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Testing Oban Jobs from the Inside Out

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Parker Selbert @sorentwo Dscout / Soren Hiring!!! Not Hiring…

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Oban is a persistent background job system with layered components. (queues, workers, jobs, plugins, telemetry)

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Automated testing is an essential component of any reliable application. (at least those that are long-lived and actively developed 😉)

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We need to verify that all moving parts are working together as we expect.

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Database Application Queue Queue Queue Worker Job Job Job Job Job Job Job Job Worker Worker Context Controller

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Where you focus test effort depends on performance, isolation, and boundaries.

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Unit Integration Acceptance Recommended Testing Pyramid

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Background jobs are always about side effects.

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Great tests are async, isolated within transactions.

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Testing Setup

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Play nicely with Ecto’s SQL.Sandbox for isolated testing.

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config :my_app, Oban, repo: MyApp.Repo, plugins: [Oban.Plugins.Pruner, Oban.Plugins.Stager], queues: [ default: 10, events: 20, emails: 5 ] config.exs

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config :my_app, Oban, plugins: false, queues: false test.exs

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Use Oban.Testing for unit, integration, and acceptance tests.

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defmodule MyApp.Case do use ExUnit.CaseTemplate using do quote do use Oban.Testing, repo: MyApp.Repo end end setup do :ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(MyApp.Repo, :manual) :ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkout(MyApp.Repo) end end MyApp.Repo.start_link() ExUnit.start() test_helper.exs

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Now we’re ready for some Testing!

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Unit Testing

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Application Worker Worker Worker Worker Database Unit

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@doc """ Construct a job and execute it with a worker module. """ @spec perform_job( worker :: Worker.t(), args :: term(), opts :: [Job.option() | {:repo, module()}] ) :: Worker.result() oban/testing.ex

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defmodule MyApp.ActivationWorkerTest do use MyApp.Case, async: true test "activating a new account" do account = MyApp.Account.create(name: “ElixirConf”, email: “[email protected]”) {:ok, account} = perform_job(MyApp.ActivationWorker, %{id:}) assert end end activation_worker_test.exs

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defmodule MyApp.ActivationWorkerTest do use MyApp.Case, async: true test "activating a new account" do account = MyApp.Account.create(name: “ElixirConf”, email: “[email protected]") {:ok, account} = perform_job(MyApp.ActivationWorker, %{id:}) assert end end activation_worker_test.exs

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1) test activating a new account (MyApp.AccountWorkerTest) Expected worker to be a module that implements the Oban.Worker behaviour, got: MyApp.AccountWorker code: {:ok, account} = perform_job(MyApp.AccountWorker, %{id:})

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defmodule MyApp.ActivationWorker do use Oban.Worker @impl Worker def perform(%Job{args: %{id: account_id}}) do MyApp.Account.activate(account_id) end end activation_worker.ex

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1) test activating a new account (MyApp.AccountWorkerTest) ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in MyApp.AccountWorker.perform/1 The following arguments were given to MyApp.AccountWorker.perform/1: # 1 %Oban.Job{args: %{"id" => 1}, attempt: 1, worker: "MyApp.AccountWorker"} code: {:ok, account} = perform_job(MyApp.AccountWorker, %{id:})

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defmodule MyApp.ActivationWorker do use Oban.Worker @impl Worker def perform(%Job{args: %{"id" => account_id}}) do MyApp.Account.activate(account_id) end end activation_worker.ex

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1) test activating a new account (MyApp.AccountWorkerTest) Expected result to be one of - `:ok` - `:discard` - `{:ok, value}` - `{:error, reason}` - `{:discard, reason}` - `{:snooze, duration} Instead received: {:activated, %MyApp.Account{active?: true, id: 1, name: nil}} code: {:ok, account} = perform_job(MyApp.AccountWorker, %{id:})

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defmodule MyApp.ActivationWorker do use Oban.Worker @impl Worker def perform(%Job{args: %{id: account_id}}) do with {:activated, account} <- MyApp.Account.activate(account_id) do {:ok, account} end end end activation_worker.ex

