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Microservices Monitoring at mercari Monitoring Seminar in mercari, Nov 29, 2017

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@spesnova SRE at mercari

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How to monitor Microservices?

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but first,

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Why Microservices?

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We shouldn't forget the purpose, anytime

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mercari is facing a “scalability” problem

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100+ engineers

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Developers have to coordinate a lot of things

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Code dependency Other dev teams Deploy schedule QAs SREs …etc

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coordination is important, but…

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I can’t say this is “fast as possible”

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How to go as “fast as possible”?

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loosely coupled & bounded context

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= Microservices

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Key concepts

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System and Organization redesign Self service Standardization Automation

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Key technology

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“fast as possible” in monitoring area

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monitoring area

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1. Collecting 2. Alerting 3. Investigating

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Make these things as fast as possible

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with: Datadog GCP StackDriver PagerDuty Sentry NewRelic

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1. Collecting

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monolith vs microservice

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In monolith world, Dev asks Ops to configure to collect metrics

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This doesn’t scale in microservices world

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In microservices world, Dev configures agent to collect metrics themselves

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Dev puts monitoring configurations in pod manifest, instead of agent directly

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Datadog discovers monitoring configurations in Kubernetes manifest (annotations) annotations: '["apache","http_check"]' '[{},{}]' '[{"apache_status_url": "http://%%host%%/server-status?auto"},{"name": "My service", "url": "http://%%host% %", timeout: 1}]'

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Datadog discovers monitoring configurations in Kubernetes manifest (annotations)

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Dev don’t need to coordinate with SRE

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Furthermore, SRE runs monitoring agent to every node

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Basic metrics such as CPU, Memory are collected by Datadog automatically

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Dev don’t need to collect basic metrics themselves

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2. Alerting

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In monolith world, Ops is On-Call

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In microservices world, Dev is also On-Call

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Alert accuracy is important

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Alert on work metrics

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NG - Alert on CPU usage OK - Alert on server latency Alert on work metrics

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Alert on work metrics

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You can say high latency is problem. But you can’t say high CPU is problem.

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If you know high CPU usage is problem, keep it low by using auto-scaling.

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PagerDuty service / team per microservice

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Boilerplate for microservice

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3. Investigating

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In monolith world, Ops sees dashboard and investigate

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In microservices world, Dev sees dashboard and investigate

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At least 1 dashboard per microservice

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Dev needs to fix problems themselves, SRE has to give enough visibility to them

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Dev can see almost everything: Events

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Dev can see almost everything: Tracing and Profiling

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Dev can see almost everything: Slow query

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Dev can see metrics only in their context lBWHEPDLFSDQVVTBHF\LVCF@OBNFTQBDFGPP^z

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SRE can see metrics across dev teams lBWHEPDLFSDQVVTBHFCZ\LVCF@OBNFTQBDF^z

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Include everything in one dashboard

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Frontend (CDN, Synthetic, Browser) Backend (Trace, Profile, Error) Infrastructure (LB, Server, DB…) Events (Deploy, Auto-Scale, SaaS/Iaas) Logs (Frontend ~ Infrastructure) Business metrics (KGI, KPI)

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Give dev not only visibility, but also a compass in monitoring area

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Future Plans

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SLO + Error Budget Failure Friday (On-Call training) Monitoring Guide (documentation) Processes monitoring (kubelet etc) Topology Map End-to-End error / log tracking Internal status page

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loosely coupled & bounded context

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These principles are also important in monitoring area

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monitoring framework instead of dependent skills

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make everyone can monitoring

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