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慶應義塾大学 杉浦孔明研究室
Seeing the Unseen:
Visual Common Sense for
Semantic Placement
Ram Ramrakhya1, Aniruddha Kembhavi2, Dhruv Batra1, Zsolt Kira1,
Kuo-Hao Zeng2, Luca Weihs2
(1Georgia Institute of Technology, 2PRIOR @ Allen Institute of AI)
CVPR 2024
慶應義塾大学 杉浦孔明研究室
Ramrakhya, R., Kembhavi, A., Batra, D., Kira, Z., Zeng, K., Weihs, L. "Seeing the Unseen: Visual Common Sense for Semantic Placement." CVPR 2024.