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. Finished in 0.3 seconds (0.2s on load, 0.08s async, 0.00s sync) 1 test, 0 failures

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defmodule MyApp.ActivationWorkerTest do use MyApp.Case, async: true test "activating a new account" do account = MyApp.Account.create(name: “ElixirConf”, email: “[email protected]”) {:ok, account} = perform_job(MyApp.ActivationWorker, %{id:}, priority: 9) assert end end activation_worker_test.exs

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1) test activating a new account (MyApp.ActivationWorkerTest) Expected args and opts to build a valid job, got validation errors: priority: must be less than 4 code: {:ok, account} = perform_job(MyApp.ActivationWorker, %{id: id}, priority: 9)

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defmodule MyApp.ActivationWorkerTest do use MyApp.Case, async: true test "activating a new account" do account = MyApp.Account.create(name: “ElixirConf”, email: “[email protected]”) {:ok, account} = perform_job(MyApp.ActivationWorker, %{id:}, priority: 3) assert end end activation_worker_test.exs

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. Finished in 0.3 seconds (0.2s on load, 0.08s async, 0.00s sync) 1 test, 0 failures

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Use perform_job/1 to: • Ensure Worker Behavior • Check String Keys in perform/1 • Verify Return Values • Encode/Decode Args to JSON • Validate Job Opts • Exercise a Custom new/1 Callback

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Integration Testing

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Application Worker Worker Worker Worker Database Integration

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@doc """ Assert that a job with particular options has been enqueued. """ @spec assert_enqueued(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: true @doc """ Refute that a job with particular options has been enqueued. """ @spec refute_enqueued(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: false oban/testing.ex

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defmodule MyApp.AccountTest do use MyApp.Case, async: true test "scheduling activation upon sign up" do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: “ElixirConf”, email: “[email protected]") assert_enqueued worker: MyApp.ActivationWorker, args: %{id:}, queue: :default end end account_test.exs

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defmodule MyApp.AccountTest do use MyApp.Case, async: true test "scheduling activation upon sign up" do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: “ElixirConf”, email: “[email protected]") assert_enqueued worker: MyApp.ActivationWorker, args: %{id:}, queue: :default end end account_test.exs

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1) test scheduling activation upon sign up (MyApp.AccountTest) Expected a job matching: %{args: %{id: 4}, queue: :default, worker: MyApp.ActivationWorker} to be enqueued in the "public" schema. Instead found: [] code: assert_enqueued worker: MyApp.ActivationWorker,

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defmodule MyApp.Account do def sign_up(args) do changeset = changeset(args) with {:ok, account} <- MyApp.Repo.insert(changeset) do %{id:} |> |> Oban.insert() {:ok, account} end end account.ex

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. Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s async, 0.00s sync) 1 test, 0 failures

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def sign_up(args) do changeset = changeset(args) with {:ok, account} <- MyApp.Repo.insert(changeset) do Task.start(fn -> Process.sleep(100) %{id:} |> |> Oban.insert() end) {:ok, account} end end account.ex

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1) test scheduling activation upon sign up (MyApp.AccountTest) Expected a job matching: %{args: %{id: 4}, queue: :default, worker: MyApp.ActivationWorker} to be enqueued in the "public" schema. Instead found: [] code: assert_enqueued worker: MyApp.ActivationWorker,

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test "scheduling activation upon sign up" do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "ElixirConf", email: "[email protected]") expected_opts = [ worker: MyApp.ActivationWorker, args: %{id:}, queue: :default ] assert_enqueued expected_opts, 150 end account_test.exs

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. Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s async, 0.00s sync) 1 test, 0 failures

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test "skipping activation on failed sign up" do {:error, _changeset} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "", email: "") refute_enqueued [worker: MyApp.ActivationWorker], 150 end account_test.exs

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. Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s async, 0.00s sync) 2 tests, 0 failures

