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Architecting Large Web Apps Stefan Tilkov
 [email protected]

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What is “large“?

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Scaling Dimensions Logic Load written in
 a day depends on
 German tax law a dozen
 users half
 of the
 planet Netflix Twitter Insurance
 Policy Management Facebook Amazon Random CMS

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Pick the best car:

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Architecture & Organization Modularization Frontend Strategies

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Architecture & Organization

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Conway’s Law: Organization → Architecture “Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce systems which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.”
 – M.E. Conway

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Antipattern: Conference-driven Architecture

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Antipattern: Decoupling Illusion Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Platform Person

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Antipattern: Half-hearted Modularization Dev Ops

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Antipattern: Solution Centrism Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Solution

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Antipattern: Uncreative Chaos

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Antipattern: Authoritarian Regime

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Pattern: Autonomous Cells Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Biz Dev Ops Biz Dev Ops Biz Dev Ops

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Pattern: Autonomous Cells Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Biz Dev Ops Biz Dev Ops Biz Dev Ops

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Pattern: Evolutionary Architecture

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Pattern: Regulated Market

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Pattern: Marketing-based Governance

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Sizing Patterns

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Example: Product Detail Page • Core product data • Prose description • Images • Reviews • Related content Orchestration →μSOA

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Pattern: μSOA (Microservice-SOA) • Small, self-hosted • Communicating synchronously • Cascaded/streaming • Containerized Description: As seen on: • Netflix • Twitter • Gilt

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Pattern: μSOA (Microservice-SOA) • Close collaboration – common goal • Need for resilience/stability patterns for invocations • High cost of coordination (versioning, compatibility, …) • High infrastructure demand • Often combined with parallel/streaming approach • Well suited to environments with extreme scalability requirements Consequences:

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Example: Logistics Application • Order management • Shipping • Route planning • Invoicing Frontend →DDDD Event Bus/Infrastructure

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Pattern: DDDD (Distributed Domain-driven Design) • Small, self-hosted • Bounded contexts • Redundant data/CQRS • Business events • Containerized Description: As seen on: • (undisclosed)

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Pattern: DDDD (Distributed Domain-driven Design) • Loose coupling between context • Acknowledges separate evolution of contexts • Asynchronicity increases stability • Well-suited for to support parallel development Consequences:

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That UI thing? Easy!

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Example: E-Commerce Site • Register & maintain account • Browse catalog • See product details • Checkout • Track status →SCS

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Pattern: SCS (Self-contained Systems) • Self-contained, autonomous • Including UI + DB • Possibly composed of smaller microservices Description: As seen on: • Amazon • Groupon • •

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Pattern: SCS (Self-contained Systems) • Larger, independent systems,
 including data + UI (if present) • Able to autonomously serve requests • Light-weight integration, ideally via front-end • No extra infrastructure needed • Well suited if goal is decoupling of development teams Consequences:

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The final sizing pattern …

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Benefits of Monoliths • Highly cohesive, tightly integrated, single unit of deployment • Standard application with internal modularity • No artificially introduced distribution • Single unit of development and evolution • Easy to refactor • Homogeneous technical choices • Ideally suited for single small team

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We love monoliths –
 so let’s build a lot of them!

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Frontend Architecture

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“Really remote” vs. “almost local” μS μS μS μS μS μS Inside DC;
 Latency: μs Frontend Typically Internet;
 Latency: ms

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“Backend for Frontend” μS μS μS μS μS μS BFF Frontend

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Multiple BFFs for different clients μS μS μS μS μS μS BFF Frontend BFF Frontend BFF Frontend Imagine more arrows here

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Multiple channels – facing every user Browse product Pick recommendation Buy Check status Comment

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Users expect a seamless experience across channels
 – everything accessible, everywhere.

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Build services that actually do something Process Flow Presentation Domain Logic Data JDBC in disguise Useful and specific Re- usable and low- level

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Assumption: Services matter most (a.k.a. “SOAs Original Sin”) UIs matter more.

