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JS In the land of the JavaScripters Havi Hoffman | Mozilla 2 June 2019 JSConfEU | Berlin

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I The Beginning

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When I consider JSConf EU, and wonder what it is I have to share -

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Visualization of Lorenz’s strange attractor, or butterfly effect, in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

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Petrarchan Sonnet

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Shakespearean Sonnet

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II The Origin Story

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The times have changed with JavaScript’s ascent, Since @voodootikigod 10 years ago

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III JavaScript World Domination

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Trajectory is best viewed in retrospect. The JS singularity was never inevitable,

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IV The Code of Conduct

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At our events we will not tolerate Harassment of participants in any form. Photo: Hopper Stone, Detroit Free Press , a scene from “Hidden Figures”

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V A digital immigrant reflects on Emma Lazarus (1849-1887)

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The sonnet is a poem of fourteen line, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...”

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VI What’s not lost in translation

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The immigrant who puts down roots but never learns the language. That’s JavaScript and me.

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VII A Sonnet for Mozilla

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You may know Mozilla as the dinosaur That birthed a browser - open source - out of

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VIII Angus wrote a book about JavaScript

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“Doctrine and dogma: these are the enemy Of good javascript,” writes Angus Croll,

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X Tech Speakers & Strange Attractors

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Mozilla Tech Speakers is a program designed Like Global Diversity CFP Day

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xo “When a number of people come together, and if these people are harmonized in a certain way, excluding some who make for disharmony - we have what we call an event. “ Idries Shah, “The Story of Mushkil Gusha” thank you | danke @freshelectrons [email protected]

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Resources & image credits ● @jsconfeu - #42 JSConf very nearly didn’t happen ● An introduction to Shakespeare’s Sonnets — The British Library - public domain ● Day 2 “Expert Panel” by Aaron Gustafson - 2006 - CC BY-SA 2.0 ● Petrarca Queriniano incunable ● Why Shakespeare Loved Iambic Pentameter - TEDEd ● Jan Lehnardt: JSConf History - JSConf US Last Call

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● Chris Williams: Disconnect, 2012: ● Michael van Meer. Album Amicorum / Stam Boek Paintings of London in the friendship album of Michael van Meer, c. 1614-1615 friendship-album-of-michael-van-meer ● Photo from Hidden Figures from Hopper Stone, Detroit Free Press has-lessons-educators/96416028/ ● The Jewish Woman Who Gave Life to Lady Liberty by Chen Malul Resources & image credits

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● Nothing Fails Like Success: ● Carole Cadwalladr - Facebook’s role in Brexit - TED 2019 _to_democracy ● If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript ● John McCarthy ● Everyday Chaos by David Weinberger - ● JSHeroes photo by Istvan ‘Flaki’ Szmozsanszky @slsoftworks ● Global Diversity CFP Day - ● The Lorenz Attractor, a thing of beauty ● Lorenz attractor - created for Wikimedia Commons by User:Wikimol and Image:Lorenz attractor.svg by User:Dschwen (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported) Resources & image credits

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● Slide design by Mike McFarland Design ● Robot mascot by Virginia Poltrack ● Resources & image credits

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IX Big Data, Big Picture an epilogue

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John McCarthy was not trolling when he said these are We’d need to program to talk to the servants.

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The End