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Use assert_enqueued/* and refute_enqueued/* to: • Assert Jobs in the Database • Refute Jobs in the Database • Query by Worker/Args/Meta/Queue/ScheduledAt/Etc. • Compensate for Async Activity with Timeouts

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Acceptance Testing

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Application Database Worker Worker Worker Worker Acceptance

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@type drain_option :: {:queue, queue_name()} | {:with_limit, pos_integer()} | {:with_recursion, boolean()} | {:with_safety, boolean()} | {:with_scheduled, boolean()}
 @type drain_result :: %{ failure: non_neg_integer(), snoozed: non_neg_integer(), success: non_neg_integer() } @doc """ Synchronously execute all available jobs in a queue. """ @spec drain_queue([drain_option()]) :: drain_result() oban.ex

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Wait… That’s not in the Oban.Testing module!

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test "delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up" do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "ElixirConf", email: "[email protected]") assert %{success: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails) assert_email_sent MyApp.AccountEmail.welcome(account) end account_test.exs

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test "delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up" do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "ElixirConf", email: "[email protected]") assert %{success: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails) assert_email_sent MyApp.AccountEmail.welcome(account) end account_test.exs

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test "delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up" do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "ElixirConf", email: "[email protected]") assert %{success: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails) assert_email_sent MyApp.AccountEmail.welcome(account) end account_test.exs

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1) test delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up (MyApp.AccountTest) match (=) failed code: assert %{success: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails) left: %{success: 1} right: %{success: 0, failure: 0, snoozed: 0}

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def sign_up(args) do changeset = changeset(args) with {:ok, account} <- MyApp.Repo.insert(changeset) do Oban.insert_all([{id:}),{id:}, schedule_in: {1, :hour}) ]) {:ok, account} end end account.ex

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defmodule MyApp.WelcomeWorker do use Oban.Worker, queue: :emails @impl Worker def perform(%Job{args: %{"id" => account_id}}) do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Repo.get(MyApp.Account, account_id) account |> MyApp.AccountEmail.welcome() |> MyApp.Mailer.deliver() end end welcome_worker.ex

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1) test delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up (MyApp.AccountTest) match (=) failed code: assert %{success: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails) left: %{success: 1} right: %{success: 0, failure: 0, snoozed: 0}

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test "delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up" do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "ElixirConf", email: "[email protected]") assert %{success: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails, with_scheduled: true) assert_email_sent MyApp.AccountEmail.welcome(account) end account_test.exs

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1) test delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up (MyApp.AccountTest) match (=) failed code: assert %{success: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails, with_scheduled: true) left: %{success: 1} right: %{success: 0, failure: 1, snoozed: 0}

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test "delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up" do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "ElixirConf", email: "[email protected]") assert %{success: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails, with_safety: false, with_scheduled: true) assert_email_sent MyApp.AccountEmail.welcome(account) end account_test.exs

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1) test delivering a follow-up welcome email after sign up (MyApp.AccountTest) ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: %MyApp.Account{active: false, email: "[email protected]", id: 16, name: "ElixirConf"} code: Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails, with_scheduled: true, with_safety: false)

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defmodule MyApp.WelcomeWorker do use Oban.Worker, queue: :emails @impl Worker def perform(%Job{args: %{"id" => account_id}}) do {:ok, account} = MyApp.Repo.get(MyApp.Account, account_id) account |> MyApp.AccountEmail.welcome() |> MyApp.Mailer.deliver() end end welcome_worker.ex

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defmodule MyApp.WelcomeWorker do use Oban.Worker, queue: :emails @impl Worker def perform(%Job{args: %{"id" => account_id}}) do account = MyApp.Repo.get(MyApp.Account, account_id) account |> MyApp.AccountEmail.welcome() |> MyApp.Mailer.deliver() end end welcome_worker.ex

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. Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.2s async, 0.00s sync) 3 tests, 0 failures, 0 excluded

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test "starting our welcome drip after sign up" do {:ok, _account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "ElixirConf", email: "[email protected]") assert %{success: 4, failure: 0, snoozed: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails, with_scheduled: true, with_safety: false) end account_test.exs

