real terms since 2010 (2015 HESA) Public sector employment is at its lowest levels since 1999 (2016 ONS) 1 3 2

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Graduates entering the highest-skilled tiers of employment fell by 2.2% (2015 BIS) Graduate wages have fallen by around 10% in real terms since 2010 (2015 HESA) Public sector employment is at its lowest levels since 1999 (2016 ONS) 1 3 2 No inflation adjusted wage growth since 2007 (2016 OECD) 4

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23% of graduates on short or fixed term contracts (2016 HESA) 1

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6% were in self employment or starting a business (2016 HESA) 23% of graduates on short or fixed term contracts (2016 HESA) 1 2

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35% of graduates were in companies with fewer than 250 employees, and one in five were with companies with fewer than 50 (2016 HECSU) 6% were in self employment or starting a business (2016 HESA) 23% of graduates on short or fixed term contracts (2016 HESA) 1 2 3

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4th Industrial Revolution... Portfolio Roles Short Term Distance Working Knowledge Based Creative Destruction Value

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4th Industrial Revolution... Portfolio Roles Short Term Distance Working Knowledge Based Creative Destruction Value

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4th Industrial Revolution... Portfolio Roles Short Term Distance Working Knowledge Based Creative Destruction Value

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4th Industrial Revolution... Portfolio Roles Short Term Distance Working Knowledge Based Creative Destruction Value

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4th Industrial Revolution... Portfolio Roles Short Term Distance Working Knowledge Based Creative Destruction Value

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4th Industrial Revolution... Portfolio Roles Short Term Distance Working Knowledge Based Creative Destruction Value

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What does this mean for my career?

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What does this mean for my career? More Varied Roles

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What does this mean for my career? More Varied Roles Different Sectors

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What does this mean for my career? More Varied Roles Different Sectors New Opportunities

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What Can I do Now?

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What Can I do Now? Clubs & Societies

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What Can I do Now? Clubs & Societies Other Activities

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What Can I do Now? Clubs & Societies Other Activities Learn a Language

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What Can I do Now? Clubs & Societies Other Activities Learn a Language Volunteering

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What Can I do Now? Clubs & Societies Other Activities Learn a Language Volunteering Politics

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What Can I do Now? Clubs & Societies Other Activities Learn a Language Volunteering Politics Representation

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What Can I do Now? Clubs & Societies Other Activities Learn a Language Volunteering Politics Representation Start a Business

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What Can I do Now? Clubs & Societies Other Activities Learn a Language Volunteering Politics Representation Start a Business Worcester Award

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Thanks, Any Questions?

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Image Credits: - Everworks – Official Blog - (uncredited) - (uncredited) - Dickson Phua (Flickr) - Luke Jones (Flickr) - (uncredited) - Antolnette van de Rleth (Flickr)