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DEMYSTIFYING PUBLIC TRANSIT DATA Gaurav Godhwani (@gggodhwani) Image Source: By AM via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities CC BY-NC 2.0 URL:,

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OPEN DATA & PUBLIC TRANSIT IN BANGALORE Image Source: By Hayathkhan via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0 URL:

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Bus No: 600

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Bus No: 601

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EXPLORING PUBLIC TRANSIT IN INDORE Source: By Prateek Karandikar via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0 URL: us_route_7.JPG

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System length: 277 Km Began operation: 26 January 2006, 11 years ago Number of lines: 32 Number of stations: 426 Operator: Atal Indore City Transport Service Limited Locale: Indore, Mhow, Rau, Hatod, Pithampur, Manpur INDORE CITY BUSES BY NUMBER

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May 10, 2013 Under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission URL: Source: By Dario Hidalgo, TheCItyFix URL: nsit-transport-landscape-ab-road-indore-india-prashanth-ba chu/

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And various Apps coming in the market, yet ‘accurate’ data is not available for general public

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But still most helpful information is given in this form when we citizens approach the authorities.

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And these are the routes published by AiCTSL

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● Publishing this data in open, possibly in multiple formats like Comma Separated Values (CSVs), General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS), etc. ● Performing various city transit analysis like - stop reachability, proximity analysis for schools, public institutions, etc ● Engaging communities to utilize and publish such data on a regular basis ● Advocacy with Atal Indore City Transport Services Ltd(AICTSL) and iBus NEXT STEPS

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THANKS Gaurav Godhwani Email: [email protected] Handle: gggodhwani