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defmodule MyApp.ActivationWorker do use Oban.Worker @impl Worker def perform(%Job{args: %{"id" => account_id} = args}) do with {:activated, account} <- MyApp.Account.activate(account_id) do Oban.insert_all([, schedule_in: {1, :hour}),, schedule_in: {1, :day}),, schedule_in: {1, :week}) ]) {:ok, account} end end end activation_worker.ex

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1) test starting our welcome drip after sign up (MyApp.AccountTest) match (=) failed code: assert %{success: 4, failure: 0, snoozed: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :emails, with_scheduled: true, with_safety: false) left: %{failure: 0, snoozed: 0, success: 4} right: %{failure: 0, snoozed: 0, success: 1}

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test "starting our welcome drip after sign up" do {:ok, _account} = MyApp.Account.sign_up(name: "ElixirConf", email: "[email protected]") assert %{success: 4, failure: 0, snoozed: 0} = Oban.drain_queue( queue: :emails, with_scheduled: true, with_safety: false, with_recursion: true ) end account_test.exs

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. Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.2s async, 0.00s sync) 4 tests, 0 failures, 0 excluded

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Use drain_queue/* to: • Execute All Jobs in a Particular Queue • Make Scheduled Jobs Immediately Available • Surface Job Errors and Exceptions • Recursively Execute All Jobs

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Inline Testing

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If you absolutely must run jobs normally during your tests. (for browser testing or live view)

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config :my_app, Oban, name: Oban.Disabled, plugins: false, queues: false test.exs

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setup do start_supervised_oban!(queues: [default: 5, emails: 5]) :ok end any_test.exs

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@doc """ Set up a supvervised version of Oban with the provided options. """ def start_supervised_oban!(opts) do opts = opts |> Keyword.put_new(:name, Oban) |> Keyword.put_new(:repo, Repo) |> Keyword.put_new(:plugins, [{Repeater, interval: 25}]) |> Keyword.put_new(:poll_interval, :timer.minutes(10)) |> Keyword.put_new(:shutdown_grace_period, 25) start_supervised!({Oban, opts}, id: opts[:name]) end test_helper.exs

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@doc """ Set up a supvervised version of Oban with the provided options. """ def start_supervised_oban!(opts) do opts = opts |> Keyword.put_new(:name, Oban) |> Keyword.put_new(:repo, Repo) |> Keyword.put_new(:plugins, [{Repeater, interval: 25}]) |> Keyword.put_new(:poll_interval, :timer.minutes(10)) |> Keyword.put_new(:shutdown_grace_period, 25) start_supervised!({Oban, opts}, id: opts[:name]) end test_helper.exs

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@doc """ Set up a supvervised version of Oban with the provided options. """ def start_supervised_oban!(opts) do opts = opts |> Keyword.put_new(:name, Oban) |> Keyword.put_new(:repo, Repo) |> Keyword.put_new(:plugins, [{Repeater, interval: 25}]) |> Keyword.put_new(:poll_interval, :timer.minutes(10)) |> Keyword.put_new(:shutdown_grace_period, 25) start_supervised!({Oban, opts}, id: opts[:name]) end test_helper.exs

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@doc """ Set up a supvervised version of Oban with the provided options. """ def start_supervised_oban!(opts) do opts = opts |> Keyword.put_new(:name, Oban) |> Keyword.put_new(:repo, Repo) |> Keyword.put_new(:plugins, [{Repeater, interval: 25}]) |> Keyword.put_new(:poll_interval, :timer.minutes(10)) |> Keyword.put_new(:shutdown_grace_period, 25) start_supervised!({Oban, opts}, id: opts[:name]) end test_helper.exs

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Use start_supervised_oban!/1 to: • Run Jobs Normally in the Background • …Without Scheduling • …Without Isolation • …Without Control

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Write tests for your Oban jobs! Whether it’s from the inside-out or the outside-in, that’s up to you.

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