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Numeronyms n8s

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pydantic-i18n So what is it?

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pydantic-i18n pydantic-i18n is an extension to support an i18n for the pydantic error messages

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pydantic-i18n So what is it?

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pydantic-i18n To start to work with pydantic-i18n, you can just create a dictionary (or create any needed translations storage and then convert it into dictionary) and pass to the main PydanticI18n class.

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pydantic-i18n So what is it?

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What does i18n mean? i18n = internationalisation

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Pydantic-i18n = internationalisation for pydantic Why didn't you say?

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Numeronyms Have you read about k8s, a11y, i18n, l10n, m17n, c14n and v12n - but no idea what people are talking about?

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Numeronyms It's not because you're stupid - it's because they're obtusely using numeronyms!

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Numeronyms Numeronyms are a cryptographically (c15y) secure way to compress long words using a one-way hash, meaning they cannot usually be decrypted.

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Numeronyms Kubernetes

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Numeronyms Kubernetes

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Numeronyms Kubernetes -12345678-

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Numeronyms K 8 s

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I wrote a numeronym decrypter in Python $ python -d i18n intercrystallization interdifferentiation internationalization institutionalization

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Are you feeling lucky? $ python -d a11y --lucky aboriginality

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Want to turn a long word into a numeronym? $ python -e numeronym n7m

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Want to turn a short word into a numeronym? $ python -e test t2t

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Want to turn a shorter word into a numeronym? $ python -e bin b1n

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Want to turn an even shorter word into a numeronym? $ python -e ha h0a

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Want to turn an even shorter word into a numeronym? $ python -e x x-1x

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What are numeronymns? Even Wikipedia doesn't know ● 143 – I love you ● 187 – slang for "murder" ● 520 – I love you ● E15 – The Eyjaallajökull volcano in Iceland ● s5n – shorten ● h7k – hyperlink ● a16z – Andreessen Horowitz ● 64 – Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 ● K8s – Kubernetes ● sk8r – Skater ● K9 – Canine

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K3s? WTF? We wanted an installation of Kubernetes that was half the size in terms of memory footprint. Kubernetes is a 10-letter word stylized as K8s. So something half as big as Kubernetes would be a 5-letter word stylized as K3s.

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K3s? WTF? We wanted an installation of Kubernetes that was half the size in terms of memory footprint. Kubernetes is a 10-letter word stylized as K8s. So something half as big as Kubernetes would be a 5-letter word stylized as K3s.

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Numeronyms are obnoxious Like with acronyms, don't assume people know what they mean! Expand them!