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JavaScript module systems @rafaelrinaldi

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JavaScript is both very dynamic and multi-paradigm programming language

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That’s both awesome and awkward

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Awesome because • You can implement whatever programming paradigm you want; • Easy to learn. Just create a bunch of functions and rock on! • Easy to run. The only requirement is a browser.

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Awkward because • It has lots of gotchas; • The browser environment itself is very complex and unpredictable; • The community is still evolving; there’s no “right way” of doing things; • “Toy language” legacy.

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The language itself doesn’t provide features that are considered basic in other modern languages

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Long story short

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JavaScript don’t provide a native module system

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# Ruby module system require 'format' module Log def warn(message) puts end end

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# Python module system from helpers.string import format def warn(message): print format(message)

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// Go module system package log import ( "helpers/string/format", "fmt" ) func warn() { fmt.Println(format("Of course I have a module system!")) }

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Why does it matter?

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A module system is a key requirement when it comes to code modularization

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Multiple script tags

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Multiple script tags • Somewhat sane code organization; • Multiple file requests; • Relies on the order that scripts are defined; • Zero control over global name collision.

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Module Pattern (and its variants)

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AJAX came out and we started to write more JavaScript

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Scripts → Applications

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Larger applications demand a good code architecture

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var Module = (function () { // "private" var myPrivateVariable, myPrivateMethod; myPrivateVariable = 'foo'; myPrivateMethod = function() {} // "public" return { myPublicVariable: 'bar', myPublicMethod: function () {} }; })();

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Module Pattern • Provide a nice way of organizing modules and exposing their APIs; • Still doesn’t solve dependency organization nor dependency loading.

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HTML5 and Node.js came out and all of sudden everything is being written in JavaScript

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CommonJS is a community effort to define best practices with a goal of compatibility across multiple environments

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Later adopted as the default module system for Node.js

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// No `define()`, the file itself is a closure // Nice way to `require()` dependencies var log = require('debug/log'); var toArray = require('helpers/toArray'); var parseJSON = require('serialization/json').parse; function lorem() { log('I am a CommonJS module!'); } // Expose the public API exports.lorem = lorem; /* To use this module we've created, simple `require()` it: */ var Module = require('module'); // Calling a public method Module.lorem(); // I am a CommonJS module!

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CommonJS • The beauty of CommonJS is its simplicity; • Perfect for server side JS; • Synchronous nature, doesn’t know nothing about the browser; • Browserify kinda solves that by compiling modules to vanilla JS.

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AMD stands for Asynchronous Module Definition

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It was born as a set of changes to the CommonJS spec

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It’s a mechanism for defining modules and its dependencies in an asynchronous way

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The browser is asynchronous by nature, AMD was made to play well with it

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// Define a new module, the file name will be set as the id define( // Module dependencies ['debug/log', 'helpers/toArray', 'serialization/json/parse'], // Module implementation function(log, toArray, parseJSON) { function lorem() { log('I am an AMD module!'); } return { lorem: lorem } } );

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/* To use this module we've created, simply define it as a dependency and use it: */ // Creating a new module that uses our previously created module define(['module'], function(Module) { console.log(Module.lorem()); // I am an AMD module! });

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AMD • The syntax looks a bit weird at first glance (but you get used to it) • You can use whatever patterns and paradigms you want, AMD will just give you a sane module system to work with; • Easy way to spot module dependencies; • All dependencies are ready to be used on module implementation.

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Module Loaders

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Since AMD is just an API, you must use what’s called a module loader

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The most popular module loader for AMD is by far RequireJS (but there are others)

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RequireJS is also Node.js friendly

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require.config({ // Base path for all the modules loaded baseUrl: 'assets/js', paths: { // Path aliases are awesome 'foo': 'lib/lorem/ipsum/dolor/foo', // Super easy to implement things like cache busting 'bar/baz': 'bar/baz_v0.3.2' } });

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RequireJS offers support for plugins

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define( // Plugins always end with a bang `!` ['text!./tmplt/sliderTemplate.mustache', 'image!./img/doge.png'], function(sliderTemplate, doge) { var template = sliderTemplate; document.body.appendChild(doge); } );

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Lazy loading support

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define(['require'], function(require) { // List of files to be lazy loaded var files = ['vendors/analytics', 'vendors/ab_test']; // Calling it directly just so you can get the idea // But you could wait for a user interaction, for example require(files, function(analytics, ab_test) { analytics.initialize(); ab_test.initialize(); }); });

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AMD Goodies • No build step required; • Offers an optimisation tool called r.js that makes it really easy to generate file wrappers/bundles for production.

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Harmony modules

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Harmony is the code-name for the 6th version of ECMAScript (ES6)

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Lots of features were added, including a native module system!

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// Regular import import 'file' from 'io/file'; // Import wildcard import * as helpers from 'helpers'; // Named imports import {sha2, md5} from 'crypto'; // Export a function export function warn(message) { console.warn(message); } // Export a constant export const pi = 3.14; // Default exports export default function() { console.log('I am the default module method!'); }

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// Native support for classes as well import MyClass from 'MyClass'; let instance = new MyClass();

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Harmony modules • The way that ES6 loads and evaluates code is very similar to AMD’s approach; • ES6 final spec is already being implemented but it’s going to take some time to be well spread across all environments; • In the meantime you can start playing with it using a transpiler such as babel (previously called 6to5) or Traceur from Google; • Doesn’t really fit into production yet because it relies on a large vendor library and even a runtime to work properly.

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What should I use then?

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There’s no right answer (LOL sorry)

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If you’re writing server side JavaScript, go with CommonJS

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If you’re writing code for the browser, AMD can be your best friend

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Things are still evolving, ES6 is already happening and HTTP2 is coming to help us on that as well

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@rafaelrinaldi Thanks