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small controlled experiments @mathiasverraes

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small uncontrolled experiments @mathiasverraes

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Mathias Verraes Independent Consultant Value Object Comm.V Student of Systems Meddler of Models Labourer of Legacy

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Fitness landscape

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Continuous Improvement

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"When changing teams or organizations, the trick is not to try and push them out of their current behavior. (...) A better idea is to change parameters in the environment so that their current situation becomes unstable and disappears all by itself." 4 Jurgen Appelo6 6 Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders

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Retrospectives are too slow

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Unproductive pressure to improve

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Daily Two minutes, after standup

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Brainstorm rules "Yes, and... " Divergence Convergence7 7 "Thinking in New Boxes", Alan Iny & Luc de Brabandere

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Avoid upfront consensus "A meeting is where ideas go to die" Experiments over opinions

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"If we have data, let's look at data. If all we have are opinions, let's go with mine." 4 Jim Barksdale

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Avoid upfront expectations Expectations determine outcomes

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Low impact Small, cheap, reversible, low-risk

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No backlog Backlogs kill motivation

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Timeline Stickies

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Guarantee veto Everybody must be heard

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Measure selectively & intentionally Avoid optimising for the metrics

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Accept uncertainty Non-scientific Exposes invisible problems

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Accept gut feeling Emotional response is fine

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Accept failed experiments Welcome failures as new data points

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Kaizen Mind The urgency to improve

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Climate of Doubt Assume everything is broken and fixable

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"If an idea is obviously bad, find a quick way to test it, because if it's not bad, then it's really interesting." 4 Kent Beck

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Experiment Deliver one story a day

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Experiment Atomically scoped stories

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Experiment Start every story in pair

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Experiment Testers deploy independently

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Experiment Core Protocols

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Experiment Syncing physical boards

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If it's not on a wall or a board, it's not visual.

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Experiment Measure by hand

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Experiment Hide the estimate from the board

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Experiment No more sprint deadlines

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Experiment No interrupts after lunch

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Experiment Vizualize cost of interrupts

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Experiment Wall of Technical Debt8 8

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Use experiments to detect problems

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