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μS μS μS μS μS Frontend μS Frontend + services in a backend architect’s mind μS μS μS μS μS Frontend μS Frontend + services in the real world

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Redundancy with Multiple BFFs μS μS μS μS μS μS Frontend A Frontend B Frontend C

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Ideal world UI componentization μS μS μS μS μS μS FE μS μS FE Not all μS need a UI “Vertical”

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SCS: Self-contained Systems http:/ /

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Backend Platform More than one platform μS μS μS μS μS μS Frontend Platform FE μS μS FE

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Rendered on Client Rendered on Server Desktop Mobile Set top Web App Native App Frontend, we’ve got frontends Frontend Hybrid

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Web UI Integration: Links System 1 System 2

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Web UI Integration: Redirection System 1 System 2

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Web UI Integration: Transclusion System 1 System 2

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Web UI Integration: Web Components System 1 Component

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How to get away with “just” the Web • Mobile first • Responsive design • Progressive enhancement • Shared assets • Pull vs. push • Sacrifice (some) efficiency Small frontends, loosely coupled

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Rendered on Client Rendered on Server Desktop Mobile Set top Web App Native App What about other approaches? Frontend Hybrid ✔ ✔ ✔ ?

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Native frontends resemble server monoliths Goals: • As few assumptions as possible • No implementation dependencies • Small interface surface • Based on standards • Parallel development • Independent deployment • Autonomous operations Constraint: • Only internal modularization Solution (sort of): • Organizational structure • Platform interfaces • Release trains • Discipline

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Rendered on Client Rendered on Server Desktop Mobile Set top Web App Native App What about other “modern” web apps? Frontend Hybrid ✔ ✔ ✔ (✔) ?

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Assumption: JS-centric web apps can
 be as good as native apps They shouldn’t be as bad!

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“Web service”1) • Use HTTP as transport • Ignore verbs • Ignores URIs • Expose single “endpoint” • Fails to embrace the Web 1) in the SOAP/WSDL sense “Web app”2) > Uses browser as runtime > Ignores forward, back, refresh > Does not support linking > Exposes monolithic “app” > Fails to embrace the browser 2) built as a careless SPA

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HTML & Hypermedia • In REST, servers expose a hypermedia format • Option 1: Just use HTML • Option 2: Just invent your own JSON-based, incomplete clone • Clients need to be RESTful, too • Option 1: Use the browser • Option 2: Invent your own, JS-based, buggy, incomplete implementation

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$('.multiselect', context).each(function() {
 selectedList: 2,
 checkAllText: "Alle",
 uncheckAllText: "Keinen"


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Why choose a monolith if you don’t have to? Any sufficiently complicated JavaScript client application contains an ad hoc, informally- specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half a browser. (Me, with apologies to Phillip Greenspun)

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ROCA: Resource-oriented Client Architecture http:/ /

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If you’re a fan of single page apps,
 at least build more than one • Don’t reinvent browser integration features • Accept some inefficiency • Trade-off for framework independence • Avoid modularity à la Java EE, OSGi etc.

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Maintaining Consistency

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Challenges & Cross-cutting Concerns Single sign-on End-to-end testing Visual consistency Re-use Skill transfer

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Visual Components • Design System • Style guide • Pattern library

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Style Guide Challenges • Possible centralization & resulting bottlenecks • (Semi-)manual workflow • Copy/paste & resulting redundancy & overhead

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1. Know where your problems are

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2. Beware of the monolith …

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3. … unless it makes sense

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4. Create evolvable structures

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5. Embrace the Web

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Christian Albrecht [email protected] Phone: +49 171 5514847 innoQ Deutschland GmbH Krischerstr. 100 40789 Monheim am Rhein Germany Phone: +49 2173 3366-0 innoQ Schweiz GmbH Gewerbestr. 11 CH-6330 Cham Switzerland Phone: +41 41 743 0116 Ohlauer Straße 43 10999 Berlin Germany Phone: +49 2173 3366-0 Ludwigstr. 180E 63067 Offenbach Germany Phone: +49 2173 3366-0 Kreuzstraße 16
 80331 München Germany Phone: +49 2173 3366-0 @stilkov That’s all I have.
 Thanks for listening! Questions? Stefan Tilkov @stilkov
 [email protected]
 Phone: +49 170 471 2625

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Slide 77 text OFFICES Monheim Berlin Offenbach Munich Hamburg Zurich FACTS ~150 employees Privately owned Vendor-independent SERVICES Strategy & technology consulting Digital business models Software architecture & development Digital platforms & infrastructures Knowledge transfer, coaching & trainings CLIENTS Finance Telecommunications Logistics E-commerce Fortune 500 SMBs Startups